Fork of SevenZip++ for VS2015
This is a C++ wrapper for accessing the 7-zip COM-like API in 7z.dll and 7za.dll. This code is heavily based off of the Client7z sample found in the LZMA SDK.
The project itself is a static library.
To use, first load the 7z DLL into memory:
#include <7zpp/7zpp.h>
SevenZip::SevenZipLibrary lib;
If the appropriate 7z DLL is not in your path you may wish to specify it explicitly in the call to load. Note you may have the 64-bit version installed but are trying to load it from a 32-bit executable; keep that in mind if you encounter errors.
Then create and use a compressor:
SevenZip::SevenZipCompressor compressor(lib, archiveName);
compressor.CompressDirectory(targetDir, callbackfunc);
Or an extractor:
SevenZip::SevenZipExtractor extractor(lib, archiveName);
// Try to detect compression type
if (!extractor.DetectCompressionFormat())
// Change this function to suit
SevenZip::ProgressCallBack *extractcallbackfunc = nullptr;
extractor.ExtractArchive(destination, extractcallbackfunc);
Or a lister:
class ListCallBackOutput : SevenZip::ListCallback
virtual void OnFileFound(WCHAR* path, int size)
<< path
<< L" "
<< size
<< std::endl;
SevenZip::SevenZipLister lister(lib, archiveName);
// Try to detect compression type
if (!lister.DetectCompressionFormat())
ListCallBackOutput myListCallBack;
lister.ListArchive((SevenZip::ListCallback *)&myListCallBack);
Note: Most of the functions now return a boolean to indicate if it worked instead of throwing an exception.
Otherwise, don't forget to wrap the operations in a try/catch block to handle errors:
catch (SevenZip::SevenZipException& ex)
std::cerr << ex.GetMessage() << std::endl;
In order to compile the tests, the following requirements must be available:
- Install Boost v1.60.0 binaries into $(SolutionDir)\..\boost_1_60_0\ from
- Install GoogleTest into $(SolutionDir)\..\googletest\ from
- Go into the googletest directory
- Make directory
- Change directory into
- Run
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
- Open the solution and compile GoogleTest.
- Now you can compile 7zip-cpp
The solution assumes 7zip is installed in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.dll
The extractor can have issues with relative paths. To be sure it works correctly, feed it a full path.
There is a bug in the testing program. The issue has been logged on @keithjjones repository.
- Devel branch is the bleeding edge, but it should still work.
- Devel-XXX branches are current topics.
- Master branch is the latest stable version.
- More branch information is in