I’m currently studying in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and I’m also working as a Software Developer in Dakar, Senegal.
I love to explore new technologies and leverage them to solve real-life problems
I'm always open to new ideas and opportunities.
const me = {
name: "Abdoul Aziz Dione",
from: "Dakar (Sénégal)",
education: {
UVS: "Bachelor in mathematics and computer science",
Sonatel Academy: "Web Developement"
job: "Full Stack Web Developer",
languages_and_Technologies: [Javascript, Ruby, Typescript, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, NodeJS],
frameworks_and_Libraries: [React, Angular, NestJS, Ruby on Rails, Nx, ExpressJS, Bootstrap, Tailwinds, Symfony, Flutter, Meterial UI, Wordpress Redux, Jest],
databases_and_Cloud_Hosting: [GitHub Pages, Heroku, Vercel, MySql, MongoDB],
sotfware_and_Tools: [Adobe, Vs Code, Git, Brave, Codepen, Postman, Stack Overflow, Docker, NPM, Yarn],
hobbies: ["Do-it-yourself", "Watching Anime", "Gaming"]
- 📫 How to reach me: abdoulazizdione1997@gmail.com;
- 📙 Check out my Resume;