It's a 3 in 1 complete business management tool for nursery owners,
- A complete E-commerce website for owners to list their nursery products and sell them.
- A tool to provide statistical analysis on nursery profit and employee performance.
- A one stop shop to manage all the employees working in the nursery, plants sown, inventory available, etc..
Please Use UBUNTU/MAC and not windows if you want your life to be any good.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mysql -u root -p
write you password, then create database:
create database nursery_management;
Grant priveleges to user(idk if you made the user or not but figure it out userself you have dbms afterall)
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nursery_management.* TO 'noisymime'@'localhost';
Now inside the file, add the username and password of your mysql user, we do this so we don't have to share the password on github.
e.g: the 2 lines could be
password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'