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Data Ingestion

This lesson will cover the topics of Data Lake and pipelines orchestration with Airflow.

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Data Lake

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What is a Data Lake?

A Data Lake is a central repository that holds big data from many sources.

The data in a Data Lake could either be structured, unstructured or a mix of both.

The main goal behind a Data Lake is being able to ingest data as quickly as possible and making it available to the other team members.

A Data Lake should be:

  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Able to run on inexpensive hardware

Data Lake vs Data Warehouse

A Data Lake (DL) is not to be confused with a Data Warehouse (DW). There are several differences:

  • Data Processing:
    • DL: The data is raw and has undergone minimal processing. The data is generally unstructured.
    • DW: the data is refined; it has been cleaned, pre-processed and structured for specific use cases.
  • Size:
    • DL: Data Lakes are large and contains vast amounts of data, in the order of petabytes. Data is transformed when in use only and can be stored indefinitely.
    • DW: Data Warehouses are small in comparison with DLs. Data is always preprocessed before ingestion and may be purged periodically.
  • Nature:
    • DL: data is undefined and can be used for a wide variety of purposes.
    • DW: data is historic and relational, such as transaction systems, etc.
  • Users:
    • DL: Data scientists, data analysts.
    • DW: Business analysts.
  • Use cases:
    • DL: Stream processing, machine learning, real-time analytics...
    • DW: Batch processing, business intelligence, reporting.

Data Lakes came into existence because as companies started to realize the importance of data, they soon found out that they couldn't ingest data right away into their DWs but they didn't want to waste uncollected data when their devs hadn't yet finished developing the necessary relationships for a DW, so the Data Lake was born to collect any potentially useful data that could later be used in later steps from the very start of any new projects.


When ingesting data, DWs use the Export, Transform and Load (ETL) model whereas DLs use Export, Load and Transform (ELT).

The main difference between them is the order of steps. In DWs, ETL (Schema on Write) means the data is transformed (preprocessed, etc) before arriving to its final destination, whereas in DLs, ELT (Schema on read) the data is directly stored without any transformations and any schemas are derived when reading the data from the DL.

Data Swamp - Data Lakes gone wrong

Data Lakes are only useful if data can be easily processed from it. Techniques such as versioning and metadata are very helpful in helping manage a Data Lake. A Data Lake risks degenerating into a Data Swamp if no such measures are taken, which can lead to:

  • No versioning of the data
  • Incompatible schemes for the same data
  • No metadata associated
  • Joins between different datasets are not possible

Data Lake Cloud Providers

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Orchestration with Airflow

Introduction to Workflow Orchestration

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In the previous lesson we saw the definition of data pipeline and we created a pipeline script that downloaded a CSV and processed it so that we could ingest it to Postgres.

The script we created is an example of how NOT to create a pipeline, because it contains 2 steps which could otherwise be separated (downloading and processing). The reason is that if our internet connection is slow or if we're simply testing the script, it will have to download the CSV file every single time that we run the script, which is less than ideal.

Ideally, each of these steps would be contained as separate entities, like for example 2 separate scripts. For our pipeline, that would look like this:

(web) → DOWNLOAD → (csv) → INGEST → (Postgres)

We have now separated our pipeline into a DOWNLOAD script and a INGEST script.

In this lesson we will create a more complex pipeline:

(parquet) ------→ UPLOAD TO S3
(parquet in GCS)
(table in BQ)

Parquet is a columnar storage datafile format which is more efficient than CSV.

This Data Workflow has more steps and even branches. This type of workflow is often called a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) because it lacks any loops and the data flow is well defined.

The steps in capital letters are our jobs and the objects in between are the jobs' outputs, which behave as dependencies for other jobs. Each job may have its own set of parameters and there may also be global parameters which are the same for all of the jobs.

A Workflow Orchestration Tool allows us to define data workflows and parametrize them; it also provides additional tools such as history and logging.

The tool we will focus on in this course is Apache Airflow, but there are many others such as Luigi, Prefect, Argo, etc.

Airflow architecture

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A typical Airflow installation consists of the following components:

airflow architecture

  • The scheduler handles both triggering scheduled workflows as well as submitting tasks to the executor to run. The scheduler is the main "core" of Airflow.
  • The executor handles running tasks. In a default installation, the executor runs everything inside the scheduler but most production-suitable executors push task execution out to workers.
  • A worker simply executes tasks given by the scheduler.
  • A webserver which seves as the GUI.
  • A DAG directory; a folder with DAG files which is read by the scheduler and the executor (an by extension by any worker the executor might have)
  • A metadata database (Postgres) used by the scheduler, the executor and the web server to store state. The backend of Airflow.
  • Additional components (not shown in the diagram):
    • redis: a message broker that forwards messages from the scheduler to workers.
    • flower: app for monitoring the environment, available at port 5555 by default.
    • airflow-init: initialization service which we will customize for our needs.

Airflow will create a folder structure when running:

  • ./dags - DAG_FOLDER for DAG files
  • ./logs - contains logs from task execution and scheduler.
  • ./plugins - for custom plugins

Additional definitions:

  • DAG: Directed acyclic graph, specifies the dependencies between a set of tasks with explicit execution order, and has a beginning as well as an end. (Hence, “acyclic”). A DAG's Structure is as follows:
    • DAG Definition
    • Tasks (eg. Operators)
    • Task Dependencies (control flow: >> or << )
  • Task: a defined unit of work. The Tasks themselves describe what to do, be it fetching data, running analysis, triggering other systems, or more. Common Types of tasks are:
    • Operators (used in this workshop) are predefined tasks. They're the most common.
    • Sensors are a subclass of operator which wait for external events to happen.
    • TaskFlow decorators (subclasses of Airflow's BaseOperator) are custom Python functions packaged as tasks.
  • DAG Run: individual execution/run of a DAG. A run may be scheduled or triggered.
  • Task Instance: an individual run of a single task. Task instances also have an indicative state, which could be running, success, failed, skipped, up for retry, etc.
    • Ideally, a task should flow from none, to scheduled, to queued, to running, and finally to success.

Setting up Airflow with Docker

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  1. This tutorial assumes that the service account credentials JSON file is named google_credentials.json and stored in $HOME/.google/credentials/. Copy and rename your credentials file to the required path.
  2. docker-compose should be at least version v2.x+ and Docker Engine should have at least 5GB of RAM available, ideally 8GB. On Docker Desktop this can be changed in Preferences > Resources.

Setup (full version)

Please follow these instructions for deploying the "full" Airflow with Docker. Instructions for a "lite" version are provided in the next section but you must follow these steps first.

  1. Create a new airflow subdirectory in your work directory.
  2. Download the official Docker-compose YAML file for the latest Airflow version.
    curl -LfO ''
  3. We now need to set up the Airflow user. For MacOS, create a new .env in the same folder as the docker-compose.yaml file with the content below:
    • In all other operating systems, you may need to generate a .env file with the appropiate UID with the following command:
      echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
  4. The base Airflow Docker image won't work with GCP, so we need to customize it to suit our needs. You may download a GCP-ready Airflow Dockerfile from this link. A few things of note:
    • We use the base Apache Airflow image as the base.
    • We install the GCP SDK CLI tool so that Airflow can communicate with our GCP project.
    • We also need to provide a requirements.txt file to install Python dependencies. The dependencies are:
      • apache-airflow-providers-google so that Airflow can use the GCP SDK.
      • pyarrow , a library to work with parquet files.
  5. Alter the x-airflow-common service definition inside the docker-compose.yaml file as follows:
    • We need to point to our custom Docker image. At the beginning, comment or delete the image field and uncomment the build line, or arternatively, use the following (make sure you respect YAML indentation):
          context: .
          dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
    • Add a volume and point it to the folder where you stored the credentials json file. Assuming you complied with the pre-requisites and moved and renamed your credentials, add the following line after all the other volumes:
      - ~/.google/credentials/:/.google/credentials:ro
    • Add 2 new environment variables right after the others: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT:
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /.google/credentials/google_credentials.json
      AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT: 'google-cloud-platform://?extra__google_cloud_platform__key_path=/.google/credentials/google_credentials.json'
    • Add 2 new additional environment variables for your GCP project ID and the GCP bucket that Terraform should have created in the previous lesson. You can find this info in your GCP project's dashboard.
      GCP_PROJECT_ID: '<your_gcp_project_id>'
      GCP_GCS_BUCKET: '<your_bucket_id>'
    • Change the AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES value to 'false'. This will prevent Airflow from populating its interface with DAG examples.
  6. You may find a modified docker-compose.yaml file in this link.
  7. Additional notes:
    • The YAML file uses CeleryExecutor as its executor type, which means that tasks will be pushed to workers (external Docker containers) rather than running them locally (as regular processes). You can change this setting by modifying the AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR environment variable under the x-airflow-common environment definition.

You may now skip to the Execution section to deploy Airflow, or continue reading to modify your docker-compose.yaml file further for a less resource-intensive Airflow deployment.

Setup (lite version)

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The current docker-compose.yaml file we've generated will deploy multiple containers which will require lots of resources. This is the correct approach for running multiple DAGs accross multiple nodes in a Kubernetes deployment but it's very taxing on a regular local computer such as a laptop.

If you want a less overwhelming YAML that only runs the webserver and the scheduler and runs the DAGs in the scheduler rather than running them in external workers, please modify the docker-compose.yaml file following these steps:

  1. Remove the redis, airflow-worker, airflow-triggerer and flower services.
  2. Change the AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR environment variable from CeleryExecutor to LocalExecutor .
  3. At the end of the x-airflow-common definition, within the depends-on block, remove these 2 lines:
      condition: service_healthy
  4. Comment out the AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND and AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL environment variables.

You should now have a simplified Airflow "lite" YAML file ready for deployment and may continue to the next section.

For convenience, a simplified YAML version is available in this link.


  1. Build the image. It may take several minutes You only need to do this the first time you run Airflow or if you modified the Dockerfile or the requirements.txt file.
    docker-compose build
  2. Initialize configs:
    docker-compose up airflow-init
  3. Run Airflow
    docker-compose up -d
  4. You may now access the Airflow GUI by browsing to localhost:8080. Username and password are both airflow .

IMPORTANT: this is NOT a production-ready setup! The username and password for Airflow have not been modified in any way; you can find them by searching for _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME and _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD inside the docker-compose.yaml file.

Creating a DAG

For reference, check out Airflow's docs.

A DAG is created as a Python script which imports a series of libraries from Airflow.

There are 3 different ways of declaring a DAG. Here's an example definition using a context manager:

with DAG(dag_id="my_dag_name") as dag:
    op1 = DummyOperator(task_id="task1")
    op2 = DummyOperator(task_id="task2")
    op1 >> op2
  • When declaring a DAG we must provide at least a dag_id parameter. There are many additional parameters available.
  • The content of the DAG is composed of tasks. This example contains 2 operators, which are predefined tasks provided by Airflow's libraries and plugins.
    • An operator only has to be declared with any parameters that it may require. There is no need to define anything inside them.
    • All operators must have at least a task_id parameter.
  • Finally, at the end of the definition we define the task dependencies, which is what ties the tasks together and defines the actual structure of the DAG.
    • Task dependencies are primarily defined with the >> (downstream) and << (upstream) control flow operators.
    • Additional functions are available for more complex control flow definitions.
  • A single Python script may contain multiple DAGs.

Many operators inside a DAG may have common arguments with the same values (such as start_date). We can define a default_args dict which all tasks within the DAG will inherit:

default_args = {
    'start_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1),
    'owner': 'airflow'

with DAG('my_dag', default_args=default_args) as dag:
    op = DummyOperator(task_id='dummy')
    print(op.owner)  # "airflow"

For this lesson we will focus mostly on operator tasks. Here are some examples:

download_dataset_task = BashOperator(
    bash_command=f"curl -sS {dataset_url} > {path_to_local_home}/{dataset_file}"
  • A BashOperator is a simple bash command which is passed on the bash_command parameter. In this example, we're doenloading some file.
  format_to_parquet_task = PythonOperator(
          "src_file": f"{path_to_local_home}/{dataset_file}",
  • A PythonOperator calls a Python method rather than a bash command.
  • In this example, the python_callable argument receives a function that we've defined before in the DAG file, which receives a file name as a parameter then opens that file and saves it in parquet format.
  • the op_kwargs parameter is a dict with all necessary parameters for the function we're calling. This example contains a single argument with a file name.

A list of operators is available on Airflow's Operators docs. A list of GCP-specific operators is also available.

As mentioned before, DAGs can be scheduled. We can define a schedule in the DAG definition by including the start_date and schedule_interval parameters, like this:

from datetime import datetime

with DAG(
    schedule_interval="0 6 2 * *",
    start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1)
  ) as dag:
    op1 = DummyOperator(task_id="task1")
    op2 = DummyOperator(task_id="task2")
    op1 >> op2
  • The scheduler will run a job AFTER the start date, at the END of the interval
  • The interval is defined as a cron job expression. You can use crontab guru to define your own.
    • In this example, 0 6 2 * * means that the job will run at 6:00 AM on the second day of the month each month.
  • The starting date is what it sounds like: defines when the jobs will start.
    • The jobs will start AFTER the start date. In this example, the starting date is January 1st, which means that the job won't run until January 2nd.

Running DAGs

DAG management is carried out via Airflow's web UI.

airflow ui

There are 2 main ways to run DAGs:

  • Triggering them manually via the web UI or programatically via API
  • Scheduling them

When you trigger or schedule a DAG, a DAG instance is created, called a DAG run. DAG runs can run in parallel for the same DAG for separate data intervals.

Each task inside a DAG is also instantiated, and a state is given to each task instance. Ideally, a task should flow from none, to scheduled, to queued, to running, and finally to success.

In the DAGs dashboard, all available DAGs are shown along with their schedule, last and next runs and the status of the DAG's tasks.

You may manually trigger a DAG by clicking on the Play button on the left of each DAG.

A more detailed view and options for each DAG can be accessed by clicking on the DAG's name.

dag details

The tree view is offered by default, but you can get a graph view of the DAG by clicking on the Graph button.

dag details

The status of each task can be seen in both views as you trigger a DAG.

Airflow and DAG tips and tricks

  • The default Airflow Docker image does not have wget by default. You can either add a line to your custom image to install it or you can use curl instead. Here's how to handle file downloading:
    import os
    AIRFLOW_HOME = os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_HOME", "/opt/airflow/")
    URL_PREFIX = '' 
    URL_TEMPLATE = URL_PREFIX + '/yellow_tripdata_{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y-%m\') }}.csv'
    OUTPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE = AIRFLOW_HOME + '/output_{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y-%m\') }}.csv'
    with my_worflow as dag:
      download_task = BashOperator(
        task_id = 'download'
        bash_command=f'curl -sSL {URL_TEMPLATE} > {OUTPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE}'
    • We want to periodically download data each month and the filename changes according to the name and month. We can use templating to parametrize the filename.
      • Airflow uses the Jinja template engine.
      • Jinja templates make use of {%...%} for statements (control structures such as if and for, macros, etc) and {{...}} for expressions (literals, math and logic operators, variables, Python methods, etc).
      • Airflow offers a series of predefined variables and macros which can be consulted in this link.
      • We use a template to rename the file with the current year and month that the task is running:
        • execution_date is an Airflow variable that returns the execution date (or logical date in newer versions of Airflow) of the task, which denotes the current data interval as specified by the start_date of the DAG and the number of executions. In this example, this is useful to download past data, since we can trigger this DAG manually and in each execution the execution date will increase by the amount specified in the schedule_interval, thus allowing us to download data for multiple months by simply rerunning the DAG.
          • Do not confuse this variable with the actual current date!
        • strftime() is a Python function that returns a string representing a date. You can check how to define the format of the string in this link. In this example we're outputting the year and month.
    • curl command:
      • Like all other commands, options can be stacked if there aren't additional parameters. In this case, -sS is the same as -s -S.
      • -s is the same as --silent; it won't output any progress meters on the console.
      • -S is the same as --show-error; when combined with silent mode as -sS, it will print error messages if any but will not show any progress output.
      • -L will follow a link in case the original URL redirects somewhere else.
      • By default, curl outputs to console. We could use the -o option to print to a file or redirect the output in the shell with > as shown here.
  • When creating a custom Airflow Docker image, in the Dockerfile, when installing additional packages with pip, it's a good idea to disable caching in order to make smaller images:
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  • The .env file we created during Airflow setup is useful por passing environment variables which can later be reused in multiple places rather than having them hardcoded:
    1. Define your variables inside .env. For example:
    2. Add the environment variables in docker-compose.yaml inside the x-airflow-common environment definition:
      PG_HOST: "${PG_HOST}"
      PG_USER: "${PG_USER}"
    3. In your DAG, grab the variables with os.getenv():
      PG_HOST = os.getenv('PG_HOST')
      PG_USER = os.getenv('PG_USER')
      PG_PASSWORD = os.getenv('PG_PASSWORD')
    4. In Python Operator tasks inside a DAG, you can pass arguments as a dict. Instead of op_kwargs={'key':'value'}, you can use op_kwargs=dict(host=PG_HOST, ...) to define the arguments dictionay in an easier way.
  • A key design principle of tasks and DAGs is idempotency. A task is idempotent if the end result is identical regardless of whether we run the task once or multiple times.
    • For example, if we create a DAG to handle ingestion to our database, the DAG is idempotent if the final table in the database is the same whether we run the DAG once or many times. If it created multiple duplicate tables or multiple records in a single table, then the DAG is NOT idempotent.
    • In our ingestion code, we managed idempotency by dropping any pre-existing databases and recreataing them from scratch.
  • You can define multiple DAGs in a single file. Remember that there are multiple ways of declaring a DAG; we can use this to recycle code for multiple different DAGs:
    • Define a function with all the arguments you may need such as filenames or buckets as well as a dag parameter, and inside the function declare the DAG with a context manager with all of your base tasks:
      def my_cool_dag_function(dag, param_1, param_2, ...):
        with dag:
          task_1 = BashOperator(task_id=param_1, ...)
          task_2 = PythonOperator(task_id=param_2, ...)
          # ...
          task_1 >> task_2 >> ...
    • Create as many DAG objects as you need using standard constructors:
      first_dag = DAG(
      second_dag = DAG(
      # ...
    • Call your function as many times as the amount of DAGs you've defined and pass the DAG objects as params to your function.
    • You can check an example DAG file with 3 DAGs in this link.

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Airflow in action

We will now learn how to use Airflow to populate a Postgres database locally and in GCP's BigQuery.

Ingesting data to local Postgres with Airflow

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We want to run our Postgres setup from last section locally as well as Airflow, and we will use the script from a DAG to ingest the NYC taxi trip data to our local Postgres.

  1. Prepare an ingestion script. We will use this file.
    • This script is heavily based on the script from last session, but the code has been wrapped inside a ingest_callable() method that will receive parameters from Airflow in order to connect to the database.
    • We originally ran a dockerized version of the script; we could dockerize it again with a special DockerOperator task but we will simply run it with PythonOperator in our DAG for simplicity.
  2. Prepare a DAG. We will use this DAG file. The DAG will have the following tasks:
    1. A download BashOperator task that will download the NYC taxi data.
    2. A PythonOperator task that will call our ingest script in order to fill our database.
    3. All the necessary info for connecting to the database will be defined as environment variables.
  3. Modify the .env file to include all the necessary environment files. We will use this .env file.
  4. Modify the Airflow docker-compose.yaml file to include the environment variables. We will use this docker-compose.yaml file.
  5. Modify the custom Airflow Dockerfile so that we can run our script (this is only for the purposes of this exercise) by installing the additional Python libraries that the file needs. We will use this Dockerfile.
    • Add this right after installing the requirements.txt file: RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pandas sqlalchemy psycopg2-binary
  6. Rebuild the Airflow image with docker-compose build and initialize the Airflow config with docker-compose up airflow-init.
  7. Start Airflow by using docker-compose up and on a separate terminal, find out which virtual network it's running on with docker network ls. It most likely will be something like airflow_default.
  8. Modify the docker-compose.yaml file from lesson 1 by adding the network info and commenting away the pgAdmin service in order to reduce the amount of resources we will consume (we can use pgcli to check the database). We will use this docker-compose-lesson2.yaml file.
  9. Run the updated docker-compose-lesson2.yaml with docker-compose -f docker-compose-lesson2.yaml up . We need to explicitly call the file because we're using a non-standard name.
  10. Optionally, you can login to a worker container and try to access the database from there.
    1. Run docker ps and look for a airflow_airflow-worker container. Copy the container ID.
    2. Login to the worker container with docker exec -it <container_id> bash
    3. Run python to start Python's interactive mode. Run the following lines:
      from sqlalchemy import create_engine
      engine = create_engine('postgresql://root:root@pgdatabase:5432/ny_taxi')
    4. You should see the output of the connect() method. You may now exit both the Python console and logout from the container.
  11. Open the Airflow dashboard and trigger the LocalIngestionDag DAG by clicking on the Play icon. Inside the detailed DAG view you will find the status of the tasks as they download the files and ingest them to the database. Note that the DAG will run as many times as stated in the drop down menu, which is 25 by default. DAG in progress
  12. Click on any of the colored squares to see the details of the task. task details task details task details
  13. As both the download and ingest tasks finish and the squares for both turn dark green, you may use pgcli -h localhost -p 5432 -u root -d ny_taxi on a separate terminal to check the tables on your local Postgres database. You should see a new table per run.
  14. Once you're finished, remember to use docker-compose down on both the Airflow and Postgres terminals.

Ingesting data to GCP

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We will now run a slightly more complex DAG that will download the NYC taxi trip data, convert it to parquet, upload it to a GCP bucket and ingest it to GCP's BigQuery.

  1. Prepare a DAG for the aforementioned tasks. We will use this DAG file. Copy it to the /dags subdirectory in your work folder.
    • A BashOperator is used to download the dataset and then 2 PythonOperator tasks are used to format the file to parquet and then upload the file to a GCP bucket.
      • You may find more info on how to programatically upload to a bucket with Python in this link.
    • A BigQueryCreateExternalTableOperator is used for ingesting the data into BigQuery. You may read more about it in this link.
  2. If not started, run Airflow with docker-compose up airflow-init and then docker-compose up.
  3. Select the DAG from Airflow's dashboard and trigger it.
  4. Once the DAG finishes, you can go to your GCP project's dashboard and search for BigQuery. You should see your project ID; expand it and you should see a new trips_data_all database with an external_table table. bigquery
  5. Click on the 3 dots next to external_table and click on Open to display the table's schema. bigquery
  6. Click on the 3 dots next to external_table and click on Query. Run the following SQL query to show the top 10 rows in the database:
    SELECT * FROM `animated-surfer-338618.trips_data_all.external_table` LIMIT 10
  7. You can also see the uploaded parquet file by searching the Cloud Storage service, selecting your bucket and then clickin on the raw/ folder. You may click on the filename to access an info panel. bigquery bigquery bigquery bigquery
  8. You may now shutdown Airflow by running docker-compose down on the terminal where you run it.

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GCP's Transfer Service

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Transfer Service is a GCP service to transfer data from multiple sources to Google's Cloud Storage. This is useful for Data Lake purposes.

Transfer Service jobs can be created via the GCP UI or with Terraform.

Creating a Transfer Service from GCP's web UI

We will use the Transfer Service | cloud submenu. Creating a job takes 4 steps:

  1. Choose a source.
    • For this example we will grab the NYC taxi trips data which is stored on Amazon S3, so we will pick Amazon S3 as source type.
    • Input a bucket name. The URL for the dataset from lesson 1 is; the bucket name is the name right after the domain, nyc-tlc.
    • Input your AWS access key and secret key.
      • Alternatively, some S3 URLs put the bucket name as the lowest subdomain; this URL is also valid: transfer source
  2. Choose a destination bucket.
    • Create a new bucket by clicking on Browse > Create new bucket icon.
      • Choose a unique name
      • Pick single region location type and choose your nearest location.
      • Choose the Standard default storage class.
      • Select Uniform access control
      • Do not select any protection tools.
      • Click on Create.
    • Once the bucket has been created, select it in the bucket browser side panel and click on Select. transfer source
  3. Choose the settings for the job
    • Type in a description of your choosing.
    • The default overwrite if different and never delete options should work. transfer source
  4. Choose the scheduling options
    • We will only run this job once, with the Starting now option transfer source

Once you click on the Create button, the job will start transfering data right away. You may click on it to check the progress.

transfer source transfer source

You may now check your Storage dashboard; you should see a new bucket has been created there which contains all the data from the Amazon S3 bucket.

Be aware that Transfer Service charges you per transferred gigabyte. For single use jobs, the Transfer Service UI is preferred to DAGs which take time to create and debug, but costs can add quickly if you're relying on this service to download data periodically.

Creating a Transfer Service with Terraform

We can use a Transfer Service Terraform resource as well to recreate what we just did in the web UI in the form of a Terraform config.

The config will contains the following:

  • A data source definition using a data block to define our GCP service account.
  • A GCP bucket resource that will receive the contents.
  • A IAM rule resource for the Transfer Service that will be assigned to the bucket.
  • Finally, the actual transfer service resource in which we can define additional info regarding the transfer specs and schedule.

A finalized file is available in this link, which is based on the example on the official documentation.

  • You will have to modify the file to change the bucket name to something unique.
  • You will have to add new variables to the file: access_key_id and aws_secret_key for both access and secret keys for AWS.
    • It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT write default values for these variables, as both the access and secret keys are highly sensitive data that should be kept secret at all times. If no default value is set, Terraform will ask for the keys when applying the changes.
  • You will have to modify the schedule_start_date and schedule_end_date blocks near the end of the file. Change them to your current date to run the job once.

Copy the to your Terraform work folder and run terraform plan to see the changes that will be deployed.

If you agree with the changes, run terraform apply to start the Transfer Service job. You should now be able to see the job in the web UI.

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