BlackWidow is a python based web application spider to gather subdomains, URL's, dynamic parameters, email addresses and phone numbers from a target website. This project also includes Inject-X fuzzer to scan dynamic URL's for common OWASP vulnerabilities.
- Automatically collect all URL's from a target website
- Automatically collect all dynamic URL's and parameters from a target website
- Automatically collect all subdomains from a target website
- Automatically collect all phone numbers from a target website
- Automatically collect all email addresses from a target website
- Automatically collect all form URL's from a target website
- Automatically scan/fuzz for common OWASP TOP vulnerabilities
- Automatically saves all data into sorted text files
sudo bash
blackwidow -u - crawl with 3 levels of depth.
blackwidow -d -l 5 -v y - crawl the domain: with 5 levels of depth with verbose logging enabled.
blackwidow -d -l 5 -c 'test=test' - crawl the domain: with 5 levels of depth using the cookie 'test=test'
blackwidow -d -l 5 -s y -v y - crawl the domain: with 5 levels of depth and fuzz all unique parameters for OWASP vulnerabilities with verbose logging on. -u -v y - Fuzz all GET parameters for common OWASP vulnerabilities with verbose logging enabled.
git clone
cd BlackWidow
docker build -t blackwidow .
docker run -it blackwidow # Defaults to --help
You may modify and re-distribute this software as long as the project name "BlackWidow", credit to the author "xer0dayz" and website URL "" are NOT mofified. Doing so will break the license agreement and a takedown notice will be issued.
This program is used for educational and ethical purposes only. I take no responsibility for any damages caused from using this program. By downloading and using this software, you agree that you take full responsibility for any damages and liability.