Contracts programming for Clojure.
- Official documentation and usage scenarios
- Original announcement (syntax has evolved since then)
(require '[trammel.provide :as provide])
(defn sqr [n] (* n n))
(sqr 10)
;=> 100
(sqr 0)
;=> 0
[sqr "given a number not equal to zero, sqr ensures that it returns a positive number"
[x] [number? (not= 0 x) => number? pos?]])
(sqr 10)
;=> 100
(sqr 0)
; Pre-condition failure: given a number not equal to zero, sqr
; ensures that it returns a positive number
; Assert failed: (not= 0 x)
(use '[trammel.core :only (defconstrainedrecord)])
(defconstrainedrecord Foo [a b]
"Foo record fields are expected to hold only numbers."
[(every? number? [a b])]
(toString [this] (str "record Foo has " a " and " b)))
;; default ctor with default values
(->Foo 1 2)
;=> #:user.Foo{:a 1, :b 2}
;; use like any other map/record
(assoc (->Foo 1 2) :a 88 :c "foo")
;=> #:user.Foo{:a 88, :b 2, :c "foo"}
;; invariants on records checked at runtime
(assoc (->Foo 1 2) :a "foo")
; Pre-condition failure: Foo record fields are expected to hold only numbers.
; Assert failed: (every? number? [a b])
(use '[trammel.core :only (defconstrainedtype)])
(defconstrainedtype Foo [a b]
"Foo type fields are expected to hold only numbers."
[(every? number? [a b])])
(->Foo 1 2)
#<Foo user.Foo@73683>
;; invariants on types checked at constructions time
(->Foo 1 :b)
; Assert failed: (every? number? [a b])
(def a (constrained-atom 0
"only numbers allowed"
;=> 0
(swap! a inc)
;=> 1
(swap! a str)
; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed
(compare-and-set! a 0 "a")
; Pre-condition failure: only numbers allowed
The same will work on all reference types, including:
- Refs - Invariants checked in a transaction
- Agents - Invariants checked on
, assertion errors handled as normal agent errors - Vars - Invariants checked on
Modify your Leiningen dependencies to include Trammel:
:dependencies [[trammel "0.7.0"] ...]
Add the following to your pom.xml
Trammel is in its infancy but I think that I have a nice springboard for experimentation and expansion, including:
- Contracts for higher-order functions
- Better error messages
- Distinct pre and post exceptions
- Study the heck out of everything Bertrand Meyer and Walter Bright ever wrote (in progress)
-- with ability to relax requires and tighten ensures- Study the heck out of Racket Scheme (in progress)
- Modify macros to also allow regular Clojure constraint maps
- Make the
constraint cheap (elimination) - Allow other stand-alones: true/false, numbers, characters, regexes
- Make
more amenable to REPL use - Generate a Foo? function (in progress)
- Marrying test.generative with Trammel
If you have any ideas or interesting references then I would be happy to discuss at me -the-at-sign- fogus -the-single-period- me.
- An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming by C.A.R Hoare -- essential reading
- Object-oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer
- Eiffel: The Language by Bertrand Meyer
- D
- The Fortress Language Specification by Guy L. Steele Jr., et al.
- Contracts for Higher-order functions by Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen
- System.Diagnostics.Contracts
- Design by Contract and Unit Testing
- Design by contract for Ruby
- Contracts in Racket (A Scheme Descendent)
- Contract Soundness for Object-Oriented Languages by Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen
- A Proof Engine for Eiffel
- How to Deign Programs by Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Shriram Krishnamurthi here
Add the following to your .emacs file for better Trammel formatting:
(eval-after-load 'clojure-mode
(contract 'defun)
(defconstrainedfn 'defun)
(defcontract 'defun)
(provide 'defun)))
Type the following into a REPL session to see how Trammel might be used.
(defconstrainedtype Bar
[a b]
[(every? pos? [a b])])
(Bar? (->Bar 1 2))
(defn sqr [n] (* n n))
[sqr "the constraining of sqr"
[n] [number? (not= 0 n) => pos? number?]])
(sqr 0)
(positive-nums -1)
(type (->Bar))
(.a (->Bar 42 77))
(.b (->Bar 42 77))
(.a (->Bar -42 77))
(.b (->Bar 42 -77))
(defconstrainedfn sqrt
[x] [(>= x 0) => (>= % 0)]
(Math/sqrt x))
(defn- bigger-than-zero? [n] (>= n 0))
(defconstrainedfn sqrt
[x] [bigger-than-zero? => bigger-than-zero?]
(Math/sqrt x))
(sqrt 10)
(sqrt -19)
(defconstrainedfn sqrt
[x] [bigger-than-zero? => bigger-than-zero? (<= (Math/abs (- x (* % %))) 0.01)]
(Math/sqrt x))
(* (sqrt 30) (sqrt 30))
(def ag (constrained-agent 0
"only numbers allowed"
(send ag str)
(agent-error ag)
(def r (constrained-ref 0
"only numbers allowed"
(dosync (alter r inc))
(dosync (alter r str))
(def a (constrained-atom 0
"only numbers allowed"
(swap! a inc)
(swap! a str)
(compare-and-set! a 0 "a")
(defconstrainedvar ^:dynamic foo 0
"only numbers allowed in Var foo"
(binding [foo :a] [foo])