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🌳 syntax-tree-surfer 🌳🌊

Syntax Tree Surfer is a plugin for Neovim that helps you surf through your document and move elements around using the nvim-treesitter API.

tree surfing cover

Table of Contents

  1. Version 1.0 Functionalities
  2. How do I install?
  3. Version 1.1 Update
  4. Version 2.0 Beta Update
  5. Version 2.2 Update

Version 1.0 Functionalities

Navigate around your document based on Treesitter's abstract Syntax Tree. Step into, step out, step over, step back.


Move / Swap elements around based on your visual selection


Swap in Normal Mode - Now supports Dot (.) Repeat


How do I install?

Use your favorite Plugin Manager with the link ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer

For Packer:

use "ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer"

How do I set things up?

Here's my suggestion:

-- Syntax Tree Surfer
local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true}

-- Normal Mode Swapping:
-- Swap The Master Node relative to the cursor with it's siblings, Dot Repeatable
vim.keymap.set("n", "vU", function()
	vim.opt.opfunc = "v:lua.STSSwapUpNormal_Dot"
	return "g@l"
end, { silent = true, expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "vD", function()
	vim.opt.opfunc = "v:lua.STSSwapDownNormal_Dot"
	return "g@l"
end, { silent = true, expr = true })

-- Swap Current Node at the Cursor with it's siblings, Dot Repeatable
vim.keymap.set("n", "vd", function()
	vim.opt.opfunc = "v:lua.STSSwapCurrentNodeNextNormal_Dot"
	return "g@l"
end, { silent = true, expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "vu", function()
	vim.opt.opfunc = "v:lua.STSSwapCurrentNodePrevNormal_Dot"
	return "g@l"
end, { silent = true, expr = true })

--> If the mappings above don't work, use these instead (no dot repeatable)
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "vd", '<cmd>STSSwapCurrentNodeNextNormal<cr>', opts)
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "vu", '<cmd>STSSwapCurrentNodePrevNormal<cr>', opts)
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "vD", '<cmd>STSSwapDownNormal<cr>', opts)
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "vU", '<cmd>STSSwapUpNormal<cr>', opts)

-- Visual Selection from Normal Mode
vim.keymap.set("n", "vx", '<cmd>STSSelectMasterNode<cr>', opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "vn", '<cmd>STSSelectCurrentNode<cr>', opts)

-- Select Nodes in Visual Mode
vim.keymap.set("x", "J", '<cmd>STSSelectNextSiblingNode<cr>', opts)
vim.keymap.set("x", "K", '<cmd>STSSelectPrevSiblingNode<cr>', opts)
vim.keymap.set("x", "H", '<cmd>STSSelectParentNode<cr>', opts)
vim.keymap.set("x", "L", '<cmd>STSSelectChildNode<cr>', opts)

-- Swapping Nodes in Visual Mode
vim.keymap.set("x", "<A-j>", '<cmd>STSSwapNextVisual<cr>', opts)
vim.keymap.set("x", "<A-k>", '<cmd>STSSwapPrevVisual<cr>', opts)

Now let's start Tree Surfing! 🌲💦

Version 1.1 update

This feature will help you save some keystrokes & brain power when you want to create some code at the top level node of your current cursor position.

lua require("syntax-tree-surfer").go_to_top_node_and_execute_commands(false, { "normal! O", "normal! O", "startinsert" })<cr>

The .go_to_top_node_and_execute_commands() method takes 2 arguments:

  1. boolean: if false then it will jump to the beginning of the node, if true it jumps to the end.

  2. lua table: a table that contains strings, each string is a vim command example: { "normal! O", "normal! O", "startinsert" }

Version 2.0 Beta Update

Targeted Jump with Virtual Text


Filtered Jump through user-defined node types


These are experimental features and I wish to expand them even further. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know 😊

Example mappings for Version 2.0 Beta functionalities:

-- Syntax Tree Surfer V2 Mappings
-- Targeted Jump with virtual_text
local sts = require("syntax-tree-surfer")
vim.keymap.set("n", "gv", function() -- only jump to variable_declarations
	sts.targeted_jump({ "variable_declaration" })
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gfu", function() -- only jump to functions
	sts.targeted_jump({ "function", "arrrow_function", "function_definition" })
  --> In this example, the Lua language schema uses "function",
  --  when the Python language uses "function_definition"
  --  we include both, so this keymap will work on both languages
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gif", function() -- only jump to if_statements
	sts.targeted_jump({ "if_statement" })
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gfo", function() -- only jump to for_statements
	sts.targeted_jump({ "for_statement" })
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gj", function() -- jump to all that you specify
end, opts)

-- filtered_jump --
-- "default" means that you jump to the default_desired_types or your lastest jump types
vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-n>", function()
	sts.filtered_jump("default", true) --> true means jump forward
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-p>", function()
	sts.filtered_jump("default", false) --> false means jump backwards
end, opts)

-- non-default jump --> custom desired_types
vim.keymap.set("n", "your_keymap", function()
	}, true) --> true means jump forward
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "your_keymap", function()
	}, false) --> false means jump backwards
end, opts)

-- jump with limited targets --
-- jump to sibling nodes only
vim.keymap.set("n", "-", function()
	}, false, { destination = "siblings" })
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "=", function()
	sts.filtered_jump({ "if_statement", "else_clause", "else_statement" }, true, { destination = "siblings" })
end, opts)

-- jump to parent or child nodes only
vim.keymap.set("n", "_", function()
	}, false, { destination = "parent" })
end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "+", function()
	}, true, { destination = "children" })
end, opts)

-- Setup Function example:
-- These are the default options:
	highlight_group = "STS_highlight",
	disable_no_instance_found_report = false,
	default_desired_types = {
	left_hand_side = "fdsawervcxqtzb",
	right_hand_side = "jkl;oiu.,mpy/n",
	icon_dictionary = {
		["if_statement"] = "",
		["else_clause"] = "",
		["else_statement"] = "",
		["elseif_statement"] = "",
		["for_statement"] = "",
		["while_statement"] = "",
		["switch_statement"] = "",
		["function"] = "",
		["function_definition"] = "",
		["variable_declaration"] = "",

Because every languages have different schemas and node-types, you can check the node-types that you're interested in with

You can also do a quick check using the command :STSPrintNodesAtCursor

Version 2.2 Update

Hold and swap nodes


This feature allows marking a node and then swapping it with another node.

Example mapping:

-- Holds a node, or swaps the held node
vim.keymap.set("n", "gnh", "<cmd>STSSwapOrHold<cr>", opts)
-- Same for visual
vim.keymap.set("x", "gnh", "<cmd>STSSwapOrHoldVisual<cr>", opts)

The lower-level functionality can be accessed via:

require("syntax-tree-surfer").hold_or_swap(true) -- param is_visual boolean

note that STSSwapOrHoldVisual will clear the visual selection, but hold_or_swap(true) will not.

Special Thanks To:

@lmburns for #9

@spiderforrest for #14