42AI's repository for the AlphaPilot challenge.
To run our navigation algorithms and display the results in the FlightGoggles simulation, you need to setup a p3.2xlarge
AWS instance and stream the output to your local machine.
A detailed tutorial is available in the aws_scripts folder of this repo, and will help you perform this setup.
The first technical test of the AlphaPilot challenge (Test2) consists in developing a drone racing gate detection algorithm. The code and implementation details of our model are available in the gate_detection folder of this repository.
The second test of the AlphaPilot challenge (Test3) consists in developing an autonomous navigation algorithm. The code and implementation details of our model are available in the route_planner folder of this repository.
- Tristan Deborde (tdeborde@student.42.fr)
- Maxime Choulika (maxime@42ai.fr)
- Baptiste Lefeuvre (blefeuvr@student.42.fr)