Releases: 20tab/UnrealEnginePython
20180723 Binary Release
Android support
4.20 support
UStruct's are now passed by ref (you can use .clone() to make a value-based struct from a ref one)
Added is_loading_assets() and wait_for_assets()
Added on_main_frame_creation_finished() hook
20180630 Binary Release
added support for Python 3.7
animation api improvements
20180626 Binary Release
- added IAssetEditorInstance wrapper
20180624 Binary Release
Threading is now enabled by default.
Improved support for Qt4/Qt5/PySide2
Added KDop collision api
20180507 Binary Release
- Preliminary modularization of features (the first module is the Automation one)
- Improved foliage api
- fixed HTTP api
- improved asset renaming system
- added wrapper for FSlowTask
20180425 Binary Release
Greatly improved the memory management for both Slate and UObject
Fixed graphs generation (Blueprint, Materials, Animations....)
20180330 Binary Releases
- Added support for native array/pod properties
20180327 Binary Releases
4.19 Support
Improved Sequencer API
20180305 Binary Releases
Fixed subclassing api
Fixed UTF8_TO_TCHAR usage
added game_viewport_client_set_rendering_flag()
added get_matrix() to FTransform
20180226 Binary Releases
A new memory manager has been included that should improve memory usage as well as integration with the Unreal Engine GC
the ref() method has been added to struct to get a reference/pointer to the struct instead of a copy