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LabEats allows a group of people to manage money in combination with item-sales, procurement and group-orders in a moderated prepaid fashion

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LabEats allows a group of people to manage money in combination with item-sales, procurement and group-orders in a moderated prepaid fashion.

A tool to manage (food)(orders) in the Aerospace Lab (an awesome club in Germany).
It is designed with our club in mind, but can surely be adapted to fit more needs.


"Kaufen": Allows users to buy items which are already present (e.g. a beverages).

"Gruppen-Kauf": Allows users to join a group-order for one fixed event. After a specified deadline, one user can close the ordering-process (e.g. to buy the pre-ordered amount). After this, the price of the whole purchase can be split up between the participants in an arbitrary fashion.

"Split" & "Aufladen": Allows users to transfer money.
The system is designed the following:
There exists a group of trusted users which are allowed to overdraw their accounts. All other users can only spend their prepaid credit - which they obtain by giving the trusted users money in the real world.

"Konto": Every transaction is logged and can be viewed here.


  • Users are authenticated against LDAP (with additional magic links for development).
  • All items can have a percentual and/or fixed additional fee which can be tracked on special clearing accounts.
  • Users can be compensated for procurement from those special clearing accounts as well as from the "main account"


deployment via docker compose

  • copy docker-compose.yml onto the server. Set ENABLE_PRISMA_STUDIO.
  • copy .env.example onto the server and rename it to .env - fill in details accordingly.
  • copy the ./nginx folder from the repo and create file ./nginx/prismaStudio-htpasswd.
    • if prisma studio is enabled: add entrie(s) to htpasswd. A example can be found in prismaStudio-htpasswd.example
  • docker compose up -d

The docker image will publish LabEats on Port 3000.
This port should be deployed behind a reverse-proxy handling HTTPS. ENABLE_PRISMA_STUDIO=true will also run a frontend for the database on port 5556.
Only secured by basic HTTP auth (set in ./nginx/prismaStudio-htpasswd), this port should not be open to the public!


This is a NextJS project. Some file-conventions apply.

Start Developing: npm run dev

Update types based on current schema: npx prisma generate

  • Create TS (prisma) types import { prisma } from "~/server/db"
  • Creates zod-schemas in import { mySchema } from '/prisma/generated/zod';

Update dev-db (might lose data) npx prisma db push

Create DB Migrations (for production) npx prisma migrate dev

Open ToDos

  • Automatisches abmelden aller Accounts nach update
  • Android zahlen komma auf tastatur ausgeblendet
  • daily backup

Nice Improvements:

  • Gruppen-split
  • Personen einen "Gruppen-Tag" geben
  • Verrechnungkonten global anzeigen
  • Bestellungs-Übersicht (wie viele Pizzen von was kaufen)
  • Stats wie oft man was gekauft
  • Geld anfordern (kann von anderem User bestätigt werden)
  • Übersicht alle Transaktionen für Admins
  • Ofengebühr für mehrfachbestellungen optional deaktivieren

Questions & Contact

Stuck somewhere? Or you want to adopt LabEats to your needs?
You can contact me at or create a issue.


LabEats allows a group of people to manage money in combination with item-sales, procurement and group-orders in a moderated prepaid fashion





