I'm an EVM developer. Specifically, I spend most of my time writing smart contracts (Solidity, Foundry/Hardhat), working on frontend interfaces with blockchain integration (Typescript, Nextjs, Viem/Wagmi, Tevm...), with a focus on tooling/open-source utilities.
I occasionally carry out dedicated fuzzing/invariants test suites (Foundry, Echidna), as well as formal verification campaigns (Certora, Halmos).
My expertise also extends to Chainlink-related solutions, including data feeds, VRF, Functions, Automations, which aligns perfectly with my appreciation for trust-minimized processes.
I have a strong belief in open-source, and I actively work to promote true accessibility and secure, optimized and user-friendly solutions.
You can visit my website to see my writing, portfolio, or to request a quote.
You can reach me on Twitter or by email (contact@polarzero.xyz) if you would like to ask about anything.
Portfolio: polarzero.xyz
Resume: polarzero.xyz/resume.pdf
Twitter: @0xpolarzero
Email: contact@polarzero.xyz