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For Transfer Learning from SRL to EAE

Hi, this describes our implementation for our EMNLP-22 paper: "Transfer Learning from Semantic Role Labeling to Event Argument Extraction with Template-based Slot Querying".

Please refer to the paper for more details: [paper]


When we were carrying out our experiments for this work, we used the repo at this commit here. In later versions of this repo, there may be slight changes (for example, default hyper-parameter change or hyper-parameter name change).

Clone this repo:

git clone src


Prepare the environment using conda:

conda create -n p21 python=3.8
conda activate p21
conda install pytorch=1.8.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install numpy scipy cython pybind11 pandas pip
pip install transformers==3.1.0

Please refer to conda_p21.yml for our specific conda environment and you can also specify conda environment using this.

Before running anything, make sure to export the src directory to your $PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=/your/path/to/src

Data Preparation

There are some extra steps (extra data) to prepare before the final preparation:

  • For PropBank: please follow to prepare PropBank data.
  • For FrameNet: please follow to prepare FrameNet data.
  • For NomBank: please follow to prepare NomBank data.
  • For QA: please follow to prepare QA data.

Finally, for the event data, please first utilize OneIE to preprocess data, we utilize oneie-v0.4.8 ( After obtaining the json files with the OneIE formats, please further use this command to convert it into our own format (and use stanza to parse it), for example, for the ACE-dev set:

python3 -m dev.oneie.json
python3 -m msp2.cli.annotate 'stanza' stanza_use_gpu:0 stanza_lang:en stanza_processors:tokenize,pos,lemma,depparse stanza_input_mode:tokenized ann_batch_size:1

After all of these (probably takes several hours), you can get the data files prepared. For easier running, please put all the prepared data into one dir called data and put this data dir in a place where ../data can be found according to the running dir. In the following, we assume that the data are available at the sub-dirs: ../data/data_pb, ../data/data_fn, ../data/data_nb, ../data/data_qa, ../data/data_evt.


Please use for training:

# create a new dir
mkdir run; cd run;
# make sure data are available
ls -lh ../data/
# copy &
cp /your/path/to/src//msp2/docs/srl2arg/{,} .
# use the example confs to training, for example, here we run the `train_srl` instance with GPU=0.
python3 shuffle:0 do_loop:0 gpus:0 tune_name:train_srl
  • Notice that in the above example running of train_srl, the program will run in the background in a new sub-folder called train_srl_0. By default, it will not print to the stdout, but we can check train_srl_0/_log_* for the loggings.

Here are more runnings and explanations for the confs with the example file:

Training a supervised EAE model:

To train a supervised EAE model, we need the corresponding EAE data files. For example, for training with ACE data, we assume that we have data files of ../data/data_evt/en.ace.{train,dev,test}.json.

Run this for training & testing:

python3 shuffle:0 do_loop:0 gpus:0 tune_name:train_super

Training an SRL model and test on EAE:

To train an SRL model, we need the corresponding SRL data files. Assume that we have prepared them at ../data/data_pb, ../data/data_fn and ../data/data_nb.

Run this for training:

python3 shuffle:0 do_loop:0 gpus:0 tune_name:train_srl

And run this for testing on ACE(dev) data:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -m msp2.tasks.zmtl3.main.test device:0 'conf_sbase:data:ace;task:arg' "model_load_name:run_train_srl_0/,DMarg0.qmod.emb_role" arg0.arg_mode:tpl arg0.mix_evt_ind:0.5 test0.input_dir:data/data_evt/

Training a QA model and test on EAE:

To train a QA model, we need the corresponding QA data files. Assume that we have prepared them at ../data/data_qa.

Run this for training:

python3 shuffle:0 do_loop:0 gpus:0 tune_name:train_qa

And run this for testing on ACE(dev) data:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -m msp2.tasks.zmtl3.main.test device:0 "conf_sbase:data:ace;task:arg" "model_load_name:run_train_qa_0/,DMarg0.qmod.emb_role" arg0.arg_mode:mrc arg0.mix_evt_ind:0.5 test0.input_dir:data/data_evt/

Training an augmented SRL model and test on EAE:

Similar to the training of SRL model, we need the SRL data files. Furthermore, we first utilize the above QA model to obtain (soft) labels for them (outputting to ../data/qadistill):

CCMD="python3 -m device:0 'conf_sbase:data:pbfn;task:arg' arg0.pred_store_scores:1 arg0.pred_no_change:1 arg0.extend_span:0 arg0.np_getter:fn 'arg0.filter_noncore:+spec,-*' arg0.build_oload:pbfn arg0.arg_mode:mrc"
CCMD_Q1="$CCMD 'model_load_name:run_train_qa_0/,DMarg0.qmod.emb_role' arg0.mix_evt_ind:0.5"
mkdir -p ../data/qadistill
# predict
for ff in ../data/data_pb/ ../data/data_pb/ontonotes.train.conll.ud.json ../data/data_pb/ewt.train.conll.ud.json ../data/data_fn/parsed/fn17_exemplars.filtered.json ../data/data_nb/nb_f0.train.ud.json; do
  ff2=`basename $ff`
  CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 $CCMD_Q1 stream_input:$ff stream_output:../data/qadistill/${ff2%.json}.q1.json
# get calibration tau with ewt-dev => obtaining 2.511 with our latest run
python3 -m msp2.scripts.calibrate.ts2 ../data/qadistill/

Then do training and testing as in previous:

python3 shuffle:0 do_loop:0 gpus:0 tune_name:train_aug_srl
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -m msp2.tasks.zmtl3.main.test device:0 'conf_sbase:data:ace;task:arg' "model_load_name:run_train_aug_srl_0/,DMarg0.qmod.emb_role" arg0.arg_mode:tpl arg0.mix_evt_ind:0.5 test0.input_dir:data/data_evt/

More details on the scripts:

The running scripts are very similar to those in srl_cl, they share the same code-base and the running conventions are very similar. Please refer to it (especially the last several paragraphs in its README) for more details.