Library for interoperability between Autodesk Revit,Dynamo and XFEM4U(former Xframe3d)
XFEM4U is a 3D FEM-program for more information check:
Export a Revit-model to XFEM4U Import a Revit-model from XFEM4U
0.0.1 released on 26-03-2022.(new name)
0.0.2 released on 16-04-2022.(plates export included)
0.0.3 released on 02-05-2022(bugfixes)
Installation is possible via the dynamo built-in package manager. The name is 'Dyn2Calc.Struct4U'. Dyn2Calc.XFrame3d' is deprecated on 26-03-2022 due to the namechange of Xframe3D to XFEM4U in 2021.
The current nodes are tested with Revit 2022 and Dynamo 2.x It had not been tested with older or newer versions of Revit and Dynamo.
- Directory supportfiles contains files with families to use with the nodes and example files.
- Directory nodes contains the versions of the package and the actual nodes
- Project information
- Nodes, beams, columns, braces
- Grids X,Y,Z
- Recognition of steelsections with 4 different type of nameconventions.
- Recognition of rectangle concrete sections and wood sections
- Plates
- Rebar
- Buildup Sections
- Non rectangular concrete and wood sections
- Materials
- Supports
- Intelligent analytical node merging within a certain distance
- Steelconnections
- Recognize section location(top, middle, bottom, offset)
- Add GUID for element binding
- Grids X Y Z
- Nodes, beams, columns, braces
- All XML-information as lists in Dynamonodes
- Example of place piles based on support location
- Recognition of steelsections and load family into project
- Recognize section location(top, middle, bottom, offset)
- Plates(planar)
- Rebar
- Recognition of wood/concrete sections
- Buildup Sections
- Non rectangular concrete and wood sections
- Materials
- Intelligent analytical node merging
- Steelconnections
- Add GUID for element binding
They are based on a mapping table with 4 kind of sectionnames. The node looks to the typename of the Structural Column of Structural Framing and will try to match this with a Xframe Steelsection. If there is none the profile will be a HEM1000.
The dynamonode will look to a typename starting with a Abbrevation. By Example 'HB'. Within the family the 'Section Shape'-parameter should be used. The standard parameters 'Width' and 'Height' will be used to extract the width and the height of the section.
Same story as wood
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_ExportXML
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_ImportXML
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_Grids
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_SteelSectionsNames
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_SplitColumnsFramingsMaterial
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_Settings
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_LoadFamilies
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_PlaceSteelColumnsFramings
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_PlateToWallFloor
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_PlaceConcreteColumnsFramings
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_PlaceWoodColumnsFramings
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_Steelconnections
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_2DRebar
- Dyn2Calc_XFEM4U_3DRebar