Stamper is an automated tool written in Python3 to automate the process of discovering and attacking HTTP-Auth Verb Tampering vulnerability in Web-Applications running HTTP-Auth Protocol, such as routers or admin panels written by 3vil.Tux for Web Pentesters, Security Consultants and Web Developers looking forward testing their to security and reliability efficiently with a reliable result and tool.
For legal, ethical and educational purposes, all users using Stamper for any reasons, context or situations agrees to the following:
The usage of Stamper on any devices, networks or hosts with no legal permission(s) is stricly illegal!
Stamper was made for ethical and educational purposes and to provide a PoC for the lack of security in HTTP-Auth.
It also means any crimes hold against the user is not the responsability of the tool nor its creator but the user only.
Python version 3.x is required in order to run Stamper.
Clone/Download Stamper by using Git command-line tool:
git clone
cd Stamper
sudo python3
Stamper used against a vulnerable HTTP-Auth Verb Tampering challenge.