- Slim
- SASS support via NPM
- PostgreSQL gem (pg)
- Pony
- Rubocop
- Brunch
- Bourbon, Neat & Bitters for Styles
- A lot more
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Testing
- Configuration
- Rake Tasks
- Asset Pipeline
- Pre-deployment
- Deployment Guides
$ git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/katgironpe/simple-sinatra-mvc.git myapp
$ rm -r myapp/.git && rm myapp/README.md
$ bundle install --no-deployment
$ npm i
$ rackup
$ bundle exec shotgun config.ru
Use RSpec for unit tests and functional tests.
$ bundle exec rake spec
For acceptance tests, some example is also provided. Use:
Or use the rake task lib/tasks/test.rake:
rake features
$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Update database.yml
By default, we use PostgreSQL.
To install PostgreSQL on a Mac, you might need homebrew.
$ brew install postgresql
Creating a database should be as simple as:
$ createdb database_name
You may have to update config.ru
and files on config directory as needed.
$ rake -T
rake db:create # Creates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:create:all to create all databases in the config). Without R...
rake db:create_migration # Create a migration (parameters: NAME, VERSION)
rake db:drop # Drops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:drop:all to drop all databases in the config). Without RAILS_E...
rake db:environment:set # Set the environment value for the database
rake db:fixtures:load # Loads fixtures into the current environment's database
rake db:migrate # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)
rake db:migrate:status # Display status of migrations
rake db:rollback # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n)
rake db:schema:cache:clear # Clears a db/schema_cache.dump file
rake db:schema:cache:dump # Creates a db/schema_cache.dump file
rake db:schema:dump # Creates a db/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB supported by Active Record
rake db:schema:load # Loads a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:seed # Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rb
rake db:setup # Creates the database, loads the schema, and initializes with the seed data (use db:reset to also drop the database first)
rake db:structure:dump # Dumps the database structure to db/structure.sql
rake db:structure:load # Recreates the databases from the structure.sql file
rake db:version # Retrieves the current schema version number
rake features # Run Cucumber features
rake spec # Run RSpec code examples
To create a database for a specific environment, do:
$ rake db:create RACK_ENV=production
The default environment is "development"
To create a migration file called "create_pages", do:
$ rake db:create_migration NAME=create_pages
To do migration:
$ rake db:migrate RACK_ENV=production
To rollback:
$ rake db:rollback RACK_ENV=production
The default is development so this should just work:
$ rake db:migrate
To start the server, use shotgun
$ bundle exec shotgun config.ru
Update: I have decided to replace Sprockets with Brunch. Reasons include performance improvements, ease of use and flexibility.
By default, we have the following supported directories:
- app/assets/javascripts
- app/assets/stylesheets
- app/assets/files
Your non-JavaScript and non-CSS files should go to app/assets/files
I may work on another template that uses Sprockets 4
Brunch is great for most projects. It is currently the de facto choice for Phoenix developers.
Please take some time to read the documentation before updating brunch-config.js
You likely have to remove some entries on the .gitignore file like config/database.yml if you are deploying on Heroku or OpenShift.
Deployment to Heroku and OpenShift should fairly be easy. We rely on postinstall
on package.json
to build the assets. Regardless of where you deploy your app, you need the following installed:
- Node.js
- Latest stable Ruby version
The command npm install
or npm i
will install Node.js packages and build the assets using brunch
Deploying a Sinatra or Ruby on Rails application on Heroku requires some buildpacks.
heroku buildpacks # view current buildpacks
heroku buildpacks:clear # clear current buildpacks, if necessary
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs # add the Node.js buildpack
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby # add the Ruby buildpack
You generally don't have to worry about building the assets as long you have the same package.json
on this repository.
Please read postinstall
, watch
and deploy
Other necessary steps: please read pre-deployment.