Software Engineer 💻
Fiber Artist Enthusiast 🦙
React Whiz ⚛️
const nikki = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
code: [Javascript, HTML, CSS, C#, Python],
tools: [React, Node,, Discordjs],
tech: {
frontEnd: ["ReactJS", "Bootstrap", "Materialize"],
backEnd: ["Django", "Flask", "NodeJS"],
databases: ["PostgreSQL", "MongoDB"]
learning: ["C#", "React Native"]
currentProject = () => ({
.then(progress) {
progress.task = "Fullstack Developer"
progress.techUsed = ["React Native", "Django"]
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)