Just simple of NTI Flutter Starter
Introducing the NTI Flutter Starter - a simple and efficient starting point for your Flutter projects. This starter kit comes with pre-configured boilerplate code, follows industry-standard best practices, and offers a clean project structure to make navigating your codebase easy.
Follow these simple steps to use this template.
- Click on the "Use this template" button.
- Select "Create a new repository".
- Enter a name for your repository.
- Choose whether to make it public or private.
- Click on the "Create repository" button.
- Navigate to the newly created repository.
- Clone the repository to your local machine by run this command
. - Open your project directory and run this command
flutter pub get
- if it can't be in
flutter pub get
, try updating your flutterflutter upgrade
andflutter precache
- build_runner command :
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- with listen can use
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
- build Apk command:
flutter build apk --release -t lib/main_prod.dart
for release apkflutter build apk --debug -t lib/main_dev.dart
for debug apk
Dependency | Documentation |
cupertino_icons (version ^1.0.5) | Link |
google_fonts (version ^5.1.0) | Link |
image_picker (version ^1.0.1) | Link |
file_picker (version ^5.3.2) | Link |
auto_route (version ^7.7.1) | Link |
bloc | Link |
bloc_concurrency | Link |
flutter_bloc | Link |
dio (version ^5.3.0) | Link |
dio_http2_adapter (version ^2.3.1) | Link |
pretty_dio_logger (version ^1.3.1) | Link |
equatable (version ^2.0.5) | Link |
freezed_annotation (version ^2.4.1) | Link |
json_annotation (version ^4.8.1) | Link |
injectable (version ^2.1.2) | Link |
get_it (version ^7.6.0) | Link |
geolocator (version ^9.0.2) | Link |
geocoding (version ^2.1.0) | Link |
reactive_forms (version ^16.0.2) | Link |
reactive_pinput (version ^1.0.0) | Link |
cached_network_image (version ^3.2.3) | Link |
flutter_svg (version ^2.0.7) | Link |
dartz (version ^0.10.1) | Link |
velocity_x (version ^4.1.0) | Link |
permission_handler (version ^10.4.3) | Link |
flutter_secure_storage (version ^8.0.0) | Link |
logger (version ^1.4.0) | Link |
internet_connection_checker_plus (version ^2.0.0) | Link |
adaptive_sizer | Link |
intl (version ^0.18.1) | Link |
stream_transform (version ^2.1.0) | Link |
flavor (version ^2.0.0) | Link |
shimmer (version ^3.0.0) | Link |
lecle_downloads_path_provider (version ^0.0.2+8) | Link |