This repository demonstrates how to integrate and use the 0G Storage TypeScript SDK in your applications. It provides implementation examples using the 0G decentralized storage network.
REST API implementation using Express framework with Swagger documentation.
git checkout master
- Features:
- RESTful endpoints for upload/download
- Swagger UI for API testing and documentation
- TypeScript implementation for type safety
Command-line interface implementation will be available in the cli-version branch.
git checkout cli-version
- Features:
- Direct file upload/download via CLI
- Command-line arguments for configuration
- TypeScript implementation
import { Indexer } from '@0glabs/0g-ts-sdk';
const indexer = new Indexer(
INDEXER_RPC, // Indexer service endpoint
RPC_URL, // EVM RPC endpoint
PRIVATE_KEY, // For signing transactions
FLOW_CONTRACT_STANDARD // Flow contract address
The upload process involves both API handling and SDK operations:
// Create ZgFile from file path
const zgFile = await ZgFile.fromFilePath(filePath);
const [tree, treeErr] = await zgFile.merkleTree();
const [tx, uploadErr] = await indexer.upload(zgFile);
// Get file identifier and transaction hash
const rootHash = tree?.rootHash();
const transactionHash = tx;
What happens during upload:
- File is received via multipart form upload
- SDK creates a ZgFile instance from the uploaded file
- Merkle tree is generated for the file
- File is uploaded to the 0G Storage network
- Root hash and transaction hash are returned
The download process retrieves files using their root hash:
const err = await, outputPath, true);
What happens during download:
- Root hash is used to locate the file in the network
- File is downloaded to a local path
- Downloaded file is verified
- File is streamed to the client
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd 0g-storage-ts-starter-kit
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Copy the .env.example file to .env and set your private key:
cp .env.example .env
- Start the server:
npm start
Access Swagger UI: http://localhost:3000/api-docs
Available Endpoints:
- POST /upload - Upload a file
- Request: multipart/form-data with 'file' field
- Response: JSON with rootHash and transactionHash
- GET /download/{rootHash} - Download a file
- Request: rootHash in URL path
- Response: File content stream
- POST /upload - Upload a file
The application uses the following default network configuration which can be overridden through environment variables:
const RPC_URL = '';
const FLOW_CONTRACT_STANDARD = '0x0460aA47b41a66694c0a73f667a1b795A5ED3556';
const INDEXER_RPC = '';
Error Handling:
- Proper error handling for file operations
- Validation of uploaded files
- Comprehensive error messages for debugging
- Environment variables for sensitive data
- Private key protection
- Input validation
Resource Management:
- Proper file cleanup after operations
- Closing file handles
- Memory efficient file processing
Explore advanced SDK features in the 0G Storage TypeScript SDK documentation. Learn more about the 0G Storage Network.