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The Cmfive site refresh

Now using Github pages powered by Jekyll (Commenced 2019)


  • All documentation can be truly open source - just like Cmfive
  • The site is only comprised of static components (HTML, CSS, JS) with no dynamic parts
    • The advantage of this is that there are minimal security risks
  • Hosting backed by Github
  • Versions of documents are maintained
    • Can be mapped to different versions of Cmfive through the use of branches
  • Editing documentation is much easier to do via the use of pull requests
  • Ongoing effort to update all of the Cmfive documentation and migrate it to this new set up
  • Support for local page development with Docker site hosting

To host this Jekyll repository locally with Docker:

  • Install Docker including Docker-Compose (at least version 2.1). Install VSCode & MS "Docker for Visual Studio Code" for easy Docker control without CLI.

  • Clone-or-pull-or-download this repository into a local file directory

  • Add your repository to a VSCode workspace, then apply Docker up/down/restart using context menu options by right-click on "docker-compose.yml"

  • or, from your local file directory, run "docker-compose up jekyll tlsproxy", and to quit run "docker-compose down"

    • The jekyll & tlsproxy services will serve pages locally
    • aim your browser at 'localhost:4001' to test pages by http
    • aim your browser at 'https://localhost:4002' to test by https
      • let your browser accept the self signed cert.
  • note:

    • "docker-compose up jekyll" can work alone, but exposes http:4000 only to Docker "doc_app_net"
    • alternate configurations can be made by declaring new services in "docker-compose.override.yml"
      • eg: uncomment example "httpsjekyll" which is declared per the command line example in general notes below
      • then: docker-compose up httpsjekyll
      • serves only https on localhost:4000, useful to check action of absolute links by site URL
      • or: uncomment example "builddocs" to build with fixed URLs for deployment
      • then: docker-compose up builddocs

General notes on Jekyll framework / implementation

Forty - Jekyll Theme

A Jekyll version of the "Forty" theme by HTML5 UP.

Forty Theme

How to Use

For those unfamiliar with how Jekyll works, check out for all the details, or read up on just the basics of front matter, writing posts, and creating pages.

  • GitLab: Simply fork this repository and start editing the _config.yml file!
  • GitHub: Fork this repository and create a branch named gh-pages, then start editing the _config.yml file.

Starting Jekyll locally

The config requires SSL be set up, you can comment out that line, or use mkcert to generate a local SSL cert then reference them, [with your own PATH_TO_] when you launch Jekyll:

$ jekyll serve --ssl-key [PATH_TO_localhost-key].pem --ssl-cert [PATH_TO_localhost].pem --trace --config=_config.yml,_config_development.yml

When launching, it's important to specify the --config option with reference to the _config_development.yml in addition to the base _config.yml file. This stops Jekyll setting the base URL to

Added Features

  • contact form integration - just add your email to the _config.yml and it works!
  • Use _config.yml to set whether the homepage tiles should pull pages or posts, as well as how many to display.
  • Add your social profiles easily in _config.yml. Only social profiles buttons you enter in config.yml show up on the site footer!
  • Set featured images in front matter.


If you would like to report a bug, ask a question, request a feature, feel free to do so on the GitLab repository and I will be more than happy to help!

Alternatively, you can open an issue via email by emailing incoming+andrewbanchich/

The GitHub repository is simply a mirror of the GitLab repository.


Original README from HTML5 UP:

Forty by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

This is Forty, my latest and greatest addition to HTML5 UP and, per its incredibly
creative name, my 40th (woohoo)! It's built around a grid of "image tiles" that are
set up to smoothly transition to secondary landing pages (for which a separate page
template is provided), and includes a number of neat effects (check out the menu!),
extra features, and all the usual stuff you'd expect. Hope you dig it!

Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images
you can use for pretty much whatever.

(* = not included)

AJ | @ajlkn


	Demo Images:
		Unsplash (

		Font Awesome (

		jQuery (
		html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
		background-size polyfill (
		Misc. Sass functions (@HugoGiraudel)
		Respond.js (
		Skel (

Repository Jekyll logo icon licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.