- Here you can find the website design in Figma.
- This website was built using Gatsby.js and Styled Components.
- All the website information is stored in YML files inside ./src/data.
- Gatsby.js
- Styled Components
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Copy Environment File: Create a local environment file by copying the example file.
cp -n .env.example .env.development || true
Install Node Version Manager (NVM): If you don't have NVM installed, follow the instructions here.
Install Node.js Version 18: Use NVM to install Node.js version 18.
nvm install v18
- Set Default Node.js Version: Set Node.js version 18 as the default version.
nvm alias default v18
- Use Node.js Version 18: Switch to using Node.js version 18.
nvm use v18
- Install Dependencies: Install the project dependencies.
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- Run the Project: Start the project.
npm run start
Test SEO best practice and YML format and rules:
$ node ./src/test/test.seo.yml
$ node ./src/test/test.yml.yml
You can create bloposts redirects:
$ node ./src/utils/create_redirects.js