List of what still is being worked on, features to be added, etc.
- Look into background worker for processing the images
- Find memory leaks
- Add InValid emails to seperate list to process at the end.
- Error handling
- PDF and other file format handling
- Break up the Run button function into multiple sub-functions.
Work on naming conventionand string cleaning (#,:,/)Dither tiff images(Not Needed)Overhaul tiff conversionScale watermark to image size.(Not Needed)Add unattended mode(Aug 16 2014)Move completed emails(Marked with complete flag)Visual feedback on progress- Add unit testing.
- Get it working... (Back burner)
- Convert without Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI)
Auto convert word files that aren't formated as word. Like RTF ones(Aug 2014)
- Allow import of a css file. (faxnumber,name,pathtofile)
- Drag and Drop Capability
- Options to change output folder
and BatchClass(Aug 2014) - Use XML DOM instead of writing each line manually.
- Remove hardcoded settings
- Add atleast one option per tool