Objective of the model is to create routes such that:
- Number of vehicles used are minimized
- Travel is minimized
- Cost of not-serving order is minimized
Subject to constraints such as:
- Different end times for vehicles
- Max waiting for vehicles
- Different start times for vehicles
- Different service times for vehicles
- Different travel times for vehicles
- Different capacity restrictions for vehicles
- Different max working hours for vehicles
- Time windows for orders
To run this Python program, please install ortools, csv, pandas, datetime, and logging libraries/packages.
More details in src/requirements.txt
All the code is in src folder. Input data (input excel file) used is in input folder. Output (csv and log file) from Optimizer is in output folder.
To run the code, please run routeOptimization.py (to run from cmd, please enter python.exe routeOptimization.py).