Code and dataset for tackling location privacy-preserving edge demand response (LEDR) problem are presented here comprehensively and systematically.
Here, we synthesize a new dataset named EDR based on the information from AWS wavelength, Alibaba Cloud, and a real-world dataset EUA, including edge server capacities, edge server coverages, edge server and user locations within the Melbourne CBD area, server start-up and maintenance costs, etc.
- edge servers: contains datasets of edge server locations and capabilities.
- users folder: contains datasets of user location and resource demands.
The code of GEES is presented systematically. Different stages regarding the LEDR problem are simulated and modeled by respective functions.
Python 3.8.9
Libraries including Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, POT, and Math are leveraged for computing, while Matplotlib and Timeit are utilized for figure presentation and time recording.
Following are the packages required during the project of GEES. This is a quick set-up to help you get your environment prepared.
pip install numpy # numpy 1.25.1
pip install pandas # pandas 1.5.3
pip install scipy # scipy 1.11.1
pip install POT # POT 0.9.0
pip install math
pip install timeit