{ "manufacturer": "Zooz", "manufacturerId": "0x027a", "label": "ZEN17", "description": "Universal Relay", "devices": [ { "productType": "0x7000", "productId": "0xa00a" }, { "productType": "0xbb00", "productId": "0xbb0a", "zwaveAllianceId": 4132 } ], "firmwareVersion": { "min": "0.0", "max": "255.255" }, "paramInformation": [ { "#": "1", "label": "Status After Power Failure", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "All relays - Off", "value": 0 }, { "label": "All relays - Previous state", "value": 1 }, { "label": "All relays - On", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Relay 1 - Previous state; Relay 2 - On", "value": 3 }, { "label": "Relay 2 - Previous state, Relay 1 - On", "value": 4 } ] }, { "#": "2", "$if": "firmwareVersion < 1.4", "label": "S1 Terminal: Input Type", "description": "Note: The device must be excluded (without resetting it) and re-included after changing to/from values 4-10", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Momentary switch", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (follow switch)", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (change on toggle)", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Garage door (momentary mode)", "value": 3 }, { "label": "Water sensor", "value": 4 }, { "label": "Heat alarm", "value": 5 }, { "label": "Motion alert", "value": 6 }, { "label": "Door sensor (open/close)", "value": 7 }, { "label": "CO alarm", "value": 8 }, { "label": "CO2 alarm", "value": 9 }, { "label": "On/off report (dry contact switch/sensor)", "value": 10 } ] }, { "#": "2", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.4", "label": "S1 Terminal: Input Type", "description": "Note: The device must be excluded (without resetting it) and re-included after changing to/from values 4-11", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Momentary switch", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (follow switch)", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (change on toggle)", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Garage door (momentary mode)", "value": 3 }, { "label": "Water sensor", "value": 4 }, { "label": "Heat alarm", "value": 5 }, { "label": "Motion alert", "value": 6 }, { "label": "Door sensor (open/close)", "value": 7 }, { "label": "CO alarm", "value": 8 }, { "label": "CO2 alarm", "value": 9 }, { "label": "On/off report (dry contact switch/sensor)", "value": 10 }, { "label": "Garage door mode (momentary mode) for relay and door sensor (open/close) for input", "value": 11 } ] }, { "#": "19", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.10", "label": "S1 Terminal: Invert Values", "description": "Select the same value as you chose for parameter 2 to reverse the values for open and closed circuit", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Disable", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Leak alarm (water sensor)", "value": 4 }, { "label": "Heat alarm", "value": 5 }, { "label": "Motion alert", "value": 6 }, { "label": "Open/close alert (door sensor)", "value": 7 }, { "label": "CO alarm", "value": 8 }, { "label": "CO2 alarm", "value": 9 }, { "label": "On/off report (dry contact switch/sensor)", "value": 10 } ] }, { "#": "3", "$if": "firmwareVersion < 1.4", "label": "S2 Terminal: Input Type", "description": "Note: The device must be excluded (without resetting it) and re-included after changing to/from values 4-10", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Momentary switch", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (follow switch)", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (change on toggle)", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Garage door (momentary mode)", "value": 3 }, { "label": "Water sensor", "value": 4 }, { "label": "Heat alarm", "value": 5 }, { "label": "Motion alert", "value": 6 }, { "label": "Door sensor (open/close)", "value": 7 }, { "label": "CO alarm", "value": 8 }, { "label": "CO2 alarm", "value": 9 }, { "label": "On/off report (dry contact switch/sensor)", "value": 10 } ] }, { "#": "3", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.4", "label": "S2 Terminal: Input Type", "description": "Note: The device must be excluded (without resetting it) and re-included after changing to/from values 4-11", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Momentary switch", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (follow switch)", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Toggle switch (change on toggle)", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Garage door (momentary mode)", "value": 3 }, { "label": "Water sensor", "value": 4 }, { "label": "Heat alarm", "value": 5 }, { "label": "Motion alert", "value": 6 }, { "label": "Door sensor (open/close)", "value": 7 }, { "label": "CO alarm", "value": 8 }, { "label": "CO2 alarm", "value": 9 }, { "label": "On/off report (dry contact switch/sensor)", "value": 10 }, { "label": "Garage door mode (momentary mode) for relay and door sensor (open/close) for input", "value": 11 } ] }, { "#": "20", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.10", "$import": "#paramInformation/19", "label": "S2 Terminal: Invert Values", "description": "Select the same value as you chose for parameter 3 to reverse the values for open and closed circuit" }, { "#": "5", "label": "LED Indicator", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "On when all relays are off", "value": 0 }, { "label": "On when any relay is on", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Always off", "value": 2 }, { "label": "Always on", "value": 3 } ] }, { "#": "6", "label": "Auto Turn-Off Timer (Relay 1)", "description": "Sets the time after which you want relay 1 to automatically turn off once it has been turned on, using the unit defined in parameter 15.", "valueSize": 4, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 65535, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true }, { "#": "7", "label": "Auto Turn-On Timer (Relay 1)", "description": "The time after relay 1 will automatically turn on, using the unit defined in parameter 16", "valueSize": 4, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 65535, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true }, { "#": "8", "label": "Auto Turn-Off Timer (Relay 2)", "description": "The time after relay 2 will automatically turn off, using the unit defined in parameter 17", "valueSize": 4, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 65535, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true }, { "#": "9", "label": "Auto Turn-On Timer (Relay 2)", "description": "The time after relay 2 will automatically turn on, using the unit defined in parameter 18", "valueSize": 4, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 65535, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true }, { "#": "10", "label": "Control Relay 1 with S1 Input", "description": "If disabled and Parameter 2 is >= 4, a Z-Wave report will be sent but R1 will not be triggered", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Disable", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Enable", "value": 1 } ] }, { "#": "11", "label": "Control Relay 2 with S2 Input", "description": "If disabled and Parameter 3 is >= 4, a Z-Wave report will be sent but R2 will not be triggered", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Disable", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Enable", "value": 1 } ] }, { "#": "15", "label": "Auto Turn-Off Timer Unit (Relay 1)", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 1, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Minutes", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Seconds", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Hours", "value": 2 } ] }, { "#": "16", "label": "Auto Turn-On Timer Unit (Relay 1)", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Minutes", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Seconds", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Hours", "value": 2 } ] }, { "#": "17", "label": "Auto Turn-Off Timer Unit (Relay 2)", "description": "Choose between second, minutes, and hours as the unit for Auto Turn-Off time for Relay 2. Default: minutes", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Minutes", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Seconds", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Hours", "value": 2 } ] }, { "#": "18", "label": "Auto Turn-On Timer Unit (Relay 2)", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Minutes", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Seconds", "value": 1 }, { "label": "Hours", "value": 2 } ] }, { "#": "24", "label": "DC Motor Mode", "description": "Sync R1 and R2 together to prevent both being activated at the same time", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Disabled", "value": 0 }, { "label": "Enabled", "value": 1 } ] }, { "#": "25", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.30", "label": "Input 1 Trigger Duration", "description": "The amount of time contact needs to be made on Input 1 for the status change to be recorded", "valueSize": 1, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 100, "defaultValue": 5, "unsigned": true, }, { "#": "26", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.30", "label": "Input 2 Trigger Duration", "description": "The amount of time contact needs to be made on Input 2 for the status change to be recorded", "valueSize": 1, "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 100, "defaultValue": 5, "unsigned": true, }, { "#": "27", "$if": "firmwareVersion >= 1.30", "label": "Fixed Input Actions", "description": "This enables custom input behavior where you will have dedicated inputs triggering only one action for the selected relay", "valueSize": 1, "defaultValue": 0, "unsigned": true, "allowManualEntry": false, "options": [ { "label": "Disabled", "value": 0 }, { "label": "IN1 TURNS R1 ON, IN2 TURNS R1 OFF", "value": 1 }, { "label": "IN1 TURNS R2 ON, IN2 TURNS R2 OFF", "value": 2 }, { "label": "IN1 TURNS R1 & R2 ON, IN2 TURNS R1 & R2 OFF", "value": 3 } ] } ], "compat": { // This device improperly reports the state of R2 (endpoint 2) through the root endpoint in a way that also changes the state of R1 (endpoint 1) "preserveRootApplicationCCValueIDs": true, // The device sends Configuration CC info reports in 4-byte chunks, causing each query to block the network for roughly 1.5 seconds. "skipConfigurationNameQuery": true, "skipConfigurationInfoQuery": true }, "metadata": { "inclusion": "INCLUSION\n1. Initiate inclusion (pairing) in the app (or web interface).\n2. TAP THE Z-WAVE BUTTON 3 TIMES QUICKLY if using traditional Z-Wave inclusion.\n3. The LED indicator will blink to signal communication and remain on for 2 seconds to confirm inclusion.", "exclusion": "1. Bring your Universal Relay close to the Z-Wave hub and power it\n2. Put the Z-Wave hub into exclusion mode\n3. Click the Z-Wave button 3 times quickly\n4. Your hub will confirm exclusion and the Universal Relay will disappear from your controller's device list", "reset": "If your primary controller is missing or inoperable, you may need to reset the device to factory settings. To complete the reset process manually, click the Z-Wave button 4 times quickly, the LED indicator will light up,\nthen quickly click the Z-Wave button 4 times again. The LED indicator will flash 3 times to confirm successful reset and will then turn off", "manual": "https://products.z-wavealliance.org/ProductManual/File?folder=&filename=product_documents/4132/zooz-700-series-z-wave-plus-universal-relay-zen17-ver1.0-manual.pdf" } }