⚡️ Riminder API Node Wrapper
npm install --save riminder
npm run build
import Riminder from 'riminder';
const client = new Riminder({API_Key: "Your API Key"});
Class constructor for your client instance, it should be called with an options
object where you define your API_Key
Note: All methods return a Promise when called. All promises can throw exceptions so you should catch them at the end of your promise.
Method that gets a list of sources.
Method that gets a source by its id.
Method that gets a list of filters.
Method that gets a filter by its id or its reference. It accepts an object as follows
const options: FilterIdOrReference = {
filter_id: "filter_id",
// Or
filter_reference: "filter_reference"
Method that gets a list of profiles potentially filtered. It uses the following object to filter the results.
interface ProfilesOptions {
source_ids: Array<string>;
date_start: Date | number;
date_end: Date | number;
page?: number;
seniority?: Seniority;
filter_id?: string;
filter_reference?: string;
stage?: Stage;
rating?: number;
limit?: number;
sort_by: SortBy;
order_by?: OrderBy;
enum Stage {
enum SortBy {
enum OrderBy {
enum Seniority {
const options: ProfilesOptions = {
source_ids: ["source_id_1"],
date_start: new Date(0),
date_end: Date.now(),
sort_by: SortBy.RANKING
Method that uploads a resume for a particular profile. It uses the following data:
interface ProfileUpload {
source_id: string;
profile_reference: string;
timestamp_reception: Date | number;
training_metadata?: Array<TrainingMetadata>;
interface TrainingMetadata {
filter_reference: string;
stage: Stage;
stage_timestamp: Date | number;
rating: number;
rating_timestamp: Date | number;
You also have to give a file using a ReadStream
const options: ProfileUpload = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_reference: "profile_reference",
timestamp_reception: Date.now(),
training_metadata: [{
filter_reference: "filter_reference",
stage: Stage.YES,
stage_timestamp: Date.now(),
rating: 2,
rating_timestamp: Date.now()
client.profile.add(data, fs.createReadStream("myFile"));
Method that gets a profile from a source using its id or reference.
const options: ProfileOptionIdOrReference = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_id: "id",
// Or
profile_reference: "reference"
Method that check if the structured profile is valid.
export interface JsonUploadCheck {
profile_json: ProfileJSON;
training_metadata?: Array<TrainingMetadata>;
export interface ProfileJSON {
name: string;
email: string;
phone: string;
summary: string;
timestamp_reception: Date | number;
location_details: {
text: string;
experiences: Array<Experience>;
educations: Array<Education>;
skills: Array<string>;
languages: Array<string>;
interests: Array<string>;
urls: {
from_resume: Array<string>;
linkedin: string;
twitter: string;
facebook: string;
github: string;
picture: string;
export interface Experience {
start: string;
end: string;
title: string;
company: string;
location_details: {
text: string;
location: string;
description: string;
export interface Education {
start: string;
end: string;
title: string;
school: string;
location_details: {
text: string;
location: string;
description: string;
export interface TrainingMetadata {
stage: Stage;
stage_timestamp: Date | number;
rating: number;
rating_timestamp: Date | number;
filter_reference: string;
const data: JsonUploadCheck = {
profile_json: {
name: "Marty McFly",
email: "marty.mcfly@gmail.com",
phone: "202-555-0141",
summary: "High school student, loves to time travel",
timestamp_reception: new Date("1985-10-21"),
location_details: {
text: "9303 Lyon Drive, Lyon Estates, Hill Valley CA 95420"
experiences: [{
start: "01/01/2017",
end: "01/01/2018",
title: "CusCo employee",
company: "CusCo",
location_details: {
text: "Hill Valley"
location: "Hill Valley",
description: "Fujitsu company"
educations: [{
start: "01/01/1985",
end: "01/01/1986",
title: "Hill Valley High School",
school: "Hill Valley High School",
location_details: {
text: "Hill Valley"
location: "Hill Valley",
description: "a school"
skills: [
"time travel"
languages: [
interests: [
urls: {
from_resume: [
linkedin: "",
twitter: "",
facebook: "",
github: "",
picture: ""
Method that upload a structured profile to the platform.
export interface JsonUpload {
source_id: string;
profile_json: ProfileJSON;
profile_reference?: string;
training_metadata?: Array<TrainingMetadata>;
export interface ProfileJSON {
name: string;
email: string;
phone: string;
summary: string;
timestamp_reception: Date | number;
location_details: {
text: string;
experiences: Array<Experience>;
educations: Array<Education>;
skills: Array<string>;
languages: Array<string>;
interests: Array<string>;
urls: {
from_resume: Array<string>;
linkedin: string;
twitter: string;
facebook: string;
github: string;
picture: string;
export interface Experience {
start: string;
end: string;
title: string;
company: string;
location_details: {
text: string;
location: string;
description: string;
export interface Education {
start: string;
end: string;
title: string;
school: string;
location_details: {
text: string;
location: string;
description: string;
export interface TrainingMetadata {
stage: Stage;
stage_timestamp: Date | number;
rating: number;
rating_timestamp: Date | number;
filter_reference: string;
const data: JsonUpload = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_reference: "macfly",
profile_json: {
name: "Marty McFly",
email: "marty.mcfly@gmail.com",
phone: "202-555-0141",
summary: "High school student, loves to time travel",
timestamp_reception: new Date("1985-10-21"),
location_details: {
text: "9303 Lyon Drive, Lyon Estates, Hill Valley CA 95420"
experiences: [{
start: "01/01/2017",
end: "01/01/2018",
title: "CusCo employee",
company: "CusCo",
location_details: {
text: "Hill Valley"
location: "Hill Valley",
description: "Fujitsu company"
educations: [{
start: "01/01/1985",
end: "01/01/1986",
title: "Hill Valley High School",
school: "Hill Valley High School",
location_details: {
text: "Hill Valley"
location: "Hill Valley",
description: "a school"
skills: [
"time travel"
languages: [
interests: [
urls: {
from_resume: [
linkedin: "",
twitter: "",
facebook: "",
github: "",
picture: ""
Method that gets the documents associated to a profile by its id or reference.
const options: ProfileOptionIdOrReference = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_id: "id",
// Or
profile_reference: "reference"
Method that gets the parsing result of a profile by its id or reference.
const options: ProfileOptionIdOrReference = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_id: "id",
// Or
profile_reference: "reference"
Method that gets the scoring result of a profile by its id or reference.
const options: ProfileOptionIdOrReference = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_id: "id",
// Or
profile_reference: "reference"
Method that reveals the interpretability result of a profile (by id or reference) with a filter (by id or reference).
const options: ProfileOptionIdOrReference = {
source_id: "source_id",
profile_id: "id",
// Or
profile_reference: "reference",
filter_id: "id",
// Or
filter_reference: "reference"
Method that updates the stage of a profile on a particular filter.
enum Stage {
const data: StagePatch = {
source_id: "source_id",
stage: Stage.YES,
profile_id: "profile_id",
// Or
profile_reference: "profile_reference",
filter_id: "filter_id",
// Or
filter_reference: "filter_reference"
Method that updates the rating of a profile on a particular filter.
const data: RatingPatch = {
source_id: "source_id",
rating: 2,
profile_id: "profile_id",
// Or
profile_reference: "profile_reference",
filter_id: "filter_id",
// Or
filter_reference: "filter_reference"
This object is used to handle webhooks. If you give your webhooks secret key when you create the Riminder objects, you can set them up.
const client = new Riminder({
API_Key: "Your API Key",
Webhooks_Key: "Your Webhooks key"
This function is used to check if the webhook integration is set up.
client.webhooks.check().then((response: WebhooksResponse) => console.log(response))
export interface WebhooksResponse {
team_name: string;
webhook_id: string;
webhook_url: string;
The current list of events is:
const events = [
You can use this funtion to setup a callback function called when a particular event happens. The eventName is not mandatory, it's only here for simplicity.
client.webhooks.on("profile.parse.success", (webhooksData: Webhooks.Response, eventName?: string) => {
console.log("profile.parse.success received !");
Note: You can set a callback up only once, otherwise it will throw an error.
This function is the callback you need to call when a request is received on the webhook endpoint. It takes an object corresponding to the headers of the request and returns a function.
router.post(".../webhooks", client.webhooks.handle(request.headers));