The Common Bot Framework is a NPM library that provides a set of uniform interface for developers to create chat bots and chat with them for different chat platforms including Mattermost, Slack and Microsoft Teams so as to to enable chat functionality for your products.
- Features
- Interfaces
- Environment variables
- Supported Chat Platforms
- Supported Message Types
- Create chat bot
- Create message listeners
- Create routers
- Chat tool limitation
- Support the latest version of 3 chat platforms
- Microsoft Teams
- Slack
- Mattermost
- Support to chat with bot in 3 different places
- in a channel via @mention bot
- in a thread via @mention bot
- 1 on 1 directly
- Support to interact with bot via interactive components
- Dropdown box
- Button
- Show popup dialog to collect sensitive input: operator account and password
- Support to create multiple bots in user applications
- Messaging App
- Bot APIs
- listen(matcher, handler)
- route(basePath, handler)
- send(chatContextData, message)
- getLimit()
- Chat context data
- Context data for chatting, including message, bot, user / channel / team / tenant information
- Context data specific for different chat platforms
Specifies the log file of your Common Bot Framework. The default value is $ZOWE_CHAT_HOME/node_modules/@zowe/bot/log/common-bot.log.
Specifies the level of logs. The value can be error, warn, info, verbose, debug, or silly. The default value is info.
Specifies the maximum size of the file after which the log will rotate. The value can be a number of bytes without any unit or a number with the suffix k, m, or g as units for KB, MB, or GB separately. The default value is null, which means that the file size is unlimited except the operating system limit.
COMMONBOT_LOG_MAX_FILE Specifies the maximum file number of logs to keep. The default value is null, which means all the log files will be kept and no logs will be removed.
The Common Bot Framework supports 3 chat platforms below at present.
- Mattermost
- Slack
- Microsoft Teams
Except pure plain text and markdown format, most of chat platforms provide their own type of messages to support richer functions like interactive components (buttons, dropdown, etc). The Common Bot Framework supports 7 message types as below:
- PLAIN_TEXT: Any Pure plain text and markdown format message. Please be noted that the supported elements syntax for markdown usually is different for different chat platforms.
- MATTERMOST_ATTACHMENT: Mattermost only Interactive message including buttons etc. Learn More ...
- MATTERMOST_DIALOG_OPEN: Mattermost only Open a dialog
- SLACK_BLOCK: Slack only Message including multiple interactive elements including buttons etc. Learn More ...
- SLACK_VIEW_OPEN: Slack only Open a dialog
- SLACK_VIEW_UPDATE: Slack only Close a dialog
- MSTEAMS_ADAPTIVE_CARD: Teams only Message including multiple interactive component including buttons etc. Learn More ...
- MSTEAMS_DIALOG_OPEN: Teams only Open a dialog
Before you can leverage Common Bot Framework to create one chat bot, you must create one required chat platform app and configure your chat platform and write down the values for all required properties. Learn more ...
- Mattermost
// Create messaging app
const app = express(); // Your Express.JS app
// Set chat bot option
const botOption: IBotOption = {
'messagingApp': app,
'chatTool': {
'type': IChatToolType.MATTERMOST,
'option': {
'protocol': IProtocol.HTTPS,
'hostName': '<Your host name>',
'port': 443,
'basePath': '/api/v4',
'tlsCertificate': fs.readFileSync('<The absolute file path of your Mattermost server TLS certificate>', 'utf8'),
'teamUrl': '<Your team URL>',
'botUserName': '<Your bot user name>',
'botAccessToken': '<Your bot access token>',
// Create bot
const bot = new CommonBot(botOption);
- Slack
// Create messaging app
const app = null; // Your Express.JS app, not set here due to socket mode will be used
// Set chat bot option
const botOption: IBotOption = {
'messagingApp': null,
'chatTool': {
'type': IChatToolType.SLACK,
'option': {
'botUserName': '<Your bot user name>',
'signingSecret': '<Your signing secret>',
'endpoints': '', // Must be set if socketMode is false
'receiver': undefined, // Must be set if socketMode is false
'token': '<Your bot user OAuth token>',
'logLevel': ILogLevel.DEBUG,
'socketMode': true,
'appToken': '<Your app level token>', // Must be set if socketMode is true
// Create bot
const bot = new CommonBot(botOption);
- Microsoft Teams
// Create messaging app
const app = express(); // Your Express.JS app
// Set chat bot option
const botOption: IBotOption = {
'chatTool': {
'type': IChatToolType.MSTEAMS,
'option': {
'botUserName': '<Your bot user name>',
'botId': '<Your bot ID>',
'botPassword': '<Your bot password>',
// Create bot
const bot = new CommonBot(botOption);
The bot created by you usually can receive all @mention messages for the bot. You must create listeners to match and process the message that you are interested in.
// Callback function used to match message
function matchMessage(message: string): boolean {
// Print end log
console.log(`MattermostChatbot : matchMessage start ===>`);
// print incoming message`Incoming message: ${message}`);
this.message = message;
// Match the bot name
let matched = false;
if (this.message.indexOf(`@${this.botName}`) !== -1) {
matched = true; //
} else {`The message is not for @${this.botName}`);
// print end log
console.log(`MattermostChatbot : matchMessage end <===`);
return matched;
// Callback function used to process matched message
async function processMessage(chatContextData: IChatContextData): Promise<void> {
// print start log
console.log(`MattermostChatbot : processMessage start ===>`);
// Create executor
const executor: IExecutor = {
conversationType: chatContextData.chattingType,
const messageText = this.message.substring(this.message.indexOf(`@${this.botName}`) + this.botName.length + 2);`messageText: ${messageText}`);
if (messageText.toLowerCase().indexOf('hello') !== -1 || messageText.toLowerCase().indexOf('hi') !== -1) {
let commandOutput: IMessage[] = [];
commandOutput = this.view.getHelloView(executor);
await, commandOutput);
console.log(`MattermostChatbot : processMessage end <===`);
// Register message listener
bot.listen(matchMessage, processMessage);
Note: This part must be enhanced to support extendability If some interactive components are included in your bot response, the bot will receive corresponding events when users click interactive components. You must create one callback function to process it and register the function as a router.
// Callback function used to process users' click events
async function processRoute(chatContextData: IChatContextData): Promise<void> {
// Print start log
console.log(`SlackChatbot : processRoute start ===>`);
let botResponse: IMessage[] = [];
let payload: Record<string, any> = {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
try {
// Get payload
payload = chatContextData.chatToolContext.body;
console.debug(`payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2)}`);
const executor: IExecutor = {
team: {
id: '',
name: '',
channel: {
conversationType: chatContextData.chattingType,
if (payload.type === 'view_submission') {
const privateMetadata = JSON.parse(payload.view.private_metadata);
console.debug(`privateMetadata: ${JSON.stringify(privateMetadata)}`);
if ( === '') { = ( privateMetadata.channelId ? privateMetadata.channelId : '' );
const stateValues = payload.view.state.values;
const comment = (stateValues[`block_comment`] ? stateValues[`block_comment`][`action_comment`].value : '');
botResponse = this.view.getDialogSubmit(executor, comment);
// Handle the view submission
} else if (payload.actions[0].type === 'static_select') { // Dropdown box
// Handle drop down
} else if (payload.actions[0].type === 'button') { // Button
botResponse = this.view.getDialog(executor, payload);
} else {
const errorMessage = `Unsupported Slack interactive component: ${payload.actions[0].type}`;
botResponse = [{
type: IMessageType.SLACK_BLOCK,
message: errorMessage,
} catch (err) {
// Print exception stack
console.error(`Exception occurred when processing inbound Slack message!`);
botResponse = [{
type: IMessageType.SLACK_BLOCK,
} finally {
// Send response to chat tool
try {`Command output: ${JSON.stringify(botResponse)}`);
for (const msg of botResponse) {
let replyData: IMessage;
if (msg.type === IMessageType.PLAIN_TEXT) {
let isThread = false;
let threadTs = '';
if (payload.container !== undefined && payload.container.thread_ts !== undefined) {
isThread = true;
if (isThread) {
threadTs = payload.container.thread_ts;
console.debug(`Message thread_ts: ${threadTs}`);
} else if (msg.type === IMessageType.SLACK_BLOCK) {
let isThread = false;
if (payload.container !== undefined && payload.container.thread_ts !== undefined) {
isThread = true;
if (isThread) {
msg.message.thread_ts = payload.container.thread_ts;
console.debug(`Message thread_ts: ${msg.message.thread_ts}`);
} =;
replyData = msg;
} else if (msg.type === IMessageType.SLACK_VIEW) {
replyData = msg;
} else if (msg.type === IMessageType.SLACK_VIEW_UPDATE) {
replyData = msg;
} else {
console.error(`Unsupported message type: ${JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)}`);
await, [replyData]);
} catch (err) {
// Print exception stack
console.error(`Exception occurred when send message to Slack!`);
} finally {
// print end log
console.log(`SlackChatbot : processRoute end <===`);
// Register event handler
bot.route('<Your base path>', processRoute);
Different chat tool usually has different limitation. You can use the bot API getLimit()
to retrieve the corresponding limitation of your chat tool.
- Mattermost
// Unit for MaxLength: character
// Unit for MaxNumber: item
'messageMaxLength': 16383, // Message supports at most 16383 (multi-byte) characters (65535 bytes)since v5.0.0
- Slack
// Unit for MaxLength: character
// Unit for MaxNumber: item
'messageMaxLength': 40000, //
'blockIdMaxLength': 255,
'actionBlockElementsMaxNumber': 25, //
'contextBlockElementsMaxNumber': 10, //
'headerBlockTextMaxLength': 150, //
'imageBlockUrlMaxLength': 3000, //
'imageBlockAltTextMaxLength': 2000,
'imageBlockTitleTextMaxLength': 2000,
'inputBlockLabelTextMaxLength': 2000, //
'inputBlockHintTextMaxLength': 2000,
'sectionBlockTextMaxLength': 3000, //
'sectionBlockFieldsMaxNumber': 10,
'sectionBlockFieldsTextMaxLength': 2000,
'videoBlockAuthorNameMaxLength': 50, //
'videoBlockTitleTextMaxLength': 200,
- Microsoft Teams
// Unit for MaxLength: byte
// Unit for MaxNumber: item
'messageMaxLength': 28 * 1024, //
'fileAttachmentMaxNumber': 10,