A general set of tools for text classification, ranking, feature extraction, and prediction
The goal of this tool is to make it easier to classify documents by providing a simple high level interface for a number of existing tools as well as be a place for novel algorithms to find use among users.
install nltk install textblob install network x install sci-kit learn
sudo pip install -U -r requirements.txt
download the nltk corpora:
import nltk
To install simply do the following:
sudo python setup.py install
This will install the package.
##Some simple examples
###Naive Bayes Classification
from text_classify.algorithms import naive_bayes
#Data appears as [([data to classify],[label]),..]
testing = [("hello there","greeting"),("later","goodbye")]
cl = naive_bayes(testing)
test = "Hello there friends"
cl.classify(test) # prints "greeting"
###Support Vector Machines
from text_classify.algorithms import svm, preprocess
#Data appears as [([data to classify],[label]),..]
testing = [("hello there","greeting"),("later","goodbye")]
cl = svm(testing)
test = preprocess("Hello there friends")
cl.classify(test) # prints "greeting"
###Decision Tree
from text_classify.algorithms import decision_tree, preprocess
#Data appears as [([data to classify],[label]),..]
testing = [("hello there","greeting"),("later","goodbye")]
cl = decision_tree(testing)
test = preprocess("Hello there friends")
cl.classify(test) # prints "greeting"
###Text Rank
ranker = algorithms.textrank("hello there friends how are you")
print ranker.keyphrases
print ranker.summary
##Current algorithms supported
- Cosine Simiarlity
- SVM text classification
- naive bayesian classification
- Text Rank
- Expectation Maximization-algorithm
- N-grams
- implement Deep Belief Networks
- implement neural networks
- create a high level interface to send jobs to spark and hadoop