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SAYN Project Example: Facebook Data Analysis

Project Description

This is an example SAYN project. It shows you how to implement and use SAYN for data processing and modelling.

To run the project, you will need to:

  • clone the repository with git clone
  • rename the sample_settings.yaml file to settings.yaml.
  • install the project dependencies by running the pip install -r requirements.txt command from the root of the project folder.
  • install ImageMagick, details here:
  • use sayn run from the root of the project folder to run all SAYN commands.

After a successful run you should see 3 new files in python/img, these should be the following:

  • sample_Goku_timelapse.gif
  • sample_Vegeta_timelapse.gif
  • chart_race.gif

Using Your Own Data

For this you will need your Facebook Messenger data in JSON format, you can get request it by doing the following:

  • Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information > Download Your Information 
  • Change format to JSON and click Create File (this can take a while depending on your date range and media quality)

Once you have the data:

  • You can find the chat data in messages/inbox (you should see a collection of folders corresponding to each of your chats).
  • Copy and paste the chat folders you are interested into the data folder in this project.
  • In tasks/data_science.yaml, change the facebook_name parameter to your full name on Facebook

Note: If you use a large amount of chat data you will experience longer load times for certain tasks



This project is made up of 6 tasks shown in the above diagram.

SAYN Quick Overview

SAYN uses 2 key files to control the project:

  • settings.yaml: individual settings which are not shared
  • project.yaml: project settings which are shared across all collaborators on the project

SAYN code is stored in 3 main folders:

  • tasks: where the SAYN tasks are defined. Each YAML file in this folder represents a task group.
  • sql: code for SQL tasks
  • python: code for python tasks

SAYN uses some key commands for run:

  • sayn run: run the whole project
    • -p flag to specify a profile when running sayn: e.g. sayn run -p prod
    • -t flag to specify tasks to run: e.g. sayn run -t task_name
    • -t group:group_name to specify a task group to run: e.g. sayn run -t group:group_name
  • sayn compile: compiles the code (similar flags apply)
  • sayn --help for full detail on commands

For more details on SAYN, you can see:


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