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Contributing to zk-Harness

Table of Contents

General Guidelines

Please do:

  • DO include meaningful commit messages. You can find a guide to commit messages here.
  • DO Before including new benchmarks for a circuit, make sure that the framework is already supported. If not, please file an issue to integrate the new framework, following the guidelines on How to integrate a new framework?
  • DO open an issue for design discussion before making any major changes.
  • DO read our documentation to understand how zk-Harness is designed.
  • DO follow the conventions as described in the benchmarking integration of individual projects.
  • DO give priority to the current style of the project or file you're changing even if it diverges from the general guidelines.
  • DO include tests when adding new circuits.
  • DO update files in the source tree and other documents to be up to date with changes in the code.
  • DO keep the discussions focused. When a new or related topic comes up it's often better to create a new issue than to side track the discussion.

Reporting Bugs

Before Submitting A Bug

  • Ensure the bug is not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.

How Do I Submit a (Good) Bug?

  • If you are unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the unexpected behavior.
  • Describe the exact steps to reproduce the problem in as many details as possible. When listing steps, don't just say what you did, but explain how you did it.
  • Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps. Include links to files or GitHub projects, or copy/pasteable snippets, which you use in those examples. If you're providing snippets in the issue, use Markdown code blocks.
  • Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps and explain the problem with that behavior.
  • Explain the behavior you expected instead and why.
  • Can you reliably reproduce the issue? If not, provide details about how often the problem happens and under which conditions it normally happens.

Pull Requests

Pull requests will be reviewed by the project team against criteria including:

  • purpose - is this change useful
  • test coverage - are there unit/integration/acceptance tests demonstrating the change is effective
  • code consistency - naming, comments, design
  • changes that are solely formatting are likely to be rejected
  • changes that do not follow the project design are likely to be rejected

Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should contain more detail.

How to integrate a new framework?

The main principle zk-Harness aims for is allowing developers to benchmark custom circuit implementations without extensive overhead. Therefore, adding a new framework requires consideration and documentation.

To integrate a yet unsupported framework, please take the following steps as a guideline:

  1. First, fork the zk-benchmarks repository
  2. Create a ./<framework_name> folder in the root folder of the repository.
  3. Create a custom benchmarking script that (i) reads from the standardized input of the config.json as described in the config folder and outputs (ii) the standardized logs as described in the logs folder.
    • For example, benchmarking for gnark is done through a custom CLI, based on cobra
    • Your script should be able to take a variety of arguments as specified in the config.json, such that benchmarks can be easily executed and extended. E.g., a common command in the gnark integration would be ./gnark groth16 --circuit=sha256 --input=_input/circuit/sha256/input_3.json --curve=bn254
  4. Modify the _scripts/reader/X scripts to include your newly created script as described in step 3, which is called if the project field of the respective config contains the <framework_name> of your newly added ZKP framework.
  • The _scripts/reader/X processing python scripts are invoked by based on the category (currently arithmetics, ec, circuit) field as specified in the config.
  1. Create a documentation in the ./<framework_name>/tutorials folder to outline how others can include new circuits / benchmarks for another category in the framework. Depending on the project you pursue, it should contain documentation on either, or all, of the following:
    • How to add a new circuit implementation
    • How to run tests for integrated circuits
    • How to benchmark a new category in the ZKP-framework
  2. Add config files for running the benchmarks in _input/config/ and add a make rule for the new framework in the Makefile.

If you follow the specified interfaces for config and logs, your framework specific benchmarking should seamlessly integrate into the zk-Harness frontend.

Once finished, please create a Pull Request and assign it to one of the maintainers for review and correct implementation.