About◈ Installation ◈ How to use ◈ Features
Have you ever wanted to reminisce the 2000's with an episode from the Tumblr-famous Supernatural? You're in the right place! Supernatural Roulette is a random episode generator for the CW series Supernatural (2005-2020), with options to generate from certain seasons and to include/exclude "crack" (meta) episodes.
Create a virtual environment
python -m venv <name of environment>
Download source code as a .zip
Unzip it into the folder with virtual environment
Install required packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run app.py (Flask should automatically detect it)
python -m flask run
Go to the local server/port using your browser
[Optional] Select the seasons to include by entering them in the box
- Indicate separate seasons with a comma (
) and indicate ranges with a hyphen (-
). Do not use spaces. For example, seasons 1 to 5, 8, and 10 to 13 would be entered as1-5,8,10-13
- Indicate separate seasons with a comma (
[Optional] Select option for "crack" episodes by clicking on the buttons
means all episodes, including "crack" ones, will be included -
means only non-"crack" episodes will be included -
Crack episodes only
means only "crack" episodes will be included
Click "Generate". The generated episode will appear below, in the format
<season number> <episode number> <episode name>
Click "Generate" again to re-generate with the same filters, or modify the filters and click "Generate" again
- Filter by season: Choose specific seasons to include in the randomization; all others will be excluded
- Filter "crack" episodes: Choose to include, exclude, or only randomize from the meta episodes. A list of crack episodes can be found in files > episodes-crack.txt