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The Azure Container Apps is a new and quite interesting Azure service providing a fully managed, ready to roll, serverless environment for your containerized applications.

By providing a fully managed solution the ACA removes all the operational dependencies on the Kubernetes (skills, learning curve, dedicated infra team) and let you focus on the essential, i.e your applications!

This service provides huge added value when it comes to developing cloud native applications or accelerating your application modernization process.

And as the ACA provides both public and fully private VNet connectivity if can fit pretty much any of the Enterprise contexts where the need for private traffic flows is a mandatory requirement.

About this repo

This repo demonstrates the deployment of a set of applications in a fully private mode where all the traffic flows through your Azure Vnets.

Due to the freshness of the service GA, the IaC framework coverage for Azure Container Apps is quite limited. You can only use Azure ARM, CLI or Bicep to automate the deployment.

The current repo provides the Bicep implementation and will be updated when additional frameworks (Terraform and eventually Pulumi) will extend their coverage in order to provide the bindings for this service.


The demonstrator deploys two Container Apps communicating via private connectivity over your VNet infrastructure.

The following diagram provides a high level overview of the demonstrator:


Backend service

The caenv-backend environment hosts the helloer application, a simple nodejs app that responds to http requests.

The environment is injected in a specific subnet and connected to the privatecapps-law Log Analytics workspace in order to provide diagnostic settings and log centralization.

The application exposes an ingress via the environment ingress static IP. In order to reach your application ingress, the caller application must use the ingress FQDN as detailed in the following doc .

Note that hitting the ILB behind the ingress with the IP address will not work as the hostname is used to route the traffic to the correct application within the environment.

Hence we need to set up a private DNS zone with a wildcard ('*') A record pointing to the environment ingress static IP. The wildcard is justified by the fact that a given environment can have several applications, each with its own ingress, served from the same Internal Load Balancer.

The final app flow routing will use the hostname which is expected to be the same as the application name (in our case ).

Client service

The caenv-client environment hosts the greeter application, a tiny python script that performs periodical HTTP GET requests to the backend.

The environment is injected in a specific subnet and connected to the same privatecapps-law Log Analytics workspace to provide diagnostic settings and log centralization.

This Greeter application does not provide any ingress, so there is no need to set up a DNS zone for this environment.

Code Walkthrough

The source code tree is classic, the main.bicep provides the definitions of the demonstrator and relies on specific modules to deploy the underlying infrastructure services.

VNet Definition

The network infrastructure is defined in main.bicep. If necessary update the ranges in order to fit your Azure environment constraints.

The implementation of the VNet and underlying subnets is performed by the dedicated vnet.bicep module.

The network module outputs the identifiers of the created Vnet as well as of the subnets that will be required to wire up the VNet injection and the DNS zone.

The Key Vault

The Azure Key Vault is used to avoid sharing secrets between the biceps modules and has no incidence not usage in the demonstrator runtime. It's life cycle is the deployment process, so the KV is not configured to support the “soft delete” and can be safely removed on each environment cleanup.

Log Analytics Workspace

In this demonstrator a single Log Analytics Workspace centralized all system and application logs related to the two application environments. You can use the KQL language to perform fine gran level queries to observe and troubleshoot your apps. You can also use it as a base for building monitoring and health dashboards.

The LAW is deployed by the law.bicep module. Note that the client shared key, a sensitive info, is stored directly in the KV and never stored on the deployment trace level.

Container Apps Environments

The container apps environments are implemented in the caenv.bicep.

The vnet injection is set up by providing the adequate subnet id to the environment module as illustrated in the main.bicep for the caenv-backend. A similar assignation is provided for the caenv-client environment at main.bicep. The identifiers of the

The environment is attached to the Log Analytics workspace by setting up the log analytics clientid while the shared key is fetched from the KV before being injected in the environment via a secure param.

Private DNS for Backend Service

In order to set up the DNS zone we'll need the VNet Id, the environment domain as well as the environment static IP assigned on creation time.

The domain name is provided by the backend service application environment as an output of the dedicated env module, assigned from main.bicep and used in the dedicated caenvdns.bicep module.

The static Ip is used to set up the wildcard A record in, assigned from main.bicep and used in caenvdns.bicep.

The VNet is provided as the output of the vnet.bicep module, assigned from main.bicep and used in the caenvdns.bicep module.


The Container Apps are defined in main.bicep and realized by the dedicated ca.bicep module.

The helloer application ingress definition can be found in main.bicep while the greeter has no ingress.

The greeter application requires the URL to hit to be provided as a GREETER_URL environment variable. The value of the url is computed at main.bicep and assigned at main.bicep



In order to deploy the demo project you'll need the following dependencies:

We advise using a Linux shell or WSL on Windows as it was used to build the project. However, any OS with the dependencies installed will work as well.


The demo supports the following deployement use cases :

  • deploy as a subscription level Contributor
  • deploy as a resource group level Contributor

For the second use case, you'll have to specify an existing resource group on which you have the Contributor role.


Start by connecting to azure from the command line:

az login


If you are a subscription Contributor and have the necessary RBACs to create a resource group you can simply issue the following command in order to use the default demo resource group name :


If you'd like to override the resource group name, or to deploy the resources on an already existing resource group on which you have the Contributor role, then specify the name or the group on the command line :

make rgName=<myRGName> 

You can also override the default location of the demo resources by indicating, for instance :

make rgName=<myRGName> location=<azureRegionName> 


The cleanup will delete all the provisionned Azure resources but will not delete the resource group itself, in order to comply to the deployment use cases.

In order to clean up the demo resources simply issue :

make clean

If you have overriden the resource group name do not forget to specify the resource group name on the command line :

make clean rgName=<myRGName> 

If you'd like to delete the resources along with the resource group that was created for the demo, and have the necesary privleges to do so, simply execute :

make clean-all

If you have overriden the resource group name then add it to the parmeters :

make clean-all rgName=<myRGName> 

And if you'd like to clean both resources and the ressource group, and have the necessary privileges to perfom those operations, you can simply issue the following :

make clean clean-rg rgName=<myRGName> 


In case the deployement or cleanup operations fail, you can check the details from the following log files :

  • deploy.log.json : contains the json output of the bicep IAC
  • clean.log.json : contains the json output of the resource deletion CLI

In case you encoutner an error, we encourage you to retry the operation as some services might have a very temporary capacity issue on a particular region.


Once the deployment process is finished, start by taking a tour on the created resource group and you should see an output similar to the following :


Then take a look at the Log Stream of the Greeter application, that should look similar to the following :


Then take a look at the Log Stream of the Helloer application, that should look similar to this :


Note the trace showing the calls :

2022-06-15 15:55:01-07 [info] (helloer) recv hello request
2022-06-15 15:55:01-13 [info] (helloer) sent hello response to client from

It indicates the request is addressed from a client with IP, i.e. the request origins from the subnet-caenv-infra-client ( where the caenv-client has been injected. So the application flow is fully private and both source and destination subnets are clearly identified and isolated, allowing to leverage various security related services to enforce the flow security.

Additional insights on your apps and infra can be found from the log analytics workspace.

In order to check system logs, go to the Logs entry of any of the applications and explore the available events by entering the simplest possible KQL query :


In order to check and explore the applications logs, which you already looked at using the Log Stream, go to the Log Stream entry of any of the application and explore the available events by the simplest possible KQL query :


You can then refine both queries using the KQL language

The Metrics tab will scope Azure Monitor to your application to provide a quick way of building your application monitoring dashboards.

And if you're interested by the underlying infrastructure implementation, take a look at your VNet and check the Connected devices entry of the created VNet, you'll see the injected Kubernetes nodes and ILBs, which can give you an idea on how the service is built. Also look at the resource groups that start follow the MC__ pattern. They are created on Container App environment time and contain dedicated resources for each of the injected container environment.


To delete all the deployed resources simply issue the following commands :

cd src/bicep
make clean

If you have customized the resource group name, then please make sure it is provided as a parameter :

cd src/bicep
make stackName=<myRGName> clean

Project Roadmap

At the current stage this repo demonstrates a simple setup and focuses on the network connectivity.

Ideally we'd like to cover the following areas as well:

  • Network filtering with azure firewall
  • Hybrid public/private connectivity
  • Usage of managed identities to access azure services

If you're interested in contributing in any of the above mentioned areas, please reach out !

Useful Readings