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R code for better error handling incl. logging with a full (!) stack trace


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An R package to improve the error handling of the standard tryCatch and try function

Current version: 1.1.6 (Nov 2019). See the NEWS for the most recent changes.

tryCatchLog was removed from CRAN mid of Oct, 2019 (see issue #50) - it is available again on CRAN since Nov 7, 2019 - sorry for any inconvenience!

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This repository provides the source code of an advanced tryCatch function for the programming language R called tryCatchLog.

The main advantages of the tryCatchLog function over tryCatch are

  • Easy logging of errors, warnings and messages into a file or console
  • Complete stack trace with references to the source file names and line numbers to identify the source of errors and warnings (R's traceback does not contain the full stack trace if you catch errors and warnings!)
  • allows post-mortem analysis after errors by creating a dump file with all variables of the global environment (workspace) and each function called (via dump.frames) - very helpful for batch jobs that you cannot debug on the server directly to reproduce the error!
  • Logging of warnings (and other non-error conditions) without stopping the execution of the evaluated expression (unlike tryCatch does if you pass a warning handler function)

This package was initially created as an answer to the stackoverflow question.

R: Catch errors and continue execution while logging the stacktrace (no traceback available with tryCatch)

Tutorial slides for condition handling with standard R and tryCatchLog

You can find a tutorial slide deck here:

It is a single self-contained HTML file (made with revealjs, see so you can save it locally to read it offline.

If you have installed the vignette of the package on your local computer you can also read the tutorial offline via

# devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE)   # workaround to install the vignette if you build via RStudio


  • The vignette is only installed automatically if you install tryCatchLog from CRAN.

  • RStudio does currently not install the vignette HTML file if you "build and install".

    Workaround manually to build and install the vignette in RStudio: devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE)


Option 1: Install the stable version from CRAN

# browseVignettes("tryCatchLog")  # to show the vignette(s)

Option 1: Install the most recent development version from github

This is the recommended installation procedure for the up-to-date development version!

To install the package using the source code at github you can use the package devtools:

# install.packages("devtools")

If you want to install the vignette (tutorial) on your local computer you can build it during the installation (make sure you have installed the suggested packages of the DESCRIPTION file before):

devtools::install_github("aryoda/tryCatchLog", build_vignettes = TRUE)
# browseVignettes("tryCatchLog")  # to show the vignette(s)


tryCatchLog has minimal dependencies: Only base R and utils.

It optionally (= if installed) uses the package futile.logger to write logging messages in a nice and structured format to a file or console.

You can find the source code of futile.logger here:

Note: To use your own logging functionality you just have to register your logging functions via set.logging.functions(). If the package futile.logger is installed it will be used automatically as default, otherwise a very basic internal logging function log2console() is used (that does not support any convenience functionality like setting the verbosity level but minimizes the dependencies from any other logging framework).


tryCatchLog function


results in a log entry that shows the function call hierarchy with the last call (number 5 in the compact call stack) showing the R code line causing the error:

ERROR [2016-11-13 17:53:35] non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Compact call stack:
  1 source("~/dev/R/tryCatchLog/demo/tryCatchLog_demo.R", echo = TRUE)
  2 tryCatchLog_demo.R#46: tryCatchLog({
  3 tryCatchLog.R#228: tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
  4 tryCatchLog_demo.R#48: bad.function(a.string)
  5 tryCatchLog_demo.R#42: .handleSimpleError(function (e)
Full call stack:
  1 source("~/dev/R/tryCatchLog/demo/tryCatchLog_demo.R", echo = TRUE)
  2 withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
  3 eval(ei, envir)
  4 eval(expr, envir, enclos)
  5 tryCatchLog_demo.R#46: tryCatchLog({
    }, error = function(e) {
        print("Error handling starts now...")
    }, finally = {
  6 tryCatchLog.R#228: tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
  11 tryCatchLog_demo.R#48: bad.function(a.string)
  12 tryCatchLog_demo.R#42: .handleSimpleError(function (e) 
        call.stack <- sys.calls()
        log.message <- e$message
        if (write.error.dump.file == TRUE) {
   <- format(Sys.time(), format = "dump_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
            save.image(file = paste0(, ".rda"))
            log.message <- paste0(log.message, "\nEnvironment dumped into file: ",, ".rda")
        flog.error(buildLogMessage(log.message, call.stack, 1))
    }, "non-numeric argument to mathematical function", quote(log(value)))

tryLog function

The pendant to try in R is the tryLog function which evaluates an expression and traps errors without stopping the script execution:

tryLog(log("not a number!"))
print("Errors cannot stop me")

results in

> print("Start")
[1] "Start"
> tryLog(log("not a number!"))
ERROR [2016-11-26 23:32:04] non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Compact call stack:
  1 tryLog(log("not a number!"))
  2 tryCatchLog.R#319: tryCatchLog(expr = expr, write.error.dump.file = write.error.dump.file, error = function(e) {
  3 tryCatchLog.R#247: tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
Full call stack:
  1 tryLog(log("not a number!"))
  2 tryCatchLog.R#319: tryCatchLog(expr = expr, write.error.dump.file = write.error.dump.file, error = function(e) {
<... omitted ...>
> print("Errors cannot stop me")
[1] "Errors cannot stop me"

Observe that the error did not stop the execution of the script so that the next line has been executed too.

You could have achived similar behaviour (but with more code and without logging) using

tryCatchLog(log("not a number!"), error = function(e) {})
print("Errors cannot stop me")


To learn how tryCatchLog works you should open the demo source file that includes many explanatory comments and run it.

To run the demo source code open the file in the demo sub folder of the source code


with the RStudio IDE.

If you have installed tryCatchLog as a package you could also run a demo with

demo(package = "tryCatchLog")                               # see a list of all demos
demo(package = "tryCatchLog", topic = "tryCatchLog_demo")   # start a demo


How do I find bug reports, feature requests and other issues?

You can browse and add your own issues at

What's the problem with tryCatch?

tryCatch unwinds the call stack back to the level of the tryCatch call in case of an error, warning or other catched conditions.

This means

  • you cannot use traceback to identify the source code line that cause the problem (see the help ?traceback: Errors which are caught via try or tryCatch do not generate a traceback...)
  • if you catch non-errors like warnings (e. g. to write them to a log file) the execution of the evaluated expression is stopped (canceled) but normally you do not want to stop after warnings

To overcome the drawbacks of tryCatch you must use a combination of an outer tryCatch call that executes the expression within and inner withCallingHandlers function call. This creates a lot of boilerplate code that is used again and again. You could encapsulte and reuse this boilerplate code in your own myTryCatch function and this is exactly what tryCatchLog does!

How can I write the log output into a file instead of the console?


# log to a file (not the console  which is the default target of futile.logger).
# You could also redirect console output into a file if start your R script with a shell script using Rscript!

How can I reduce the amount of logged conditions?

Set the threshold of the futile.logger accordingly:


# Log only errors (not warnings or info messages)

How can I suppress the full (and even the compact) call stack trace to simplify my log?

Since version 1.1.5 (Oct. 2019) tryCatchLog and tryCatch have two additional arguments named and which can also be configured globally via options.

tryCatchLog(log(-1), = FALSE)  # specify per call
tryCatchLog(log(-1), = FALSE, = FALSE)  # shows only the message
options( = FALSE)               # or configure it globally
tryCatchLog(log(-1))                                   # is the same as the first call above

The stack trace does not contain script file names and line number. How can I enable this?

You have to set the option keep.source to TRUE in your .Rprofile file (or the in the Rscript command line if you call your R script via command line):

options(keep.source = TRUE)

Important: If you add this option to your R script file the line numbers will be wrong since R seems to count the line numbers only after this option has been set to TRUE. It is better to set this option in the .Rprofile file or use a start script the sets this option and sources your R script then.

If this doesn't work you can also play around with the option show.error.locations (see help("options")).

How to show line numbers for conditions (errors) when sourcing an R file?

You have to enable the keep.source option and source the R file with the keep.source parameter set to TRUE (or more precisely: Take care not to pass FALSE - the default value is taken from the option):

options(keep.source = TRUE)
source('demo/tryCatchLog_demo.R', keep.source = TRUE)

How to show file names and line numbers in log messages when using Rscript to run my R file?

Enter the following command in a shell console (or via a shell script like bash or Windows .CMD file):

Rscript -e "options(keep.source = TRUE); source('demo/tryCatchLog_demo.R')"  # source your own script

Does tryCatchLog work in parallelized processing scenarios?

Yes. tryCatchLog is agnostic of parallel oder multi-threading scenarios since base R does use only one process.

You only have to consider two things:

  1. The used logging framework is correctly configured for each parallel process to not overwrite the log file of another process (eg. use the process ID in the logging file name)
  2. Be aware that theoretically a dump file could be overwritten by another dump file if you have two errors within the same millisecond within the same process ID This is very very unlikely!

How do I perform a post-mortem analysis of my crashed R script?

"Post-mortem analyis" means to examine the variables and functions calls ("call stack") that led to a "crash" (= stop of R script execution due to an error) after the R script has stopped.

This is most helpful in production environments with batch jobs where you cannot debug interactively to step through your R code to reproduce and fix the error.

tryCatchLog therefore has the feature to create a "memory" dump file that contains the workspace and in the variable "last.dump" the call stack produced by the R function "sys.frames".

Note: tryCatchLog does also allow you to write a memory dump for every catched error that did not stop the execution (to allow you to analyse the error later after the R script has finished).


  1. Wrap your R code with calls to tryCatchLog (or tryLog). If your R code does not yet use tryCatchLog it would be enough to add a single tryCatchLog call at the main level as long as you did not use any try or tryCatch calls that would catch and handle errors (so that tryCatchLog does not see your errors).

  2. Set the parameter write.error.dump.file to TRUE (or change the default value of this parameter globally via options("tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.file" = TRUE)) to enable a "memory" dump into a file if your R script throws an error that is catched by tryCatchLog.

  3. Run your code that produces an error

  4. Start a new R session on your local computer

  5. Load the dump file

    load("dump_20161016_164050.rda"  # replace the file name before! The file is contained in the log file in the logged error message!

    You can see now all the objects in the global workspace that existed when the error occured. You furthermore see a variable last.dump that was injected by tryCatchLog that contains the call stack and the variables visible within each function call.

  6. Start the debugger


    Note: The debugger does only allow you to examine the visible variables within the different call stack levels. You cannot step through the source code interactively.

    You will now see the error message and the full stack trace (list of function calls up to the point the error occured in your R script), e. g.:

    Message:  non-numeric argument to mathematical functionAvailable environments had calls:
    1: source("~/tryCatchLog/demo/tryCatchLog_demo.R", echo = TRUE)
    2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
    3: eval(ei, envir)
    4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
    5: tryCatchLog_demo.R#76: tryCatchLog(log("not a number!"), error = function(e) {
    6: tryCatchLog.R#250: tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
        call.stack <- sys.calls()
        log.message <- e$message
        if (dump.err
    7: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
    8: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
    9: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
    10: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {
        call.stack <- sys.calls()
        log.message <- e$message
        if (write.error.dump.file == TRUE) {
    11: .handleSimpleError(function (e) 
        call.stack <- sys.calls()
        log.message <- e$message
        if (write.error.dump.file == TRUE) {
    12: h(simpleError(msg, call))
    Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit  
    Selection: <Cursor is waiting for your input here>
  7. Walk through the call stack and examine the variable values

    You can now enter the number a number (and press ) to switch into the environment of a function call to see the visible variables in RStudio or by entering ls() in the console. By entering the variable name into the console you can see the current value.

    To go back to the call stack menu type "f" (= "finish") into the console at the Browse[1]> prompt and choose a new call stack environment.

    To learn more about the concept of an R environment you can read the excellent tutorial of Suraj Gupta:

  8. Identify reason for the error

    Since the call stack printed by debugger contains the source code file name and line number (if you enabled the keep.source option) you can narrow down the reason for the error and fix it.

Build the tryCatchLog package from source code using RStudio

If you want to inspect or modify the source code you should clone the project using RStudio IDE.

Clone the github repository:

Open the RStudio IDE and select the menu items

File > New Project... > Version Control > Git

Then enter

into the text field "Repository URL".

Build the tryCatchLog package

  • Open the included tryCatchLog.Rproj project file with the RStudio IDE

  • Increment the package's version number in the file DESCRIPTION (Attribute Version).

  • Choose Build > Test package and then Build < Check package and fix any error that occur.

  • Select the menu item Build > Build source package

The package installation file is now available in the parent folder of the project root folder.

Install the generated package on other computers

Copy the package file generated in the parent folder of the project on the target computer, start R and enter:

install.packages("../tryCatchLog_0.9.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")  # adjust the file name!

How can I contribute?

Everyone can help:

  • Write an issue to report bugs, suggest improvements and request new features
  • improves the unit tests (implemented with testthat)
  • helps programming (eg. send pull requests)
  • ...

To contribute code changes and extensions:

  • Fork this project ( A fork is a copy of a repository that allows you to experiment with changes without affecting the original repository.
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create a new Pull Request in github


Background on R condition handling

Logging packages


This code is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3

To get a quick overview over this license you can read A Quick Guide to GPLv3

Another good overview gives

Further links:


R code for better error handling incl. logging with a full (!) stack trace







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