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Ron. A edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Docker is getting a lot of hype these days, for good reason. There are plenty of articles touting the merits of Docker but most are written without context and are limited to examining the the benefits of Docker independently of its' practical everyday use in a software development project lifecycle.

Dockdj aims to examine the benefits of Docker within the context of a software company with multiple developers working on multiple projects, having to manage these projects deployed in a cloud production environment. In this context the benefits of Docker become more readily apparent.

With the rise of cloud computing, the number of systems that need to be maintained has exploded. Manual provisioning of an increasingly large number of systems becomes impossible for a small team, given platforms like Amazon EC2 provide auto-scaling when additional load is detected.

Tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet and Salt are great solutions towards achieving automated provisioning of virtual machines. The industry has responded by quickly adopting these tools, but even more agility and performance can be achieved by using Docker containers.

Combining Docker with a deployment tool like AWS Elastic Beanstalk can provide even greater efficiencies for developing and deploying cloud applications.



This article will be using Dockdj to illustrate using Docker and Elastic Beanstalk in the context of a real-world web project. Dockdj is a recipe for building 12-factor Python / Django web apps with multi-container Docker and deploying to Amazon AWS using Elastic Beanstalk. Dockdj is available on GitHub.

Manual Provisioning

The naive approach is manual provisioning: the developer installs Apache and associated system libraries directly on the local development machine, configure it according to the WordPress documentation.

These manual steps will need to be repeated for every additional member of the development team, and again for the production web server. When provisioned software is updated or configurations change. All members of the development team and the production systems need to be updated accordingly. Larger teams inevitably begin experiencing the "works on my machine" problems between developers when some developers haven't updated their configurations to match coworkers who have.

Manual provisioning quickly becomes a frequent and resource-intensive process, with the side-effect of prolonging the deployment of important vendor bug fixes and security patches across both development and productions systems.

Additionally, when increased traffic hits productions systems, new systems need to be allocated and scaled horizontally to support the new traffic. All the provisioning needs to repeated. This system doesn't scale as more production servers are added to serve additional traffic load.

Even worse is when differences between developer-systems and production-systems result in hard-to-reproduce bugs once the app is deployed from development into production.

Automated Provisioning

An improvement over manual provisioning is automated provisioning using a configuration management tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt, etc. These tools have been developed to address the problems of provisioning at large scale.

The aim of these tools are:

  1. Initialize and start virtual machines
  2. Automate the provisioning process in a repeatable way
  3. Manage changes to provisioning in a version control system
  4. Establishing and maintaining consistency of system dependencies and configuration throughout an applications life

Configuration management tools are wonderful for automated provisioning, but in practice [1] they tend to split management of the stack-app into two parts:

  1. the software Stack
  • Operating system
  • System libraries
  • Provisioned software
  • Configuration
  1. the Application
  • Source code & binaries
  • Dependencies
  • Runtime environment

The result is that the stack (#1) is initially allocated and provisioned using one of the configuration management tools. The application (#2) is then deployed on the stack— resulting in a running application. When subsequent application versions (#2) are released and deployed, they are deployed onto the (unchanged) stack. The problem with this model is that the stack and the application are managed independently. Changes to the stack are managed as a unit separate from changes to the application. No data is recorded that describes the compatibility of the integrated whole.

This results in increased complexity during rollbacks or simultaneous updates to both stack and application. More importantly version numbers of the application are not tied to versions of the stack.

Under this model, the stack version and application version aren't coupled— which increases the likelihood of integration failures.

An example will illustrate where this model will fail:

Our production web server is provisioned with Apache 3.3.0 and the application (WordPress) was at version 0.7.0 last week, and have just released version 0.8.0 this past week.

Apache announces a security vulnerability fix at version 3.3.1. Under the (typical) automated provisioning model, the configuration management tool would be updated to provision the new version of Apache. The tool runs against all production server systems. Here the application doesn't change, it simply rides on top of the Apache stack without change. No problems occur with the rollout of the new Apache release.

Next the application updates and releases a new version for deployment- 0.9.0. The deploy process runs, and for some reason the application fails, it isn't compatible with version 3.3.1 of Apache.

The decision is made to rollback the application to 0.8.0, which runs successfully with Apache 3.3.1. The system is working again.

A critical security vulnerability is discovered in application 0.8.0 and the decision is made to roll application back to version 0.7.0. (Keep in mind the previous app version 0.7.0 was running Apache 3.3.0, and the stack is currently 3.3.1).

The application fails— because 0.7.0 was never integration tested against Apache 3.3.1. What do you do?

In this example the devops team failed to remember to rollback Apache, simply because the integrated dependencies were not internally coupled. The compatible coupling existed only as institutional knowledge outside the scope of the configuration management system, as Stack and Application were managed separately.

Docker for Configuration Management

One major advantage of Docker is that it does not necessitate running a unique VM [2] for every project a team works on. If developers work on multiple projects, each with its own customized VM, switching between projects becomes a time-consuming context shift for developers.

Docker containers run directly on the Linux operating system and yet each container is isolated. This eliminates the slowness of booting and the overhead of a VM. Docker containers start up as quickly as running a normal process, and eliminate VM "booting" for every Docker project the developer works on. Deploying changes to the environment for every developer working on the project is as easy as publishing a new Docker image. Next time a developer starts the container, he/she will get the new image.

Another advantage of Docker over an automated configuration management tool is that it does not bifurcate the stack and the application into independent segments.

A stack using Docker containers has the same benefit of configuration management, but can couple the stack and the application into a single managed component. The application is deployed along with its stack— and the complete stack-app component is deployed together as a single Docker image or a bundle of Docker images that have already been integration tested at least on a developers machine.

As opposed the the "automated provisioning" model, the Docker model of the stack-app looks more like this:

  1. Set of Docker images
  • Operating system (the software Stack)
  • Provisioned software (the software Stack)
  • Configuration (the software Stack)
  • System libraries (the software Stack)
  • Source code & binaries (Application)
  • Dependencies (Application)
  • Runtime environment (Application)

With every deployment, the entire stack-app (1) will be deployed. Docker uses hashes (like Git) to minimize the amount of data that will be downloaded for any update. This means only the differences are downloaded rather than the entire stack.

The greatest advantage of using Docker is that developers can run the application in the very same environment as production. According to Twelve-Factor Methodology this is called achieving "Dev/Prod Parity". This is a huge benefit in that it eliminates an entire class of bugs that result from differences between developers-and-developers as well as bugs that result from differences between developers-and-production.

Elastic Beanstalk for Deployment

If you know Heroku, than Amazons' Elastic Beanstalk will be extremely familiar. EB borrows many ideas from Heroku, but the killer feature is its' ability to dynamically run, deploy and scale Docker containers on a cluster of servers. It handles hardware allocation, network configuration, load balancing, auto-scaling, health monitoring and rolling deployments.

EB doesn't do everything, but it's good enough to adopt early and use until your team understands its deployment use-cases more clearly and understands limitations of EB and its trade-offs.

Django specific structure

The core structure of the Docker / Elastic Beanstalk app can be explained by describing the directory structure.

These comments describe the application-specific file structure:

.gitignore               # Describes which files git ignores
.bowerrc                 # Configures where web frontend dependencies live
.csslintrc.json          # Describes CSS syntax rules
.jshintrc                # Describes JavaScript syntax rules
bower.json               # Describes web frontend dependencies
gulpfile.js              # Describes app build and dev tasks
package.json             # Describes NPM dependencies
app/                     # Our python app
  apps/*                 # python app modules
  project/*              # App-specific settings
  dist/*                 # App static assets (served via Nginx)
      Dockerfile   # Settings for production app-server             # Script to start app-server
  nginx/*                # Nginx config files
environments/            # Environment-specific settings
  dev/                   # Development-only environment settings
    .env                 # Actual environment vars (Excluded from git)
    .env.example         # Example environment vars
    Procfile             # Configures how Honcho starts app-servers
    requirements.txt     # Describes dev Python dependencies
  prod/                  # Development-only environment settings
    .env                 # Actual environment vars (Excluded from git)
    .env.example         # Example environment vars
    Procfile             # Configures how Honcho starts app-servers
    requirements.txt     # Describes prod Python dependencies

Some of these directories and files are described in more depth below:


# Built testing and static asset artifacts

Files matching the name environments/*/.env contain sensitive information (usernames, passwords, etc) about per-deployment environments that shouldn't be included in version control.

The node_modules directory and will be created when the developer installs NPM packages. These are dependencies and should not be committed into the source code repository.

The .elasticbeanstalk/* directory is excluded from Git because it contains files that are generated by EB command-line during environment creation and version deployment that shouldn't be written to the repository. It also contains temporary configuration files (written by the EB cli).

Both !.elasticbeanstalk/*.cfg.yml and !.elasticbeanstalk/*.global.yml entries use the "NOT" operator to re- include themselves into the repo. These files can be useful to have in version control, as they contain useful environment configuration settings.


Bower is a web frontend package management system. The application declares its frontend dependencies in this file.

During docker image creation, these dependencies are installed.


Gulp.js is a task runner for Node.js. gulpfile.js defines common tasks and utilities related to this application:

  • Running code Syntax checking & automated testing
  • SASS and CSS compilation and minification
  • Frontend asset building


NPM is a package management system for Node.js applications. package.json The application declares its Node.js dependencies in this file.


The app/ directory contains all source code related to the Django python web application.


This project uses two application servers, runserver_plus during development and gunicorn in production.

These are settings related to the Gunicorn application server. In production, a more performant application is used, requiring this configuration file.


On production systems, where nginx acts as a reverse-proxy for the Gunicorn web application, we use Docker links to connect the two containers together. This configuration is best for reducing latency. Inside our nginx config file, we can use a named entry for the proxy_pass value to reference our Django application server running in another container on port 8080.

# ...
location / {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_redirect   off;
    proxy_pass       http://django:8080;
    # ...


cd /var/app
# ...
honcho --procfile "environments/$ENV_NAME/Procfile" \
       --env "environments/$ENV_NAME/.env" start is used during both development and production as a single task to bootstrap the application server. It uses the honcho task runner to start the server according to a set of tasks in a Procfile for development and another for production.

The --env parameter is used to pass environment variables sourced from the environments subdirectory. At runtime, the $ENV_NAME variable will be set: dev for development and prod for production. This way a separate Procfile and separate set of environment variables are available to configure the modes independently.


# The webserver: Python
webserver: cd app && ./ runserver_plus
# The CDN assets emulation server
cdnserver: cd /var/app/app/dist && python -m http.server 8010

During development, the Django runserver_plus application server interprets Python, while a simple HTTP server serves assets (images, CSS, etc).


webserver: cd app && gunicorn \
    -c /etc/gunicorn/ project.wsgi:application

In production, we use Gunicorn to serve the python application, so the only task run is the gunicorn app server. Static assets aren't handled here because Nginx will be reverse-proxying the application and also serving static assets.

This decision was made because Nginx is optimized to serve static assets and it will reduce load on the application server.

environments/[dev | prod]/.env.example

Both environments/dev/.env.example and environments/prod/.env.example are committed into git to provide hints to developers that they should create a .env file in the same directory as a place to store environment variables that are passed into the application.

The .env file is excluded from the git repository as it contains sensitive usernames passwords and cryptographic information.

environments/[dev | prod]/requirements.txt

The python utility pip is a package management utility. It uses a file named requirements.txt to install all package dependencies. The development environment adds some useful debugging utilities that shouldn't be included on production systems, so production has its own file.

During docker image creation, these dependencies are installed.

Docker specific structure

.dockerignore            # Describes which files Docker ignores
bin/*                    # Scripts for Docker, build and deployment
docker/                  # Configuration files required by docker
  django/                # Django related settings
    dev/                 # Development-only settings
      docker-compose.yml # Orchestrates dev containers
      Dockerfile         # Builds dev Docker image
    prod/                # Production-only settings
      docker-compose.yml # Orchestrates prod containers
      Dockerfile         # Builds prod Docker image


The .dockerignore file specifies a list of patterns to exclude from the build context during creation of the Docker image. These files are not required by the execution of the container, and should be removed to reduce the size of the final image.


Some notable entries are described below:

The node_modules directory and will be created when the developer installs NPM packages. If the developer is using on OS X, packages compiled on OS X will not work when the container is running in the Linux VM, so this entry ensures that node modules are installed on the host OS independently from the container OS.

.ebextensions/*, .elasticbeanstalk/* and .ebignore are required by the Elastic Beanstalk deploy process, and are outside the scope of execution of the Docker container, and are not required.

The app/dist directory contains frontend assets served by both Django and Nginx, and are required by both Django and Nginx containers. Because Amazon ECS cannot (currently) directly mount a single volume from one container into another container, we need these files to be deployed directly on the host OS. Docker can mount the directory on both Django and Nginx containers as a shared volume. This directory will be deployed by EB, and is thus excluded from Docker.


bin/image is a shell script that wraps common Docker commands used to create Docker images. There are three major subcommands: build, destroy and update all take a single argument, the name of the environment subdirectory of the environments/ directory. This will spawn Docker and build, delete or rebuild the image as specified by the Dockerfile in the directory corresponding to the final argument.


bin/stevedore is a shell script that wraps common Docker commands used to start and stop Docker containers. There are many subcommands, but the most useful are: start, stop and either of the two build commands. All subcommands take take a single argument, the name of the environment subdirectory of the environments/ directory. This will spawn Docker and start, stop or run the corresponding build process.


This file provides configuration for Docker to orchestrate the management of the development Docker container for the local dev environment.

  build: ../../..
  dockerfile: docker/django/dev/Dockerfile
  env_file: ../../../environments/dev/.env
    - "../../../app/apps:/var/app/app/apps"
    - "../../../app/dist:/var/app/app/dist"
    - "../../../app/"
    - "../../../environments:/var/app/environments"
    - "../../../gulpfile.js:/var/app/gulpfile.js"
    - "../../../project:/var/app/project"
    - "80:8080"
    - "8010:8010"

It defines one container "django", specifying a path to the build-context as well as a path to load the Dockerfile. env_file specifies the path the a file containing all environment variables. A set of volumes to share from the host OS to the container are listed in volumes. Finally ports tells Docker which ports on the host to map to the container.


The Dockerfile is a set of instructions for Docker to execute in order to produce a Docker image— a file used to create a Docker container running your application code.

# ...
# Install apt, Python then NodeJS dependencies.
RUN             apt-get update && \
                curl -sL | bash - && \
                apt-get install -y nodejs && \
                pip install --upgrade pip && \
                pip install -r \
                    environments/dev/requirements.txt && \
                npm update && \
                npm install -g gulp && \
                npm install && \
# Add our initialization script to the image and run it upon startup.
ADD             docker/django/ /
CMD             ["/"]

In the development Dockerfile, pip and npm commands install the necessary dependencies from the environments/dev folder. Finally is called to start the Django application server.


This file provides configuration for Docker to orchestrate the management of the production Docker containers. This configuration can be used for testing locally prior to deployment to Amazon AWS.

  build: ../../..
  dockerfile: docker/django/prod/Dockerfile
  env_file: ../../../environments/prod/.env
    - "../../../docker/django/prod/"
    - "../../../logs/gunicorn:/var/log/gunicorn"
    - "/var/app/app/dist"

  image: nginx
    - django
    - "../../../docker/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro"
    - "../../../docker/nginx/sites-enabled.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro"
    - "../../../logs/nginx:/var/log/nginx"
    - django
    - "80:80"

It defines two containers "django" and "nginx". "Django" is configured quite similar to the development setup, but doesn't map as many volumes from the host OS to the container. In this configuration "django" doesn't need to expose a port externally, as the "nginx" container will expose port 80 externally.

Importantly, the "nginx" container uses links to connect the "django" container to "nginx". This way nginx config files can refer to "django" as-if it was another host on the same network with the name "nginx".

Finally, the "nginx" container will mount all volumes from the "django" container with the volumes_from directive, and expose port 80 to the host OS.


The major difference between the development Dockerfile and the production version is:

  • It exposes port 8080 for other containers
  • It runs gulp build during image creation

This Dockerfile also installs production-only Python pip dependencies in requirements.txt.

# Install apt, Python then NodeJS dependencies.
RUN             apt-get update && \
                curl -sL | bash - && \
                apt-get install -y nodejs && \
                pip install --upgrade pip && \
                pip install -r \
                    environments/prod/requirements.txt && \
                npm update && \
                npm install -g gulp && \
                npm install && \
                gulp build
# Exposes port 8080
EXPOSE          8080

When Docker runs the image build, it runs gulp build, which runs code-quality, unit tests and produces production-ready web frontend assets. This allows for testing prior to deployment, and gives the team an opportunity to fix errors before they go into the wild.

Elastic Beanstalk specific structure

Finally, these comments describe files related to Amazons' Elastic Beanstalk:

.ebextensions/           # Describes how EB builds environments
  01_envvars.config      # Describes env vars for AWS Docker containers
.ebignore                # Describes how Amazon EB ignores some files
.elasticbeanstalk/       # Location Amazon EB stores its cli settings       # Describes how to run our containers in AWS


This file is used by the Elastic Beanstalk command line utilities to pass key-value parameters to Amazon EC2 and ECS. This file is used to store all production environment variables that are provided to running containers. This variables often vary between deployments.


When Elastic Beanstalk does a deployment, it creates a zip file of the current directory, uploads it to Amazon S3, and deploys the files to running EC2 instances. Since this project is using Docker images to package the app, we can ignore most files; with the exception of the app/dist directory— which both "Django" and "Nginx" containers will need access too.

The .ebignore file is used to ignore certain files in a project directory. This file works like a .gitignore file.

# Ignore everything!
# Except for these exclusion patterns required by Amazon ECS

The only files our EB package should contain are those required by Docker, Elastic Beanstalk itself, or any files shared between both containers (such as the app/dist directory).

When you deploy your project directory to Elastic Beanstalk and create a new application version, the EB CLI will not include files specified by the .ebignore in the source bundle that it creates. This is useful for creating smaller packages by excluding files that aren't required for running production-only code.


Elastic Beanstalk uses this directory to store temp files and configuration information about the current AWS account, EB Application name and IAM credentials to utilize. is a proprietary Amazon-specific JSON format called a "Task Definition" used to configure how to manage Docker containers running on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) platform.

"containerDefinitions": [
    "name": "django",
    "image": "0xadada/dockdj:latest",
    "essential": true,
    "memory": 512,
    "mountPoints": [
            "sourceVolume": "gunicorn-conf",
            "containerPath": "/etc/gunicorn/",
            "readOnly": true
            "sourceVolume": "awseb-logs-django",
            "containerPath": "/var/log/gunicorn"

The JSON format is very similar to the docker-compose Yaml format, having a nearly 1-to-1 mapping of image, mountPoints to volumes and ports all defined.

This file is functionally identical to docker/prod/docker-compose.yml in that it runs, configures and connects the "Django" and "Nginx" Docker containers. As such, changes to the docker-compose.yml file should be mirrored in the file.


New developers to this project simply clone the project from GitHub, install Docker (and boot2docker/docker-machine on OS X) and can begin running the app. There is no need to setup a developer environment or create (yet) another VM.


When the developer starts working on the project from scratch, the only requirement is Docker and a machine capable of running Docker containers (Linux 3+ or boot2docker/docker-machine).

Once an organization or developer has adopted Docker for a single project, startup time for other docker projects is drastically reduced as this core requirement has already been met. From that point forward, the projects themselves can define and provision their own dependencies.

For this project, the next steps required of the developer are as follows:

git clone <PROJECT>
<create .env file>
.bin/stevedore dev start

The developer is now running the app. Any internal OS configuration, system libraries, software dependencies and provisioning are all handled by the project and Docker— transparently to the developer.

Subsequent context-switches between other projects and this project have been reduced to a single command:

.bin/stevedore dev start

The developer doesn't need to boot up a VM, nor does she/he need to understand or start any internal processes or run any commands internal to the VM.

In development, Docker can be used to lower cognitive load on developers switching between multiple projects.


In this particular project, QA tests are run during build of the the production Docker image via the gulp build task. See the production Dockerfile to view how it calls the gulp task.

In effect, this will prevent developers or continuous Integration systems from publishing a production Docker image to Docker Hub, as the build will trigger a Docker image build failure.

More generally, development teams could create different tags for "production" releases and "development" Docker image releases. Lets say "prod" vs "dev".

Development teams could publish images tagged with "dev", to Docker Hub. Other developers on the team or members of the QA team could docker pull that tagged image and run their suite of tests on it.

Using Docker in this manner, dev and QA teams no longer have to keep VM configurations synchronized, as the OS and other dependencies have been pushed down from VM directly into dependencies within the scope of the project. This has the effect of reducing manual synchronization and de-necessitating out-of-channel communication between development and QA teams about the state of the runtime environment. This allows for faster, less-error-prone iteration of the runtime environment.


Developers have iterated on functionality, QA has run tests against the code, and the projects is ready for deployment to production.

At this point, a working Docker image has been run on developers local machines, and QA has passed. These three phases could've gone through multiple iterations while bugs were identified and fixed. The end result is a working Docker image exists that has been deemed "ready" for production.

Either manually or as part of a continuous integration tool, the production-ready Docker image can now be tagged with a release version and published to Docker Hub (or other compatible Docker image repository). Finally, the deploy process needs to update the production servers running our working application stack and run the latest application code.

These tasks are handled by our bin/deploy script, a wrapper for Docker, Git and Elastic Beanstalk. It will tag the latest Docker image, publish the tag to Docker Hub, tag the publish the tags to GitHub and use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy both the latest stack and application code:

(Lets use 1.2.3 as an arbitrary version number for this example)

bin/deploy release 1.2.3 # Create a release branch and tag the image
bin/deploy publish 1.2.3 # Publish the Docker image and git branch
                         # to Docker Hub and GitHub
bin/deploy deploy 1.2.3  # Use EB to deploy the latest release

The deploy script is a light bash wrapper that automates Git, Docker and Elastic Beanstalk commands in an easy-to-reproduce set of short commands.

Once complete, the Amazon environment will be running your latest application code, as well as any new changes to the container OS, system libraries and dependencies. Most importantly, any changes in provisioning to the stack have been deployed along with the Docker image, thus enabling seamless roll-backs. Rolling back the application version will also rollback the stack version. The application and stack are deployed together.

Happy cloud computing!


  • Auto-scaling A method of setting a threshold that detects when the load on a server cluster necessitates adding or removing servers in order to optimize the number of servers servicing that load. Auto-scaling allows an organization to decrease operating costs by running the minimum number of servers required to service its load, and eliminating the need to accurately predict future traffic patterns.

  • Configuration Management Software tools that are designed to automatically start, provision and configure software on virtual machines rather than have engineers run these steps manually on each server. These tools can be used both locally to create development VMs (virtual machines) as well as in the cloud to create staging and production VMs.

  • Docker image A docker image is like an executable program binary. It takes source files and other assets and bundles them together, and the resulting bundle can be run/executed as a single process on a Linux machine.

  • Docker container A docker container is like a running executable program. It is a running instance of a docker image. Like a running program, it has a PID, and it is appropriate to call it a process. It can be started and stopped. One docker image can be run many times on one or more machines.

  • Provisioning The installation and configuration of software needed to run an application. E.g. Installing and configuring Apache and its system libraries in order to run WordPress.

  • Task definition A proprietary JSON format for describing how Docker containers are run within the Amazon EC2 Cloud Service. Read more about Amazon ECS Task Definitions. Docker uses the docker-compose Yaml file to do the same thing.


  1. Configuration management tools can be used to couple both Stack and Application, but experience has has shown that over time, these tools are not strongly opinionated, and therefore Stack-App decoupling occurs organically over the lifetime of a project.

  2. Docker runs on Linux version 3. In the case where the developer is using OS X, Windows or another non-Linux OS, they'll need to run a Linux VM in order to use Docker. However, this single VM will be able to run all Docker containers for all Docker projects they use. Tools like Docker Machine make working with the Docker VM much simpler.