Core components for SobaScript. Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language.
-- #SobaScript
Licensed under the MIT License
Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Denis Kuzmin < > GitHub/3F
[ ☕ Donate ]
SobaScript.Z.Core contributors:
Supports composite conditions with limited short-circuit evaluation (separately for all brackets)
Additional Operators:
===, !==, ~=, ==, !=, >=, <=, !, >, <, ^=, =^
#[( #[var count] > 10 || ($(isAllow) && !false) ) {
#[($(Configuration) ~= Deb && $(count) > 10 || $(Configuration) == "Release" ) {
#[( (1 < 2 && 2 == 2 && ( true || ((false || 2 >= 2) && (1 > 7 && true)))) )
#[( #[var count] > 10 || ($(isAllow) && !false) ) {
#[( !(1 > 2) ) {
is greater
Through E-MSBuild
#[var revBuild = #[$(
Through Varhead.
#[var name = mixed value]
#[var name]
#[var branchSha1 = #[IO sout("git", "rev-parse --short HEAD")]]
Unset variable:
#[var -name]
Default value for variable:
#[var +name]
Protects from errors in try{...} block and handles it in catch{...}
catch(err, msg)
$(err) - Type of Exception
$(msg) - Error Message
#[IO copy.file("notreal.file", "artefact.t1", false)]
catch(err, msg)
#[($(err) == System.IO.FileNotFoundException) {
#[OWP item("-Build-").writeLine(true): Found error #[$(msg)]]
#[try {
#[Box data.pack("header", false):
}catch{ }]
" Description 1 "
" Description 2 "
#[" Example "]
Container of data for operations such for templating, repeating, etc.
#[Box iterate(i = 0; $(i) < 10; i += 1):
#[Box operators.sleep(250)]
#[Box repeat($(i) < 10; true):
#[File append("test.txt"):
$(i = $([MSBuild]::Add($(i), 1)))
#[Box repeat($(flag)): ...]
#[Box iterate(; $(flag); ): ...]
#[try {
#[Box data.pack("header", false):
#[$(data = "Hello $(user) !")]
#[File appendLine("$(fname)"): ------ #[$(data)] ------ ]
}catch{ }]
#[$(fname = 'f1.txt')]
#[$(user = 'UserA')]
#[Box data.get("header", true)]
#[$(user = 'UserB')]
#[Box data.get("header", true)]
------ Hello UserA ! ------
------ Hello UserB ! ------