is a pure Swift library that allow you to download html contents and resume it without internet connection.
is also available through Swift Package Manager.
To install it, simply add the dependency to your Package.Swift file:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.0"),
targets: [
.target( name: "YourTarget", dependencies: ["mobile-offline-downloader-ios"]),
To use package you need to implement protocols for each type what you want to store and resume in offline.
First you need to implement OfflineStorageDataProtocol
to give mobile-offline-downloader-ios
package availability to save and resume data.
extension CustomType: OfflineStorageDataProtocol {
public static func fromOfflineModel(_ model: OfflineStorageDataModel) -> CustomType? {
// use this function to convert stored data to your type
public func toOfflineModel() -> OfflineStorageDataModel {
// use this function to convert your type to OfflineStorageDataModel
Then you need to implement OfflineDownloadHelperProtocol
to make package to know how to prepare data
extension CustomType: OfflineDownloadHelperProtocol {
public static func prepareForDownload(entry: OfflineDownloaderEntry) async throws {
// use this funtion to make calls to API and prepare `[OfflineDownloaderEntryPart]`
// to add html part use `addHtmlPart` method
entry?.addHtmlPart(fullHTML, baseURL: page?.html_url.absoluteString)
// to add a link to single file use `addURLPart`
You also can configure storage and downloaders with OfflineStorageConfig
and OfflineDownloaderConfig
let downloaderConfig = OfflineDownloaderConfig()
downloaderConfig.shouldCacheCSS = true
downloaderConfig.limitOfConcurrentDownloads = 3
Then you are ready to start download
let objectToSave = CustomType()
let data = OfflineStorageManager.shared.dataModel(for: objectToSave)
let entry = OfflineDownloaderEntry(dataModel: data, parts: [])
OfflineDownloadsManager.shared.addAndStart(entry: entry)