This repo contains a curative list of NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting papers relating to SLAM/Robotics domain, inspired by Awesome-Implicit-NeRF-Robotics
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For an overview of NeRFs, checkout the Survey (Neural Volume Rendering: NeRF And Beyond and NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review), Blog post (NeRF Explosion 2020) and Collection (awesome-NeRF).
For an overview of 3D Gaussian Splatting papers, checkout the Repository (awesome-3D-gaussian-splatting).
- NeRF General Model
- Survey Paper
- Benchmarks
- Tutorials&Workshops
- Robotics
- Citation
- Acknowledgement
- NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis, ECCV, 2020. [Paper] [Tensorflow Code] [Webpage] [Video]
- ShAPO: Implicit Representations for Multi Object Shape Appearance and Pose Optimization, ECCV, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage] [Video]
- NCF: Neural Correspondence Field for Object Pose Estimation, ECCV, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage]
- Neural-Sim: Learning to Generate Training Data with NeRF, ECCV 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage]
- SNAKE: SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field, NeurIPS, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
- NeRF-RPN: A general framework for object detection in NeRFs, PR, 2022. [Paper] [Video]
- nerf2nerf: Pairwise Registration of Neural Radiance Fields, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage] [Dataset]
- iNeRF: Inverting Neural Radiance Fields for Pose Estimation, IROS, 2021. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website] [Dataset]
- Point-NeRF: Point-based Neural Radiance Fields, CVPR, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website]
- Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields, ICCV, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Video]
- Mip-NeRF 360: Unbounded Anti-Aliased Neural Radiance Fields, CVPR, 2022. [Paper] [JAX Code] [Website] [Dataset] [Video]
- F2-NeRF: Fast Neural Radiance Field Training with Free Camera Trajectories, CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website] [Dataset]
- 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering, SIGGRAPH, 2023. [Paper] [Website]
- 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields, SIGGRAPH, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- Mip-splatting: Alias-free 3d gaussian splatting, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2024. [Paper]
- Neural Fields in Robotics: A Survey, arXiv, 2024.[Paper]
- NeRF in Robotics: A Survey, arXiv, 2024.[Paper]
- Customizable Perturbation Synthesis for Robust SLAM Benchmarking, arXiv, 2024.[Paper]
- Benchmarking Implicit Neural Representation and Geometric Rendering in Real-Time RGB-D SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Benchmarking Neural Radiance Fields for Autonomous Robots: An Overview, arXiv, 2024.[Paper]
- From Perfect to Noisy World Simulation: Customizable Embodied Multi-modal Perturbations for SLAM Robustness Benchmarking, arXiv, 2024.[Paper] [Code]
- Evaluating Modern Approaches in 3D Scene Reconstruction: NeRF vs Gaussian-Based Methods, arXiv, 2024.[Paper]
- NeRF and Gaussian Splatting SLAM in the Wild, arXiv, 2024.[Paper] [Code]
- NeuralRecon: Real-Time Coherent 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video, CVPR, 2021.[Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website]
- Di-fusion: Online implicit 3d reconstruction with deep priors, CVPR, 2021.[Paper] [Pytorch Code]
- iSDF: Real-Time Neural Signed Distance Fields for Robot Perception, RSS, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website]
- LENS: LENS: Localization enhanced by NeRF synthesis, CoRL, 2021. [Paper] [Video]
- NICE-SLAM: Neural Implicit Scalable Encoding for SLAM, CVPR, 2021. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website]
- iMAP: Implicit Mapping and Positioning in Real-Time, ICCV, 2021. [Paper] [Website] [Video]
- BNV-Fusion: BNV-Fusion: Dense 3D Reconstruction using Bi-level Neural Volume Fusion, CVPR, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
- NeRF-SLAM: Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM with Neural Radiance Fields, IROS, 2023. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Video]
- Nerfels: Renderable Neural Codes for Improved Camera Pose Estimation, CVPR 2022 Workshop. [Paper]
- SDF-based RGB-D Camera Tracking in Neural Scene Representations, ICRA Workshop, 2022. [Paper]
- Orbeez-SLAM: A Real-time Monocular Visual SLAM with ORB Features and NeRF-realized Mapping, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Video] [Code]
- ESLAM: Efficient Dense SLAM System Based on Hybrid Representation of Signed Distance Fields, CVPR, 2023. [Paper]
- Vox-Fusion: Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation, ISMAR, 2022. [Paper] [Website] [Pytorch Code] [Video]
- Visual-Inertial Odometry Priors for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields, ICCAS, 2022. [Paper]
- Feature-Realistic Neural Fusion for Real-Time, Open Set Scene Understanding, ICRA, 2022. [Paper] [Website] [Video]
- Towards Open World NeRF-Based SLAM, CRV, 2023. [Paper]
- Dense RGB SLAM with Neural Implicit Maps, ICLR, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code] [Video]
- vMAP: Vectorised Object Mapping for Neural Field SLAM, CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Pytorch Code] [Video]
- NICER-SLAM: Neural Implicit Scene Encoding for RGB SLAM, 3DV 2024. [Paper] [Video]
- Implicit Map Augmentation for Relocalization, ECCV Workshop, 2022. [Paper]
- Uni-Fusion: Universal Continuous Mapping, TRO, 2023.[Paper] [Code] [Website]
- NEWTON: Neural View-Centric Mapping for On-the-Fly Large-Scale SLAM, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- Point-SLAM: Dense Neural Point Cloud-based SLAM, ICCV, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- RO-MAP: Real-Time Multi-Object Mapping with Neural Radiance Fields, RAL, 2023. [Paper] [Code] [Video]
- Co-SLAM: Joint Coordinate and Sparse Parametric Encodings for Neural Real-Time SLAM, CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Website]
- Neural Implicit Dense Semantic SLAM, arXiv, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- FMapping: Factorized Efficient Neural Field Mapping for Real-Time Dense RGB SLAM, arXiv, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- UncLe-SLAM: Uncertainty Learning for Dense Neural SLAM, ICCVw, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- iMODE:Real-Time Incremental Monocular Dense Mapping Using Neural Field, ICRA, 2023. [Paper]
- NISB-Map: Scalable Mapping With Neural Implicit Spatial Block, RAL, 2023. [Paper]
- RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field, WACV, 2024. [Paper]
- Efficient Map Fusion for Multiple Implicit SLAM Agents, TIV, 2023. [Paper]
- MIPS-Fusion: Multi-Implicit-Submaps for Scalable and Robust Online Neural RGB-D Reconstruction, TOG, 2023. [Paper]
- GO-SLAM: Global Optimization for Consistent 3D Instant Reconstruction, ICCV, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- End-to-End RGB-D SLAM with Multi-MLPs Dense Neural Implicit Representations, RAL, 2023. [Paper]
- DynaMoN: Motion-Aware Fast And Robust Camera Localization for Dynamic NeRF, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- HI-SLAM: Monocular Real-time Dense Mapping with Hybrid Implicit Fields, RAL, 2023. [Paper]
- CP-SLAM: Collaborative Neural Point-based SLAM, NeurIPS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Learning Neural Implicit through Volume Rendering with Attentive Depth Fusion Priors, NeurIPS, 2023. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- NGEL-SLAM: Neural Implicit Representation-based Global Consistent Low-Latency SLAM System, ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- SNI-SLAM: Semantic Neural Implicit SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Implicit Event-RGBD Neural SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper]
- DNS SLAM: Dense Neural Semantic-Informed SLAM, IROS, 2024. [Paper] Code]
- PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local to Global Bundle Adjustment, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- NeRF-VO: Real-Time Sparse Visual Odometry with Neural Radiance Fields, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- Ternary-type Opacity and Hybrid Odometry for RGB-only NeRF-SLAM, IROS, 2024. [Paper]
- DN-SLAM: A Visual SLAM with ORB Features and NeRF Mapping in Dynamic Environments, Sensors, 2023. [Paper]
- NID-SLAM: Neural Implicit Representation-based RGB-D SLAM in dynamic environments, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- DDN-SLAM: Real-time Dense Dynamic Neural Implicit SLAM with Joint Semantic Encoding, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Hi-Map: Hierarchical Factorized Radiance Field for High-Fidelity Monocular Dense Mapping, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- NeuV-SLAM: Fast Neural Multiresolution Voxel Optimization for RGBD Dense SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Structerf-SLAM: Neural implicit representation SLAM for structural environments, Computers & Graphics, 2024. [Paper]
- Loopy-SLAM: Dense Neural SLAM with Loop Closures, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Q-SLAM: Quadric Representations for Monocular SLAM, CoRL, 2024. [Paper]
- DVN-SLAM: Dynamic Visual Neural SLAM Based on Local-Global Encoding, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- H3-Mapping: Quasi-Heterogeneous Feature Grids for Real-time Dense Mapping Using Hierarchical Hybrid Representation, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Vox-Fusion++: Voxel-based Neural Implicit Dense Tracking and Mapping with Multi-maps, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- MUTE-SLAM: Real-Time Neural SLAM with Multiple Tri-Plane Hash Representations, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- GlORIE-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only Implicit Encoding Point Cloud SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Efficient 3D Instance Mapping and Localization with Neural Fields, ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- NeSLAM: Neural Implicit Mapping and Self-Supervised Feature Tracking With Depth Completion and Denoising, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- KN-SLAM: Keypoints and Neural Implicit Encoding SLAM, TIM, 2024. [Paper]
- SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping, CVPRw, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- EC-SLAM: Real-time Dense Neural RGB-D SLAM System with Effectively Constrained Global Bundle Adjustment, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- S3-SLAM: Sparse Tri-plane Encoding for Neural Implicit SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- DF-SLAM: Neural Feature Rendering Based on Dictionary Factors Representation for High-Fidelity Dense Visual SLAM System, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Neural Graph Mapping for Dense SLAM with Efficient Loop Closure, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- VPE-SLAM: Neural Implicit Voxel-Permutohedral Encoding for SLAM, ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- ONeK-SLAM: A Robust Object-Level Dense SLAM Based on Joint Neural Radiance Fields and Keypoints, ICRA 2024. [Paper]
- HERO-SLAM: Hybrid Enhanced Robust Optimization of Neural SLAM, ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- NeB-SLAM: Neural Blocks-based Salable RGB-D SLAM for Unknown Scenes, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- ENeRF-SLAM:A Dense Endoscopic SLAM With Neural Implicit Representation, TMRB, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- IBD-SLAM: Learning Image-Based Depth Fusion for Generalizable SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- RoDyn-SLAM: Robust Dynamic Dense RGB-D SLAM with Neural Radiance Fields, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- MoD-SLAM: Monocular Dense Mapping for Unbounded 3D Scene Reconstruction, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- Evaluating geometric accuracy of NeRF reconstructions compared to SLAM method, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- I2-SLAM: Inverting Imaging Process for Robust Photorealistic Dense SLAM, ECCV, 2024. [Paper]
- An Artificial-Intelligence-based SLAM Processor with Scene-adaptive Sampling and Hybrid NeRF Model Training Acceleration, TCASAI, 2024. [Paper]
- TivNe-SLAM: Dynamic Mapping and Tracking via Time-Varying Neural Radiance Fields, IROS, 2024. [Paper]
- NIS-SLAM: Neural Implicit Semantic RGB-D SLAM for 3D Consistent Scene Understanding, TVCG, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- DDS-SLAM: Dense Semantic Neural SLAM for Deforming Endoscopic Scenes, IROS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- FI-SLAM: Feature Fusion and Instance Reconstruction for Neural Implicit SLAM, IROS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- LCP-Fusion: A Neural Implicit SLAM with Enhanced Local Constraints and Computable Prior, IROS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- NF-SLAM: Effective, Normalizing Flow-supported Neural Field representations for object-level visual SLAM in automotive applications, IROS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- EvenNICER-SLAM: Event-based Neural Implicit Encoding SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- NVINS: Robust Visual Inertial Navigation Fused with NeRF-augmented Camera Pose Regressor and Uncertainty Quantification, IROS, 2024. [Paper]
- Optimizing NeRF-based SLAM with Trajectory Smoothness Constraints, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- LRSLAM: Low-rank Representation of Signed Distance Fields in Dense Visual SLAM System, ECCV, 2024. [Paper]
- Bridging the Gap Between Explicit and Implicit Representations: Cross-Data Association for VSLAM, TITS, 2024. [Paper]
- DNIV-SLAM: Neural Implicit Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments, PRCV, 2024. [Paper]
- Improved End-to-End Multilevel NeRF-Based Dense RGB-D SLAM, PRCV, 2024. [Paper]
- MBA-SLAM: Motion Blur Aware Dense Visual SLAM with Radiance Fields Representation, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Uni-SLAM: Uncertainty-Aware Neural Implicit SLAM for Real-Time Dense Indoor Scene Reconstruction, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- iS-MAP: Neural Implicit Mapping and Positioning for Structural Environments, ACCV, 2024. [Paper]
- Enhancing Neural Implicit Representation-Based SLAM Performance through Depth Image Smoothing Utilizing Gradient-Aware Depth, ICCAS, 2024. [Paper]
- Query Quantized Neural SLAM, AAAI, 2025. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Hierarchical Pose Estimation and Mapping with Multi-scale Neural Feature Fields, IRC, 2024. [Paper]
- Mee-SLAM: Memory efficient endoscopic RGB SLAM with implicit scene representation, Expert Systems with Applications, 2025. [Paper]
- Bayesian NeRF: Quantifying Uncertainty with Volume Density for Neural Implicit Fields, RAL, 2025. [Paper]
- SP-SLAM: Neural Real-Time Dense SLAM With Scene Priors, TCSVT, 2025. [Paper]
- SLC2-SLAM: Semantic-guided Loop Closure with Shared Latent Code for NeRF SLAM, arXiv, 2025. [Paper]
- HI-SLAM: Hierarchical implicit neural representation for SLAM, Expert Systems with Applications, 2025. [Paper]
- FND-SLAM: A SLAM system using feature points and NeRF in dynamic environments based on RGB-D sensors, Sensors, 2025. [Paper]
- SHINE-Mapping: Large-Scale 3D Mapping Using Sparse Hierarchical Implicit Neural Representations, ICRA, 2022. [Paper] [Code]
- IR-MCL: Implicit Representation-based Online Global Localization, RAL, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- Efficient Implicit Neural Reconstruction Using LiDAR, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code] [Video]
- NeRF-LOAM: Neural Implicit Representation for Large-Scale Incremental LiDAR Odometry and Mapping, ICCV, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
- NF-Atlas: Multi-Volume Neural Feature Fields for Large Scale LiDAR Mapping, RAL, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- Accurate Implicit Neural Mapping with More Compact Representation in Large-scale Scenes Using Ranging Data, RAL, 2023. [Paper]
- LONER: LiDAR Only Neural Representations for Real-Time SLAM, RAL, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- PIN-SLAM: LiDAR SLAM Using a Point-Based Implicit Neural Representation for Achieving Global Map Consistency, TRO, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Towards Large-Scale Incremental Dense Mapping using Robot-centric Implicit Neural Representation, ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Video]
- TNDF-Fusion: Implicit Truncated Neural Distance Field for LiDAR Dense Mapping and Localization in Large Urban Environments, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- Neural Implicit Representation for Highly Dynamic LiDAR Mapping and Odometry, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Multi-Agent Neural SLAM for Autonomous Robots, IROSw, 2024. [Paper]
- A Probabilistic Formulation of LiDAR Mapping with Neural Radiance Fields, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- INF-SLiM: Large-scale Implicit Neural Fields for Semantic LiDAR Mapping of Embodied AI Agents, 2025. [Paper]
- Multi-Modal Neural Radiance Field for Monocular Dense SLAM with a Light-Weight ToF Sensor, ICCV, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- NeuRSS: Enhancing AUV Localization and Bathymetric Mapping with Neural Rendering for Sidescan SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Rapid-Mapping: LiDAR-Visual Implicit Neural Representations for Real-Time Dense Mapping, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Neural Surface Reconstruction and Rendering for LiDAR-Visual Systems, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Monocular thermal SLAM with neural radiance fields for 3D scene reconstruction, Neurocomputing, 2024. [Paper]
- GS-SLAM: Dense Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Photo-SLAM: Real-time Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- Gaussian Splatting SLAM, CVPR, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Gaussian-SLAM: Photo-realistic Dense SLAM with Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2023. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- SGS-SLAM: Semantic Gaussian Splatting For Neural Dense SLAM, ECCV, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- SemGauss-SLAM: Dense Semantic Gaussian Splatting SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting For Dense Visual SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- NEDS-SLAM: A Novel Neural Explicit Dense Semantic SLAM Framework using 3D Gaussian Splatting, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- High-Fidelity SLAM Using Gaussian Splatting with Rendering-Guided Densification and Regularized Optimization, IROS, 2024. [Paper]
- RGBD GS-ICP SLAM, ECCV, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Video]
- EndoGSLAM: Real-Time Dense Reconstruction and Tracking in Endoscopic Surgeries using Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertainty-aware 3D Gaussian Field, ECCV, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale using Gaussian Splatting, SIGGRAPH, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- MotionGS : Compact Gaussian Splatting SLAM by Motion Filter, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- Monocular Gaussian SLAM with Language Extended Loop Closure, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Splat-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only SLAM with 3D Gaussians, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Code Google Version]
- MG-SLAM: Structure Gaussian SLAM with Manhattan World Hypothesis, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- TAMBRIDGE: Bridging Frame-Centered Tracking and 3D Gaussian Splatting for Enhanced SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- GS3LAM: Gaussian Semantic Splatting SLAM, MM, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- IG-SLAM: Instant Gaussian SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Towards Real-Time Gaussian Splatting: Accelerating 3DGS through Photometric SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Primitives and Depth Priors Enabling Novel View Synthesis, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- LoopSplat: Loop Closure by Registering 3D Gaussian Splats, , arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- GSFusion: Online RGB-D Mapping Where Gaussian Splatting Meets TSDF Fusion, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- OG-Mapping: Octree-based Structured 3D Gaussians for Online Dense Mapping, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- UDGS-SLAM: UniDepth Assisted Gaussian Splatting for Monocular SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- GEVO: Memory-Efficient Monocular Visual Odometry Using Gaussians, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- GLC-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Efficient Loop Closure, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Hi-SLAM: Scaling-up Semantics in SLAM with a Hierarchically Categorical Gaussian Splatting, ICRA, 2025. [Paper]
- MGSO: Monocular Real-time Photometric SLAM with Efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Go-SLAM: Grounded Object Segmentation and Localization with Gaussian Splatting SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- CaRtGS: Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Robust Gaussian Splatting SLAM by Leveraging Loop Closure, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- ES-Gaussian: Gaussian Splatting Mapping via Error Space-Based Gaussian Completion, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- GS-EVT: Cross-Modal Event Camera Tracking based on Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- GSORB-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM benefits from ORB features and Transmittance information, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- DG-SLAM: Robust Dynamic Gaussian Splatting SLAM with Hybrid Pose Optimization, NeurIPS, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- AG-SLAM: Active Gaussian Splatting SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- DGS-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM in Dynamic Environment, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- MonoGS++: Fast and Accurate Monocular RGB Gaussian SLAM, BMCV, 2024. [Paper-TODO]
- OVO-SLAM: Open-Vocabulary Online Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- Gassidy: Gaussian Splatting SLAM in Dynamic Environments, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- PG-SLAM: Photo-realistic and Geometry-aware RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- MAGiC-SLAM: Multi-Agent Gaussian Globally Consistent SLAM, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- DROID-Splat: Combining end-to-end SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- HI-SLAM2: Geometry-Aware Gaussian SLAM for Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- FlashSLAM: Accelerated RGB-D SLAM for Real-Time 3D Scene Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- RGBDS-SLAM: A RGB-D Semantic Dense SLAM Based on 3D Multi Level Pyramid Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- GauSPU: 3D Gaussian Splatting Processor for Real-Time SLAM Systems, MICRO, 2024. [Paper]
- RP-SLAM: Real-time Photorealistic SLAM with Efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- NFL-BA: Improving Endoscopic SLA M with Near-Field Light Bundle Adjustment, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- MGS-SLAM: Monocular Sparse Tracking and Gaussian Mapping with Depth Smooth Regularization, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- PanoSLAM: Panoptic 3D Scene Reconstruction via Gaussian SLAM, arXiv, 2025. [Paper] [Code]
- Scaffold-SLAM: Structured 3D Gaussians for Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping, arXiv, 2025. [Paper]
- VINGS-Mono: Visual-Inertial Gaussian Splatting Monocular SLAM in Large Scenes, arXiv, 2025. [Paper] [Website]
- VIGS SLAM: IMU-based Large-Scale 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM, arXiv, 2025. [Paper]
- LIV-GaussMap: LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Fusion for Real-time 3D Radiance Field Map Rendering, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- HGS-Mapping: Online Dense Mapping Using Hybrid Gaussian Representation in Urban Scenes, RAL, 2024. [Paper]
- MM3DGS SLAM: Multi-modal 3D Gaussian Splatting for SLAM Using Vision, Depth, and Inertial Measurements, IROS, 2024. [Paper] [Website] [Code]
- MM-Gaussian: 3D Gaussian-based Multi-modal Fusion for Localization and Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes, IROS, 2024. [Paper]
- Gaussian-LIC: Photo-realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Camera SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- LI-GS: Gaussian Splatting with LiDAR Incorporated for Accurate Large-Scale Reconstruction, RAL, 2024. [Paper] [Website]
- GS-LIVM: Real-Time Photo-Realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Mapping with Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- LVI-GS: Tightly-coupled LiDAR-Visual-Inertial SLAM using 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- LiV-GS: LiDAR-Vision Integration for 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM in Outdoor Environments, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]
- SplatMAP: Online Dense Monocular SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2025. [Paper]
- GS-LIVO: Real-Time LiDAR, Inertial, and Visual Multi-sensor Fused Odometry with Gaussian Mapping, arXiv, 2025. [Paper] [Code]
- MAC-Ego3D: Multi-Agent Gaussian Consensus for Real-Time Collaborative Ego-Motion and Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction, arXiv, 2024. [Paper] [Code]
- HAMMER: Heterogeneous, Multi-Robot Semantic Gaussian Splatting, arXiv, 2025. [Paper] [Website]
- Ditto: Building Digital Twins of Articulated Objects from Interaction, CVPR, 2022. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Relational-NDF:SE(3)-Equivariant Relational Rearrangement with Neural Descriptor Fields, CoRL 2022. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Neural Descriptor Fields:SE(3)-Equivariant Object Representations for Manipulation, ICRA, 2022. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- Reinforcement Learning with Neural Radiance Fields, NeurIPS, 2022. [Paper] [Website]
- Neural Motion Fields: Encoding Grasp Trajectories as Implicit Value Functions, RSS 2022. [Paper] [Video]
- Grasping Field: Learning Implicit Representations for Human Grasps, 3DV 2020. [Paper] [Code] [Video]
- Dex-NeRF: Using a Neural Radiance Field to Grasp Transparent Objects, CoRL, 2021. [Paper] [Website]
- NeRF-Supervision: Learning Dense Object Descriptors from Neural Radiance Fields, ICRA, 2022. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- GIGA: Synergies Between Affordance and Geometry: 6-DoF Grasp Detection via Implicit Representations, RSS, 2021. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
- NeuralGrasps: Learning Implicit Representations for Grasps of Multiple Robotic Hands, CoRL, 2022. [Paper] [Website]
- ObjectFolder: A Dataset of Objects with Implicit Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Representations, CoRL, 2021. [Paper] [Code] [Website]
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title = {awesome-NeRF-and-3DGS-SLAM},
author = {Dong Li},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2022},
note = "[Online; accessed 08-December-2022]"
We would like to express our appreciation for the repository cited in the paper:
- How NeRFs and 3D Gaussian Splatting are Reshaping SLAM: a Survey, arXiv, 2024. [Paper]