A selenium based python script, designed to located HR mails on linkedin.com, and mass send them job applications.
clone this repo
Download the geckodriver based on your os
Place it in the cloned folder and change it's name to "geckodriver" (no suffix)
In detail.json change the following:
"li_username": Your linkedin username or mail here,
"li_password": Your linkedin password here,
"gmail": Your gmail mail here,
"gmail_password": Your gmail password here (see link below),
"search_url": Search url here,
"attached_pdf": An array of all the files you wish to add to the mail
more detailes about how to generate a propper gmail password
- In message.json change:
"subject": Mail subject,
"message": Customized message - BE NICE!!
- Now you are ready to run
python main.py
- -i : Send mail immediately
- -fs :
Send mail to yourselfPrint mail content without sending - -s : Just send previously fetched mails
- -c : Just fetch new mails
- -p : number of passes to perform on the web page, higher numbers = slower with more results
- Must have python 3.7 or any newer version
- Must have selenium and re
- You must use gmail, don't use your current employer mail address
- Make sure the "Less secure apps" option in your google account is on (more info can be found here)
- The search_url field must be a linkedin sign-in page. i.e, must look like this: