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Reactive Consul

The goal of this project is to provide asynchronous reactive scala API for consul

Reactive Consul contains two API levels:

  • high-level stream based API
  • asynchronous request based API

Stream based API

The goal of stream based API is to provide access to state of consul as a data stream.

The idea of data stream is to provide abstraction over data that changes of time. Like a meter, or a balance of a credit card or so. And the very natural way of presenting a data in consul is presenting it as a data stream. This allows consul clients to work with consul in a reactive way. If you are interesting in more details about reactive streams read this and this about the reactive methodology.

Reactive Consul based on akka streams. Here it is an example of a Source of service state:

import{Sink, Source}
import rc.{ConsulAPI, ServiceInfo, ConsulControl, Consul}
import rc.Implicits._
val consulApi = new ConsulAPI("localhost")
val myService: Source[Seq[ServiceInfo], ConsulControl] = Consul.service(consulApi, "myService")

Here we create consulApi that represents a consul connection and next obtain Source withconnection and service name.

Next, having the Source of service state you can react on changes in the service configuration in a very reactive way.

Under the hood

Consul API is HTTP based and does not provide direct reactive communication. But, it possible to simulate reactive interaction with long polling. More details about how it implemented in consul here.

The identity of state passed to client as X-Consul-Index which used to determine is state changed or no. If we got same X-Consul-Index as before state is no changed and stream does not emit new element. If state changed new element emitted, but there is no guarantee, that your service changed, because X-Consul-Index is identifies global consul state.

Request based API

The goal of request based API is provide low level asynchronous API based on single HTTP request.

Creating ConsulAPI

To perform requests you have to create a ConsulAPI:

import rc.ConsulAPI
import rc.Implicits._
val consulApi = new ConsulAPI("localhost") // port 8500 by default

Reactive Consul is based on akka-http and therefore it requires an ActorSystem and a Materializer.

If you don't use akka in your project you can simple import predefined ActorSystem and Materializer:

import rc.Implicits._

If you works with akka and have an access to ActorSystem just make it implicitly available.

Performing requests

Registering service

This example should be self explainable:

val r: Future[JsValue]  = consulApi.register(new Registration(
  "my-node.local",// node
  "", // address
  Some( // service. May be None
      Some(Set("tag1", "tag2")),

In result you have a Future to track request result.


val r: Future[Unit] = consulApi.deregister(node, Some(service))

In result you have a Future to track request result.

Service information

To get information about service user service method:

val serviceInfo: Future[ConsulResponse[Seq[ServiceInfo]]] = consulApi.service(serviceName)

As usual you have a Future as a result. In this Future you will get:

  • ConsulResponse that contains information about state and consistency of requested data. It contains information about data index, leader state and last contact. You can read more here -
  • Seq[ServiceInfo] detailed information about requested service.


Reactive and asynchronous scala API for Consul






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