This module manages Ruby and Rubygems on Debian and Redhat based systems.
version: (default installed) Set the version of Ruby to install
gems_version: (default installed) Set the version of Rubygems to be installed
rubygems_update: (default true) If set to true, the module will ensure that the rubygems package is installed but will use rubygems-update (same as gem update --system but versionable) to update Rubygems to the version defined in $gems_version. If set to false then the rubygems package resource will be versioned from $gems_version
For a standard install using the latest Rubygems provided by rubygems-update on CentOS or Redhat use:
class { 'ruby':
gems_version => 'latest'
On Redhat this is equivilant to
$ yum install ruby rubygems
$ gem update --system
To install a specific version of ruby and rubygems but not use rubygems-update use:
class { 'ruby':
version => '1.8.7',
gems_version => '1.8.24',
rubygems_update => false
On Redhat this is equivilent to
$ yum install ruby-1.8.7 rubygems-1.8.24