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⚠️ We have deprecated this older version of our sample web app. Kindly refer to our new sample app

100ms Sample React App

This is an example web app to demo 100ms' web SDK


You will need Node.js version v12.13.0 or greater installed on your system


Get the code by cloning this repo using git

git clone

Once cloned, open the terminal in the project directory, and install dependencies with:

npm install

Create a new file .env and copy the values from example.env

cp example.env .env

Token generation

Host your token generation service following this guide

Update the TOKEN_ENDPOINT in .env file with your token generation service endpoint (eg.

[Optional] Firebase config

To turn on the remote-mute feature, update the following values in .env file from your firebase project settings:

# Firebase config

Then start the app with:

npm start

The app should now be up and running at http://localhost:8080 🚀


SDK Documentation

This guide provides an overview of the key objects you'll use with 100ms' JavaScript SDK to build a live audio/video application.

Supported Devices

Platform Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Android 4.4 or later Version 66 or later Version 66 or later Version 45 or later No
MacOS 10 or later Version 66 or later Version 66 or later Version 45 or later Version 11 or later
Windows 7 or later Version 66 or later Version 66 or later Version 45 or later No
iOS No No No Version 12 or later


  • Room - A room represents a real-time audio, video session, the basic building block of the 100mslive Video SDK
  • Stream - A stream represents real-time audio, video streams that are shared to a room. Usually, each stream contains a video track and an audio track (except screenshare streams, which contains only a video trac)
  • Track - A track represents either the audio or video that makes up a stream
  • Peer - A peer represents all participants connected to a room. Peers can be "local" or "remote"
  • Publish - A local peer can share its audio, video by "publishing" its tracks to the room
  • Subscribe - A local peer can stream any peer's audio, video by "subscribing" to their streams
  • Broadcast - A local peer can send any message/data to all remote peers in the room.


1. Get the 100ms JavaScript SDK

npm install --save @100mslive/hmsvideo-web@latest

2. Get Access Keys

Sign up on & visit Developer tab to get your access credentials

3. Generate a server-side token

To generate a server-side token, follow the steps described here -

4. Create a room

To create a room, follow the steps described here -

5. Generate a client-side token

To generate a client-side token, follow the steps described here -

Import modules & instantiate 100ms Client (HMSClient)

const peer = new HMSPeer(userName:"<userName here>",authToken:"<authToken here>")

const config = new HMSClientConfig({
    endpoint: "wss://"

const client = new HMSClient(peer, config)

authTokenis the client-side token generated by your token generation service.

Connect to 100ms' server

After instantiating HMSClient, connect to 100ms' server

try {
    await client.connect()
} catch(err) {
    // Handle error

Setup listeners

Add listener functions to listen to peers joining, establishing a connection to the server, peers publishing their streams etc.

client.on('connect',() => {
    // This is where we can call `join(room)`

client.on('disconnect', () => {});

client.on('peer-join', (room, peer) => {
    // Show a notification or toast message in the UI

client.on('peer-leave', (room, peer) => {
    // Show a notification or toast message in the UI

client.on('stream-add', (room,  peer, streamInfo) => {
    // subscribe to the stream if needed

client.on('stream-remove', (room, peer, streamInfo) => {
    // Remove remote stream if needed

client.on('broadcast', (room, peer ,message) => {
    // Show a notification or update chat UI

client.on('disconnected', () => {
    // If there is a temporary websocket disconnection, then execute code
    // to re-publish and subscribe all streams. eg. location.reload();

Always wait for connect message listener after creating client before subscribing/publishing any streams.

If say, 4 streams were already published when client connects to the room, then client receives stream-add messages for all those 4 streams as soon as client joins

Remember to add disconnected message handler. Temporary websocket disconnections are common and trying to reconnect on disconnection will ensure the user sees the conference continuing instead of freezing up

Join a room

try {
    await client.join(roomId);
} catch(err) {
    // Handle error

This roomId should be generated using createRoom API

Get a local stream

This method prompts the user for permission to use a media input which produces audio/video tracks such as a camera, screen, microphone

Connect to default devices

const localStream = await client.getLocalStream({
    resolution: "vga",
    bitrate: 256,
    codec: "VP8",
    frameRate: 20,

Connect to specific device

In order to connect to a specific camera/mic, you can use the advancedMediaConstraints key which accepts browser's native MediaStreamConstraints as shown below. To get deviceIDs, use enumerateDevices

const localStream = await client.getLocalStream({
		resolution: "vga", //This defines the video height and width. Can be qqvga, qvga, shd, hd
		bitrate: 256, //This is the maximum bitrate to cap the video at 
		codec: "VP8",
		frameRate: 20,
		advancedMediaConstraints: {
				video: {
						deviceId: "e82934fe80bdd62ed2aac541f5fd53e53d98abb0b738c6f52edea4f5014d32d8"
				audio: {
						deviceId: "756814e591e116616c740e39b307a8015cac4c2511950e0240cf7fbe62736dfd"

For advanced use cases: all stream objects returned by getLocalStream extends browser's native MediaStream class and implements all its methods

The settings above are recommended settings for most use cases. You can increase resolution to hd and bandwidth to 1024 to get higher quality video.

Get local media for screenshare

This method prompts the user for permission to share their screen and choose the screnshare source

const localScreen = await client.getLocalScreen({
    bitrate: 0,
    codec: "VP8",
    frameRate: 10,

//If your primary usecase is sharing text

localScreen.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => {
    if ('contentHint' in track) {
        track.contentHint = 'text';

Display local stream

All stream objects can be attached to HTML video elements. eg. The local stream from the user's camera

//This is React implementation. 
//Replace ref, useRef with id, getElementById for native HTML implementation.

//Create a reference for the video element to which the local stream will be attached
const localVideo = useRef();

//Attach local stream to the video element
localVideo.current.srcObject = local;

//Add video element
<video autoPlay muted ref={localVideo}>

Remember to set muted to true and mirror the local webcam stream

Publish local stream to room

try {
    await client.publish(local, roomId);
} catch(err) {
    // handle the error

A client can publish multiple streams eg. a screenshare, an in-built webcam and an external webcam all together

Subscribe to a remote peer's stream

This method "subscribes" to a remote peer's stream. This should ideally be called in the stream-add message listener.

try {
    const remote = await client.subscribe(mid, roomId);
    // Do something with remote stream
} catch(err) {
    // Handle error

Unsubscribe to a peer's stream

try {
    await client.unsubscribe(remoteStream, roomId);
} catch(err) {
    // Handle error

Broadcast a payload to the room

try {
    await client.broadcast(payload, roomId);
} catch(err) {
    // Handle error

Disconnect client


Mute/unmute local video/audio

100ms SDK's Stream interface has mute and unmute methods provided to mute and unmute video or audio respectively.

// To mute local stream audio

// To unmute local stream audio

// To mute local stream video

// To unmute local stream video

Change quality of audio/video mid-stream

You can use applyConstraints to change the quality/source of the video mid-stream.

Change quality

      bitrate: 0,
      codec: "VP8",
      frameRate: 10,

Refer the full SDK Documentation here -