This is a guide on how to setup a running instance. This is meant primarily for easy development but could be adapted for production use by adding a suitable reverse-proxy and some further hardening such as running services as a user with limited privileges.
You can use Ubuntu Multipass to easily setup a virtual machine on your local laptop. You will need at least 8GB RAM and 16GB of disk
For MacOS
brew install --cask multipass
multipass launch -c 2 -m 8G -d 16G -n polis-dev focal
multipass shell polis-dev
Once in the multipass shell, add your public SSH key to .ssh/authorized_users
to enables easy shell access from your laptop. To find out the IP for SSH access run
multipass info polis-dev
You can then shell in using ssh ubuntu@<MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS>
and use remote development in VSCode for example.
For a production setup you will want to setup a limited privilege polis
user, for development you may want to simplify things by running everything as the ubuntu
user. Note that you will need to change the .envrc
database connection strings to reflect this
# user:root
apt update
# production only
useradd -m -s /bin/bash polis
passwd polis
apt install -y postgresql g++ git make python python-dev libpq-dev direnv nginx
# configure direnv
echo "eval \"\$(direnv hook bash)\"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# node.js
curl -L -o n
bash n lts
npm install -g n
n 18.12.1
n 16.19.0 # For server on Ubuntu
npm install -g npm@7.0
# user:ubuntu
git clone
# user:root
sudo -i -u postgres
# user:postgres
# for production, use 'polis' for development use 'ubuntu'
createuser polis
postgres=# ALTER USER polis CREATEDB;
ALTER USER polis PASSWORD '<some-password>';
where <some-password>
is your user's database password.
Now follow the instructions in the database README switching out polis for ubuntu if on the development system.
# user:root (production only)
n 16.19.0
su - polis
cd polis/server/
cp .envrc.example .envrc # Be sure to update DATABASE_URL accordingly
direnv allow .
npm install
npm run build
npm start
# user:root (production only)
n use 18.12.1
su - polis
cd polis/client-admin
npm install
cp polis.config.template.js polis.config.js
npm run build:prod
# user:root (production only)
n use 18.12.1
su - polis
cd polis/client-admin
npm install
cp polis.config.template.js polis.config.js
npm run build:prod
# user:root (production only)
n use 18.12.1
su - polis
# user:polis
cd polis/client-report
npm install
npm run build:prod
# user:root
n use 18.12.1
su - polis
# user:polis
cd polis/file-server
cp fs_config.template.json fs_config.json
npm install
# bring all js bundles here
mkdir build
npm run start
# user:root
cp .envrc.example .envrc # Be sure to update DATABASE_URL accordingly
apt install -y openjdk-17-jre rlwrap
curl -O
chmod +x
# user:polis
clojure -A:dev -P
clojure -M:run full
cp .devcontainer/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
# user:root
nginx -t # Check the config
systemctl restart nginx # restart the server
# To empty the Nginx cache
systemctl stop nginx
rm -rf /var/cache/nginx
systemctl start nginx
cd polis/
cd file-server/
npm start
cd ../math/
clojure -M:run full
cd ../server/
npm start
cd polis/
cd file-server/
npm start
cd ../math/
clojure -X:dev-poller
cd ../server/
npm run dev