This repo houses the core Shallow Red chess engine. Operation of this engine is very simple, it uses jordanbray/chess for move generation, and general Chess classes. The engine takes in a board type and outputs a move type.
- negamax
- alpha-beta pruning
- move ordering
- PV moves
- cutoff moves
- cached moves
- Most Valuable Victim - Least Valuable Aggressor moves
- transposition tables
- iterative deepening
- quiecent search
- opening book
- endgame deep searching
// Calling the enging can be done in only a few lines
use chess::Board;
use shallow_red_engine::engine::enter_engine;
use shallow_red_engine::utils::engine_interface::EngineSettings;
fn main() {
// board with initial position
let board = Board::default();
// run the engine using board (in this case white will move)
let (engine_move, _) = enter_engine(board, EngineSettings::default());
// Print out the move we found
"The best move for white suggested by the engine is: {}",
// If you want to see more details about the engine, a second return of type EngineReturn is provided
let (_engine_move, engine_data) = enter_engine(board, EngineSettings::default());
"The engine returned the following data: \n {:#?}",
The easiest way to play the engine is to check it out on Lichess @ShallowRedBot. You can also try the UCI wrapper, or play with the tauri GUI for Shallow Red.