A little project to demonstrate how to use MSP430-GCC, GNU Make and MSPDebug for MSP430FRxxxx development.
Before using this project, most likely you will need to modify the provded Makefile in order to set the correct microcontrollor series and toolchain paths for MSP430-GCC and MSPDebug.
This project was tested using MSP430-GCC v8.3.2.2, MSPDebug included in Energia v1.8.10E23, and MSP430 Driver Library v2.91.13.01.
Please make sure you download MSP430 Driver Library from TI website and place the MSP430FR5xx_6xx directory inside "lib/driverlib".
Please make sure you read the SLAU646E and SLAU591C documents available at TI's website, in order to understand what can be changed in the Makefile.
Use make clean
to clean the project.
Use make
to build the release project.
Use make config=debug
to build the debug project.
Use make flash
to flash the firmware into the board using MSPDebug.
Use make restart
to restart the firmware using MSPDebug.
The code is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.
Copyright (c) 2020, 0xebef