Next generation trading engine for options, futures and other derivative assets. OMX is a high-performance, optimized and centralized match-engine that can use ledger like engine like tendermint to do the settlement.
Decoupling the matching engine and the settlement infraestructure allows us to process thousands of tx per second and at the same time provide unbreakable security upon the settlement procedure.
eletronic trading, financial instruments exchange, futures trading, options trading, contracts tradings, Ethereum, Bitcoin, smart-contracts, stablecoins, pegs, lightning-network, consensus, blockchain, solidity, monax, hyperledger, contracts, financial-instruments, FINEX
- Hong Kong Derivatives Exchange
- International Diamond Exchange
- Vanguard FTSE Asia
- Leverage Technicals
- GOLD-Shares(GLD)
- Options Strategy Software
- Risk neutral expectation
- Ethereum-HTLC
- DAI-stablecoin
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Solidity
- Lightning
- Bitcoin-Talk
- Graphene-Blockchain
- BitMEX-(Bitcoin-Merchantile-Exchange)
- Hyperledger-burrow
- Monax
- Dai-stablecoin
- The-bitcoin-protocol-stack
- Dai-stablecoin-introduction
- eosrio
- EOS Blockchain
- eos-price-oracle
- eosriosignup
- dappmetadata (Contract Auditing platform)
- Hyperion-History-API
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