An ETL system for processing Libra backup archives from genesis to present into a graph database.
Uses Open Cypher for compatibility with Neo4j, AWS Neptune, Memgraph, etc.
By default uses Neo4j as target database.
You will use Backup archives from
Note there are different Git branches for each of v5, v6, v7 archives.
cargo build release
cp ./target/libra-forensic-db ~/.cargo/bin
You should also unzip all the files (NOTE future versions of forensic-db will gzip extract for you).
# for example get the v6 data
git clone --depth 1 --branch v6
Export the DB credentials to environment variables, or pass them as arguments to the tool.
If you don't have a running neo4j, you can use the Neo4j desktop tool to create a locally hosted db. If you're feeling lucky and want to use docker:
# to run docker and persist data between restarts to a certain local directory
docker run \
--restart always \
--publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
--env NEO4J_AUTH=none \
--volume=/path/to/your/data:/data \
# Use these arguments in your env.
export LIBRA_GRAPH_DB_URI='neo4j+s://'
export LIBRA_GRAPH_DB_USER='neo4j'
export LIBRA_GRAPH_DB_PASS='your-password'
Or include in the command line arguments
libra-forensic-db --db-uri 'neo4j+s://' --db-username 'neo4j' --db-password 'your-password' <sub-command e.g. ingest-all>
For example: ingest all archives for transaction
# change to the path where epoch-archive-mainnet repo is located
cd epoch-archive-mainnet
# to view detailed logs:
export RUST_LOG=info
# load all transactional backups from epoch archive
libra-forensic-db ingest-all --start-path <path to epoch-archive> --archive-content transaction
You can add off-chain data to the forensic db. Currently, exchange transactions are supported from JSON with the following format:
libra-forensic-db enrich-exchange --exchange_json <path to .json file>