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The 3rd Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC3)

Clarity challenge code for the 3rd Clarity Enhancement Challenge.

For more information please visit the challenge website.

Clarity tutorials are now available. The tutorials introduce the Clarity installation, how to interact with Clarity metadata, and also provide examples of baseline systems and evaluation tools.

Data structure

The 3rd Clarity Enhancement Challenge consists of three separate tasks each with its own training and evaluation data. Details for how to obtain the data can be found on the challenge website.

The data is distributed as one or more separate packages in tar.gz format.

Unpack all packages under the same root directory using

tar -xvzf <PACKAGE_NAME>

The initially released data is in the package clarity_CEC3_data.v1_0.tar.gz and has the following structure:

|── manifest
|── task1
|   |── clarity_data
|   |   |── dev
|   |   |   |── scenes
|   |   |   └── speaker_adapt
|   |   |── metadata
|   |   └── train
|   └── hrir
|       └── HRIRs_MAT
|── task2
|   └── clarity_data
|       |── dev
|       |   |── interferers
|       |   |── scenes
|       |   |── speaker_adapt
|       |   └── targets
|       |── metadata
|       └── train
|           |── interferers
|           |── scenes
|           └── targets
└── task3


In the `baseline/' folder, we provide code for running the baseline enhancement system and performing the objective evaluation. The same system can be used for all three tasks by setting the configuration appropriately.

The scripts are controlled by three variables.

  • task - The task to evaluate. This can be task1, task2 or task3.
  • path.root - The root directory where you clarity data is stored.
  • path.exp - A directory that will be used to store intermediate files and the final evaluation results.

These can be set in the config.yaml file or provided on the command line. In the following they are being set on the command line.


The baseline enhancement simply takes the 6-channel hearing aid inputs and reduces this to a stereo hearing aid output by passing through the 'front' microphone signal of the left and right ear.

The stereo pair is then passed through a provided hearing aid amplification stage using a NAL-R [1] fitting amplification and a simple automatic gain compressor. The amplification is determined by the audiograms defined by the scene-listener pairs in clarity_data/metadata/ for the development set. After amplification, the evaluate function calculates the better-ear HASPI [2].

To run the baseline enhancement system use, first set the task, path.root and path.exp variables in the config.yaml file and then run,


Alternatively, you can provide the task and paths on the command line, e.g.,

python task=task1 path.root=/Users/jon/clarity_CEC3_data path.exp=/Users/jon/exp

Where /Users/jon is replaced with the path to the root of the clarity data and the experiment folder.

The folders enhanced_signals and amplified_signals will appear in the exp folder. Note, the experiment folder will be created if it does not already exist.


The evaluate script computes the HASPI scores for the signals stored in the amplified_signals folder. The script will read the scene-listener pairs from the development set and calculate the HASPI score for each pair. The final score is the mean HASPI score across all pairs. It can be run as,

python task=task1 path.root=/Users/jon/clarity_CEC3_data path.exp=/Users/jon/exp

The full evaluation set is 7500 scene-listener pairs and will take a long time to run, i.e., around 8 hours on a MacBook Pro. A standard small set which uses 1/15 of the data has been defined. This takes around 30 minutes to evaluate and can be run with,

python task=task1 path.root=/Users/jon/clarity_CEC3_data path.exp=/Users/jon/exp evaluate.small_test=True

Alternatively, see the section below, 'Running with multiple threads', for how to run with multiple threads or on an HPC system.

The evaluation script will generate a CSV file containing the HASPI scores for each sample. This can be found in <path.exp>/scores

Reporting results

Once the evaluation script has finished running, the final result can be reported with

python task=task1 path.root=/Users/jon/clarity_CEC3_data path.exp=/Users/jon/exp

Or if you have run the small evaluation

python task=task1 path.root=/Users/jon/clarity_CEC3_data path.exp=/Users/jon/exp evaluate.small_test=True

The scores for Task 1 and Task 2 should be as follows.

Task 1

Evaluation set size: 7500
Mean HASPI score: 0.22178678134846783

                 SNR     haspi
(-12, -9] -10.498088  0.052545
(-9, -6]   -7.541468  0.080589
(-6, -3]   -4.477046  0.143096
(-3, 0]    -1.432494  0.239527
(0, 3]      1.470118  0.352110
(3, 6]      4.492380  0.477001

Task 2

Evaluation set size: 7500
Mean HASPI score: 0.18643217215546573

                 SNR     haspi
(-12, -9] -10.545927  0.034330
(-9, -6]   -7.552687  0.055647
(-6, -3]   -4.538335  0.096237
(-3, 0]    -1.455963  0.178413
(0, 3]      1.434074  0.296364
(3, 6]      4.507484  0.432177


Configuring with Hydra

The code is using Hydra for configuration management. This allows for easy configuration of the system. The configuration file is config.yaml in the baseline folder. The task, root and exp variables can be set in this file to avoid having to set them on every command line. Simply replace the ??? entries with the appropriate values.

You can make alternative configurations and store them in separate yaml files. These can then be used to override the default configuration, e.g.,

python python --config-name my_task1_config.yaml

You can get help on any of the commands with

python --help

And specific help on Hydra usage with

python --hydra-help

Running with multiple threads

The script can be sped up by running with multiple processes, i.e. each process will evaluate a separate block of scenes and generate its own csv file. The script will then combine these csv files to produce a single result.

To do this we can use the Hydra --multirun flag and set multiple values for evaluate.first_scene. For example, to run with 4 threads we can split the 7500 scenes into 4 blocks of 1875 scenes each and run with,

python evaluate.first_scene="0,1875,3750,5625" evaluate.n_scenes=1875 --multirun

Hydra has a Python like system for specifying ranges, so the above command is equivalent to

python  evaluate.first_scene="range(0,7500,1875) evaluate.n_scenes=1875 --multirun

If we wanted to split into jobs with just 100 scenes per job we could use

python evaluate.first_scene="range(0,7500,100)" evaluate.n_scenes=500 --multirun

Hydra will launch these job using configuration that can be found in hydra/launcher/cec3_submitit_local.yaml.

The same approach can be used to run jobs on a SLURM cluster using configuration in hydra/launcher/cec3_submitit_slurm.yaml.

python hydra/launcher=cec3_submitit_slurm evaluate.first_scene="range(0,7500,100)" evaluate.n_scenes=100 --multirun

!!!Note In the examples above it is assumed that the task, path.root and path.exp variables are set in the config.yaml file.

!!!Note Hydra has plugin support for other job launchers. See the Hydra documentation for more information.


  • [1] Byrne, Denis, and Harvey Dillon. "The National Acoustic Laboratories'(NAL) new procedure for selecting the gain and frequency response of a hearing aid." Ear and hearing 7.4 (1986): 257-265.
  • [2] Kates J M, Arehart K H. The hearing-aid speech perception index (HASPI) J. Speech Communication, 2014, 65: 75-93.