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Changed Xmod.applescript to better support --machine-dir, --human-dir…
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… and --output-dir comments... directories can be specified as either full or relative paths (relative to model file). Xcode group and file references are no longer deleted/re-added with every save. New files are added automatically. This allows group references to be moved or contain files that are not auto generated.
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GoannaGuy committed Sep 27, 2010
1 parent ddad0a3 commit 0894c56
Showing 1 changed file with 179 additions and 40 deletions.
219 changes: 179 additions & 40 deletions Xmod/Xmod.applescript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ on updateProjectXmod(_project)
set theComments to the comments of modelItr
if theComments contains "xmod" then

set modelInfo to my getModelInfo(full path of modelItr)
set modelInfo to my getModelInfo(full path of modelItr, theComments)
set humanGroupRef to null
set machineGroupRef to null

-- Figure out the model's parent group.
-- Unversioned models are simple files so their group is the answer.
Expand All @@ -28,55 +30,56 @@ on updateProjectXmod(_project)
set modelGroupRef to item 1 of (every group of _project whose groups contains modelGroupRef)
end if

-- Create the .xcdatamodel related source group if necessary.
if not (exists (every item reference of modelGroupRef whose full path is (srcDirPath of modelInfo))) then
-- look for a group in the project that has the full path of the human manageable files
set groupRefs to (every group of _project whose full path is (humanDirPath of modelInfo))
-- if we don't find one, create it in the same group as the model file
if (count of groupRefs) = 0 then
tell modelGroupRef
make new group with properties {full path:(srcDirPath of modelInfo), name:(name of modelInfo)}
-- if we have different human and machine paths, then append '_human' to the model name for the group name
if (humanDirPath of modelInfo) is not equal to (machineDirPath of modelInfo) then
make new group with properties {full path:(humanDirPath of modelInfo), name:(name of modelInfo & "_human")}
make new group with properties {full path:(humanDirPath of modelInfo), name:(name of modelInfo)}
end if
set groupRefs to (every group of _project whose full path is (humanDirPath of modelInfo))
end tell
end if
set modelSrcGroup to item 1 of (every item reference of modelGroupRef whose full path is (srcDirPath of modelInfo))
tell modelSrcGroup to delete every item reference -- clear it out for population in case we didn't just create it
set humanGroupRef to item 1 of groupRefs

-- if we have different human and machine paths, then look for a group for the machine files
if (humanDirPath of modelInfo) is not equal to (machineDirPath of modelInfo) then
set groupRefs to (every group of _project whose full path is (machineDirPath of modelInfo))
-- if we don't find one, create it in the same group as the model file... named with '_machine' appended to the model name
if (count of groupRefs) = 0 then
tell modelGroupRef
make new group with properties {full path:(machineDirPath of modelInfo), name:(name of modelInfo & "_machine")}
end tell
set groupRefs to (every group of _project whose full path is (machineDirPath of modelInfo))
end if
set machineGroupRef to item 1 of groupRefs
end if

-- Create the do shell script string and append any custom per model options to it
set theScript to "/usr/bin/mogenerator --model '" & full path of modelItr & "' --output-dir '" & (srcDirPath of modelInfo) & "'"
-- Create the do shell script string and append any custom per model options to it, skipping the ones we've already parsed out
set theScript to "/usr/bin/mogenerator --model '" & full path of modelItr & "' --human-dir '" & (humanDirPath of modelInfo) & "' --machine-dir '" & (machineDirPath of modelInfo) & "'"
set theParagraphs to every paragraph of theComments
repeat with theParagraph in theParagraphs
if (length of the characters of theParagraph) is greater than 2 then
set theToken to the first character of theParagraph & the second character of theParagraph
if theToken is "--" then
set theScript to theScript & " " & the text of theParagraph
if ((offset of "--human-dir " in theParagraph) = 0) and ((offset of "--machine-dir " in theParagraph) = 0) and ((offset of "--output-dir " in theParagraph) = 0) then
set theScript to theScript & " " & the text of theParagraph
end if
end if
end if
end repeat

-- Meat.
do shell script theScript

-- Build a list of resulting source files.
tell application "System Events"
set modelSrcDirAlias to POSIX file (srcDirPath of modelInfo) as alias
set humanHeaderFileList to (every file of modelSrcDirAlias whose name ends with ".h" and name does not start with "_")
set humanSourceFileList to (every file of modelSrcDirAlias whose (name ends with ".m" or name ends with ".mm") and name does not start with "_")
set machineHeaderFileList to (every file of modelSrcDirAlias whose name ends with ".h" and name starts with "_")
set machineSourceFileList to (every file of modelSrcDirAlias whose (name ends with ".m" or name ends with ".mm") and name starts with "_")
set fileList to humanSourceFileList & humanHeaderFileList & machineSourceFileList & machineHeaderFileList
set pathList to {}
repeat with fileItem in fileList
set pathList to pathList & POSIX path of fileItem
end repeat
end tell

-- Add the source files to the model's source group and the model's targets.
set targetList to my everyTargetWithBuildFilePath(_project, full path of modelItr)
repeat with pathItr in pathList
tell modelSrcGroup
set modelSrcFileRef to make new file reference with properties {full path:pathItr, name:name of (info for POSIX file pathItr)}
repeat with targetIndex from 1 to (count of targetList)
set targetItr to item targetIndex of targetList
add modelSrcFileRef to targetItr
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
my addFilesFromPathToGroup(_project, modelItr, humanGroupRef)
if machineGroupRef is not null then
my addFilesFromPathToGroup(_project, modelItr, machineGroupRef)
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
Expand All @@ -94,10 +97,70 @@ on everyTargetWithBuildFilePath(_project, _buildFilePath)
return theResult
end everyTargetWithBuildFilePath

on getModelInfo(modelFileUnixPath)
on getModelInfo(modelFileUnixPath, theComments)
set modelFilePosixRef to POSIX file modelFileUnixPath
set modelFileAlias to modelFilePosixRef as alias
set theOutputDir to ""
set theHumanDir to ""
set theMachineDir to ""

-- check for any directory path options specified in the commments
set theParagraphs to every paragraph of theComments
repeat with theParagraph in theParagraphs
set paragraphLength to (length of theParagraph)
if (offset of "--human-dir " in theParagraph) = 1 then
set remainderOffset to (length of "--human-dir ") + 1
if remainderOffset > paragraphLength then
set theHumanDir to ""
set theHumanDir to text remainderOffset thru -1 of theParagraph
end if
else if (offset of "--machine-dir " in theParagraph) = 1 then
set remainderOffset to (length of "--machine-dir ") + 1
if remainderOffset > paragraphLength then
set theMachineDir to ""
set theMachineDir to text remainderOffset thru -1 of theParagraph
end if
else if (offset of "--output-dir " in theParagraph) = 1 then
set remainderOffset to (length of "--output-dir ") + 1
if remainderOffset > paragraphLength then
set theOutputDir to ""
set theOutputDir to text remainderOffset thru -1 of theParagraph
end if
end if
end repeat

-- remove any leading/trailing spaces or tabs from the paths
if (length of theHumanDir) > 0 then
repeat while character 1 of theHumanDir = tab or character 1 of theHumanDir = space
set theHumanDir to text 2 thru -1 of theHumanDir
end repeat
repeat while last character of theHumanDir = tab or last character of theHumanDir = space
set theHumanDir to text 1 thru -2 of theHumanDir
end repeat
end if

if (length of theMachineDir) > 0 then
repeat while character 1 of theMachineDir = tab or character 1 of theMachineDir = space
set theMachineDir to text 2 thru -1 of theMachineDir
end repeat
repeat while last character of theMachineDir = tab or last character of theMachineDir = space
set theMachineDir to text 1 thru -2 of theMachineDir
end repeat
end if

if (length of theOutputDir) > 0 then
repeat while character 1 of theOutputDir = tab or character 1 of theOutputDir = space
set theOutputDir to text 2 thru -1 of theOutputDir
end repeat
repeat while last character of theOutputDir = tab or last character of theOutputDir = space
set theOutputDir to text 1 thru -2 of theOutputDir
end repeat
end if

-- get actual the model info and modify value for theOutputDir if necessary
tell application "Finder"
set modelFileFolder to folder of modelFileAlias

Expand All @@ -115,15 +178,91 @@ on getModelInfo(modelFileUnixPath)
end if

set modelName to text 1 thru -(extensionLength + 1) of modelFileName -- pull off the extension
if not (exists folder modelName of modelFileFolder) then

This comment has been minimized.

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rentzsch Feb 11, 2011


Bug introduced. Fixed in 462a485

make folder at modelFileFolder with properties {name:modelName}

-- if we didn't find any directory specifiers in the comments, then make theOutputDir the folder containg the model file
if ((length of theOutputDir) = 0) and ((length of theHumanDir) = 0) and ((length of theMachineDir) = 0) then
set modelSrcFolder to folder modelName of modelFileFolder
set theOutputDir to text 1 thru -2 of (POSIX path of (modelSrcFolder as alias))
-- otherwise, if theOutputDir isn't a full path itself already, set theOutputDir to a full path relative to the model file
else if theOutputDir does not start with "/" then
set modelFolderPath to text 1 thru -2 of (POSIX path of (modelFileFolder as alias))
if (length of theOutputDir) = 0 then
set theOutputDir to modelFolderPath
copy modelFolderPath & "/" & theOutputDir to theOutputDir
end if
end if
set modelSrcFolder to folder modelName of modelFileFolder

end tell
set srcDirPath to text 1 thru -2 of (POSIX path of (modelSrcFolder as alias)) -- kill the trailing slash
return {name:modelName, isBundle:isModelBundle, srcDirPath:srcDirPath}

-- if theHumanDir is empty, use theOutputDir value instead, if theHumanDir not empty and it isn't a full path, then treat it as a relative path to theOutputDir
if (length of theHumanDir) = 0 then
set theHumanDir to theOutputDir
else if theHumanDir does not start with "/" then
copy theOutputDir & "/" & theHumanDir to theHumanDir
end if

-- if theMachineDir is empty, use theOutputDir value instead, if theMachineDir not empty and it isn't a full path, then treat it as a relative path to theOutputDir
if (length of theMachineDir) = 0 then
set theMachineDir to theOutputDir
else if theMachineDir does not start with "/" then
copy theOutputDir & "/" & theMachineDir to theMachineDir
end if

-- ensure the directories exist
do shell script "mkdir -p '" & theHumanDir & "'"
do shell script "mkdir -p '" & theMachineDir & "'"

-- the following should resolve any symlinks, '..', or '~' in the paths
tell application "System Events"
set dirAlias to POSIX file theHumanDir as alias
set theHumanDir to (POSIX path of (dirAlias as alias))
set dirAlias to POSIX file theMachineDir as alias
set theMachineDir to (POSIX path of (dirAlias as alias))
end tell

return {name:modelName, isBundle:isModelBundle, machineDirPath:theMachineDir, humanDirPath:theHumanDir}

end getModelInfo

on logger(msg)
do shell script "logger '" & msg & "'"
end logger

on addFilesFromPathToGroup(_project, modelItr, groupRef)
tell application "Xcode"
-- get the full path of the directory that the groupRef represents
set groupPath to full path of groupRef

-- Build a list of source files in the group's directory
tell application "System Events"
set modelSrcDirAlias to POSIX file groupPath as alias
set fileList to (every file of modelSrcDirAlias whose (name ends with ".m" or name ends with ".mm" or name ends with ".h"))
set pathList to {}
repeat with fileItem in fileList
set pathList to pathList & POSIX path of fileItem
end repeat
end tell

-- Add the source files to the group and the model's targets, but only if they don't exist already
set targetList to null
repeat with pathItr in pathList
tell groupRef
set fileRefs to (every file reference of _project whose full path is pathItr)
if (count of fileRefs) = 0 then
set modelSrcFileRef to make new file reference with properties {full path:pathItr, name:name of (info for POSIX file pathItr)}
if targetList is null then
set targetList to my everyTargetWithBuildFilePath(_project, full path of modelItr)
end if
repeat with targetIndex from 1 to (count of targetList)
set targetItr to item targetIndex of targetList
add modelSrcFileRef to targetItr
end repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end addFilesFromPathToGroup

property ASDScriptUniqueIdentifier : "Xmod.applescript"

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