Codex is a user-friendly course selling and management web app, both users and tutors/admin facing. It's packed with features for easy use and management. It's flexible, scalable, and ready to meet your needs.
Server: Node.js, Express.js
Client: React, Recoil, Material UI, Vite
Databases: MongoDB, Firebase (Video Storage)
git clone
cd Codex
npm install
cd server
node index.js
cd client
npm run dev
- Course Creation: Easily add new courses to the platform.
- Tagging System: Assign relevant multiple tags to each course for better organization and searchability.
- Content Upload: Effortlessly add course content such as documents and multimedia.
- Profile Management: Seamlessly manage and update user profiles with personalized information.
- Video Management: Conveniently upload and delete videos, ensuring efficient content control.
- Livestream: Livestreaming online lectures
- Course Exploration: Discover a diverse range of courses available on the platform.
- Profile Management: Efficiently manage and update your user profile with personalized details.
- Content Viewing: Access course content, including videos, and explore author profiles.
- Tag-Based Filtering: Easily filter courses using multiple tags for a more tailored exploration.
- Course Purchase: Securely buy desired courses to gain access to premium content.
- Purchased Course Viewing: Instantly view and revisit purchased courses for ongoing learning and reference.
- Discussion Forum: Discussion forum for other users to know about other courses and chat with others about it.
- Rating: Rating courses
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!