Tabularize is a Python library for generating simple tables. It was inspired by the PrettyTable library in python. We can control many aspects of a table, such as the width of the column padding, the alignment of text, or the table border. It's a trimmed-down version of PrettyTable with even simpler implementation and lightness in terms of library resources.
import tabularize
cols = ('Id', 'Name', 'Age', 'Occupation', 'DateCreated (epoch)')
table = Tabularize(column_names=cols, right_padding=1, title="Title: Sample Table")
table.add_row(row=[1, 'Mr. A', 27, 'IT, Software Developer', time.time()])
table.add_row(row=[2, 'Ms. B', 23, 'Human Resource, Recruiting', time.time()])
table.add_row(row=[3, 'Mr. C', 23, 'Banking, International Business', time.time()])
table.add_row(row=[4, 'Mrs. D', 18, 'Student, College', time.time()])
table.add_row(row=[5, 'Ms. E', 17, 'Student, College', time.time()])
table.add_row(row=[6, 'Mrs. F', 12, 'Student, School', time.time()])
| Title: Sample Table |
| Id | Name | Age | Occupation | DateCreated (epoch) |
| 1 | Mr. A | 27 | IT, Software Developer | 1643943461.0770793 |
| 2 | Ms. B | 23 | Human Resource, Recruiting | 1643943461.0770793 |
| 3 | Mr. C | 23 | Banking, International Business | 1643943461.0770793 |
| 4 | Mrs. D | 18 | Student, College | 1643943461.0770793 |
| 5 | Ms. E | 17 | Student, College | 1643943461.0770793 |
| 6 | Mrs. F | 12 | Student, School | 1643943461.0770793 |