diff --git a/zio-http/src/main/scala/zhttp/service/Server.scala b/zio-http/src/main/scala/zhttp/service/Server.scala
index dbed3eb7ab..302be0bc90 100644
--- a/zio-http/src/main/scala/zhttp/service/Server.scala
+++ b/zio-http/src/main/scala/zhttp/service/Server.scala
@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
import Server._
- def ++[R1 <: R, E1 >: E](other: Server[R1, E1]): Server[R1, E1] =
- Concat(self, other)
private def settings[R1 <: R, E1 >: E](s: Config[R1, E1] = Config()): Config[R1, E1] = self match {
case Concat(self, other) => other.settings(self.settings(s))
case LeakDetection(level) => s.copy(leakDetectionLevel = level)
@@ -32,9 +29,12 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
case UnsafeChannelPipeline(init) => s.copy(channelInitializer = init)
case RequestDecompression(enabled, strict) => s.copy(requestDecompression = (enabled, strict))
case ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize) => s.copy(objectAggregator = maxRequestSize)
- case UnsafeServerbootstrap(init) => s.copy(serverbootstrapInitializer = init)
+ case UnsafeServerBootstrap(init) => s.copy(serverBootstrapInitializer = init)
+ def ++[R1 <: R, E1 >: E](other: Server[R1, E1]): Server[R1, E1] =
+ Concat(self, other)
def make(implicit
ev: E <:< Throwable,
): ZManaged[R with EventLoopGroup with ServerChannelFactory, Throwable, Start] =
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
start.provideSomeLayer[R1](EventLoopGroup.auto(0) ++ ServerChannelFactory.auto)
- * Creates a new server listening on the provided port.
+ * Creates a new server using a HttpServerExpectContinueHandler to send a 100
+ * HttpResponse if necessary.
- def withPort(port: Int): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port)))
+ def withAcceptContinue(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.AcceptContinue(enable))
* Creates a new server listening on the provided hostname and port.
@@ -73,21 +74,17 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
def withBinding(inetSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.Address(inetSocketAddress))
- * Creates a new server with the errorHandler provided.
- */
- def withError[R1](errorHandler: Throwable => ZIO[R1, Nothing, Unit]): Server[R with R1, E] =
- Concat(self, Server.Error(errorHandler))
- /**
- * Creates a new server with the following ssl options.
+ * Creates a new server with FlushConsolidationHandler to control the flush
+ * operations in a more efficient way if enabled (@see FlushConsolidationHandler).
- def withSsl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.Ssl(sslOptions))
+ def withConsolidateFlush(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, ConsolidateFlush(enable))
- * Creates a new server using a HttpServerExpectContinueHandler to send a 100
- * HttpResponse if necessary.
+ * Creates a new server with the errorHandler provided.
- def withAcceptContinue(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.AcceptContinue(enable))
+ def withError[R1](errorHandler: Throwable => ZIO[R1, Nothing, Unit]): Server[R with R1, E] =
+ Concat(self, Server.Error(errorHandler))
* Creates a new server using netty FlowControlHandler if enable (@see
def withFlowControl(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.FlowControl(enable))
+ /**
+ * Creates a new server with netty's HttpServerKeepAliveHandler to close
+ * persistent connections when enable is true (@see HttpServerKeepAliveHandler).
+ */
+ def withKeepAlive(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, KeepAlive(enable))
* Creates a new server with the leak detection level provided (@see ResourceLeakDetector.Level).
@@ -102,18 +106,29 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
def withLeakDetection(level: LeakDetectionLevel): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, LeakDetection(level))
- * Creates a new server with netty's HttpServerKeepAliveHandler to close
- * persistent connections when enable is true (@see HttpServerKeepAliveHandler).
+ * Creates a new server with HttpObjectAggregator with the specified max size
+ * of the aggregated content.
- def withKeepAlive(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, KeepAlive(enable))
+ def withObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int = Int.MaxValue): Server[R, E] =
+ Concat(self, ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize))
- * Creates a new server with FlushConsolidationHandler to control the flush
- * operations in a more efficient way if enabled (@see FlushConsolidationHandler).
+ * Creates a new server listening on the provided port.
- def withConsolidateFlush(enable: Boolean): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, ConsolidateFlush(enable))
+ def withPort(port: Int): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port)))
+ /**
+ * Creates a new server with netty's HttpContentDecompressor to decompress
+ * Http requests (@see HttpContentDecompressor).
+ */
+ def withRequestDecompression(enabled: Boolean, strict: Boolean): Server[R, E] =
+ Concat(self, RequestDecompression(enabled, strict))
+ /**
+ * Creates a new server with the following ssl options.
+ */
+ def withSsl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions): Server[R, E] = Concat(self, Server.Ssl(sslOptions))
* Creates a new server by passing a function that modifies the channel
@@ -131,89 +146,64 @@ sealed trait Server[-R, +E] { self =>
* bootstrap is generally not advised unless you know what you are doing.
def withUnsafeServerBootstrap(unsafeServerbootstrap: ServerBootstrap => Unit): Server[R, E] =
- Concat(self, UnsafeServerbootstrap(unsafeServerbootstrap))
- /**
- * Creates a new server with netty's HttpContentDecompressor to decompress
- * Http requests (@see HttpContentDecompressor).
- */
- def withRequestDecompression(enabled: Boolean, strict: Boolean): Server[R, E] =
- Concat(self, RequestDecompression(enabled, strict))
- /**
- * Creates a new server with HttpObjectAggregator with the specified max size
- * of the aggregated content.
- */
- def withObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int = Int.MaxValue): Server[R, E] =
- Concat(self, ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize))
+ Concat(self, UnsafeServerBootstrap(unsafeServerbootstrap))
object Server {
- private[zhttp] final case class Config[-R, +E](
- leakDetectionLevel: LeakDetectionLevel = LeakDetectionLevel.SIMPLE,
- error: Option[Throwable => ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]] = None,
- sslOption: ServerSSLOptions = null,
+ val disableFlowControl: UServer = Server.FlowControl(false)
+ val disableLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.DISABLED)
+ val simpleLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.SIMPLE)
+ val advancedLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.ADVANCED)
+ val paranoidLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.PARANOID)
+ val disableKeepAlive: UServer = Server.KeepAlive(false)
+ val consolidateFlush: UServer = ConsolidateFlush(true)
- // TODO: move app out of settings
- app: HttpApp[R, E] = Http.empty,
- address: InetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(8080),
- acceptContinue: Boolean = false,
- keepAlive: Boolean = true,
- consolidateFlush: Boolean = false,
- flowControl: Boolean = true,
- channelInitializer: ChannelPipeline => Unit = null,
- requestDecompression: (Boolean, Boolean) = (false, false),
- objectAggregator: Int = -1,
- serverbootstrapInitializer: ServerBootstrap => Unit = null,
- ) {
- def useAggregator: Boolean = objectAggregator >= 0
- }
+ def acceptContinue: UServer = Server.AcceptContinue(true)
+ def app[R, E](http: HttpApp[R, E]): Server[R, E] = Server.App(http)
- * Holds server start information.
+ * Creates a server from a http app.
- final case class Start(port: Int = 0)
+ def apply[R, E](http: HttpApp[R, E]): Server[R, E] = Server.App(http)
+ def bind(port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port))
+ def bind(hostname: String, port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))
+ def bind(inetAddress: InetAddress, port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port))
- private final case class Concat[R, E](self: Server[R, E], other: Server[R, E]) extends Server[R, E]
- private final case class LeakDetection(level: LeakDetectionLevel) extends UServer
- private final case class Error[R](errorHandler: Throwable => ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]) extends Server[R, Nothing]
- private final case class Ssl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions) extends UServer
- private final case class Address(address: InetSocketAddress) extends UServer
- private final case class App[R, E](app: HttpApp[R, E]) extends Server[R, E]
- private final case class KeepAlive(enabled: Boolean) extends Server[Any, Nothing]
- private final case class ConsolidateFlush(enabled: Boolean) extends Server[Any, Nothing]
- private final case class AcceptContinue(enabled: Boolean) extends UServer
- private final case class FlowControl(enabled: Boolean) extends UServer
- private final case class UnsafeChannelPipeline(init: ChannelPipeline => Unit) extends UServer
- private final case class RequestDecompression(enabled: Boolean, strict: Boolean) extends UServer
- private final case class ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int) extends UServer
- private final case class UnsafeServerbootstrap(init: ServerBootstrap => Unit) extends UServer
- def app[R, E](http: HttpApp[R, E]): Server[R, E] = Server.App(http)
- def port(port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port))
- def bind(port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port))
- def bind(hostname: String, port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))
- def bind(inetAddress: InetAddress, port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port))
def bind(inetSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress): UServer = Server.Address(inetSocketAddress)
+ def enableObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int = Int.MaxValue): UServer = ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize)
def error[R](errorHandler: Throwable => ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]): Server[R, Nothing] = Server.Error(errorHandler)
- def ssl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions): UServer = Server.Ssl(sslOptions)
- def acceptContinue: UServer = Server.AcceptContinue(true)
+ def make[R](
+ server: Server[R, Throwable],
+ ): ZManaged[R with EventLoopGroup with ServerChannelFactory, Throwable, Start] = {
+ val settings = server.settings()
+ for {
+ channelFactory <- ZManaged.access[ServerChannelFactory](_.get)
+ eventLoopGroup <- ZManaged.access[EventLoopGroup](_.get)
+ zExec <- HttpRuntime.sticky[R](eventLoopGroup).toManaged_
+ handler = new ServerResponseWriter(zExec, settings, ServerTime.make)
+ reqHandler = settings.app.compile(zExec, settings, handler)
+ init = ServerChannelInitializer(zExec, settings, reqHandler)
+ serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap().channelFactory(channelFactory).group(eventLoopGroup)
+ chf <- ZManaged.effect(serverBootstrap.childHandler(init).bind(settings.address))
+ _ <- ChannelFuture.asManaged(chf)
+ port <- ZManaged.effect(chf.channel().localAddress().asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress].getPort)
+ } yield {
+ ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(settings.leakDetectionLevel.jResourceLeakDetectionLevel)
+ Start(port)
+ }
+ }
+ def port(port: Int): UServer = Server.Address(new InetSocketAddress(port))
def requestDecompression(strict: Boolean): UServer = Server.RequestDecompression(enabled = true, strict = strict)
- val disableFlowControl: UServer = Server.FlowControl(false)
- val disableLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.DISABLED)
- val simpleLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.SIMPLE)
- val advancedLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.ADVANCED)
- val paranoidLeakDetection: UServer = LeakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.PARANOID)
- val disableKeepAlive: UServer = Server.KeepAlive(false)
- val consolidateFlush: UServer = ConsolidateFlush(true)
- def unsafePipeline(pipeline: ChannelPipeline => Unit): UServer = UnsafeChannelPipeline(pipeline)
- def enableObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int = Int.MaxValue): UServer = ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize)
- def unsafeServerbootstrap(serverBootstrap: ServerBootstrap => Unit): UServer = UnsafeServerbootstrap(serverBootstrap)
- /**
- * Creates a server from a http app.
- */
- def apply[R, E](http: HttpApp[R, E]): Server[R, E] = Server.App(http)
+ def ssl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions): UServer = Server.Ssl(sslOptions)
* Launches the app on the provided port.
@@ -251,24 +241,60 @@ object Server {
.provideSomeLayer[R](EventLoopGroup.auto(0) ++ ServerChannelFactory.auto)
- def make[R](
- server: Server[R, Throwable],
- ): ZManaged[R with EventLoopGroup with ServerChannelFactory, Throwable, Start] = {
- val settings = server.settings()
- for {
- channelFactory <- ZManaged.access[ServerChannelFactory](_.get)
- eventLoopGroup <- ZManaged.access[EventLoopGroup](_.get)
- zExec <- HttpRuntime.sticky[R](eventLoopGroup).toManaged_
- handler = new ServerResponseWriter(zExec, settings, ServerTime.make)
- reqHandler = settings.app.compile(zExec, settings, handler)
- init = ServerChannelInitializer(zExec, settings, reqHandler)
- serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap().channelFactory(channelFactory).group(eventLoopGroup)
- chf <- ZManaged.effect(serverBootstrap.childHandler(init).bind(settings.address))
- _ <- ChannelFuture.asManaged(chf)
- port <- ZManaged.effect(chf.channel().localAddress().asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress].getPort)
- } yield {
- ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(settings.leakDetectionLevel.jResourceLeakDetectionLevel)
- Start(port)
- }
+ def unsafePipeline(pipeline: ChannelPipeline => Unit): UServer = UnsafeChannelPipeline(pipeline)
+ def unsafeServerBootstrap(serverBootstrap: ServerBootstrap => Unit): UServer = UnsafeServerBootstrap(serverBootstrap)
+ /**
+ * Holds server start information.
+ */
+ final case class Start(port: Int = 0)
+ private[zhttp] final case class Config[-R, +E](
+ leakDetectionLevel: LeakDetectionLevel = LeakDetectionLevel.SIMPLE,
+ error: Option[Throwable => ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]] = None,
+ sslOption: ServerSSLOptions = null,
+ // TODO: move app out of settings
+ app: HttpApp[R, E] = Http.empty,
+ address: InetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(8080),
+ acceptContinue: Boolean = false,
+ keepAlive: Boolean = true,
+ consolidateFlush: Boolean = false,
+ flowControl: Boolean = true,
+ channelInitializer: ChannelPipeline => Unit = null,
+ requestDecompression: (Boolean, Boolean) = (false, false),
+ objectAggregator: Int = -1,
+ serverBootstrapInitializer: ServerBootstrap => Unit = null,
+ ) {
+ def useAggregator: Boolean = objectAggregator >= 0
+ private final case class Concat[R, E](self: Server[R, E], other: Server[R, E]) extends Server[R, E]
+ private final case class LeakDetection(level: LeakDetectionLevel) extends UServer
+ private final case class Error[R](errorHandler: Throwable => ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit]) extends Server[R, Nothing]
+ private final case class Ssl(sslOptions: ServerSSLOptions) extends UServer
+ private final case class Address(address: InetSocketAddress) extends UServer
+ private final case class App[R, E](app: HttpApp[R, E]) extends Server[R, E]
+ private final case class KeepAlive(enabled: Boolean) extends Server[Any, Nothing]
+ private final case class ConsolidateFlush(enabled: Boolean) extends Server[Any, Nothing]
+ private final case class AcceptContinue(enabled: Boolean) extends UServer
+ private final case class FlowControl(enabled: Boolean) extends UServer
+ private final case class UnsafeChannelPipeline(init: ChannelPipeline => Unit) extends UServer
+ private final case class RequestDecompression(enabled: Boolean, strict: Boolean) extends UServer
+ private final case class ObjectAggregator(maxRequestSize: Int) extends UServer
+ private final case class UnsafeServerBootstrap(init: ServerBootstrap => Unit) extends UServer